
作者&投稿:守试 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



  UP, Pixar's latest animated feature, is just delightful. But how do you go about extolling the movie's virtues without giving away its surprises? Like the kid at the beginning of the movie, you don't try to conquer the immovable force; you work around it.

  The one clue I can give away – because it's the movie's heavily hyped premise – is that Carl Fredrickson, a gruffy old widower (voiced with gruffy old charm by Ed Asner), miraculously inflates enough balloons to use his house as an aircraft. Soon, he finds himself reluctantly sharing his ride with a short-attention-spanned kid named Russell.

  I'll also mention a couple of other items that can gauge your potential interest in the movie. One is a gag that is a take-off on a famous painting – perhaps too inside of an inside joke, but typical of Pixar's cheery attempts to appeal to viewers of all ages.

  Also, part of the plot involves Carl's long-held wish to meet a Lindbergh-type adventurer named Charles Muntz (Christopher Plummer!). This is another in-joke that's even vaguer than the first one. Cartoon historians know that Walt Disney started in the cartoon biz by creating Oswald the Rabbit for producer Charles Mintz, who then greedily stole the rights to Disney's creation. This gives you a pretty good idea where the ostensible hero Muntz stands in the scheme of things.

  Beyond that, I can only offer you some enticing clues about the characters. There's a dog who's the leader of his pack and in menacing beyond measure, until he opens his mouth and gets one of the movie's biggest laughs. There's a huge, awkward bird that is a big laugh-getter at first. Then she becomes a real enough character that – at least in the audience I was in – when she's injured, she elicits screams of fright worthy of Bambi's late mother.

  There's surprising, heartfelt emotion, vivid imagery (you can almost touch the landscapes and skies), and a music score by Michael Giacchino that's practically a character in the movie – particularly in a thoughtful montage that takes Carl from childhood to widowhood.

  There aren't many (or at least not enough) live-action movies that are engrossing as this cartoon. Pixar Studios has gotten to be one of those movie icons that shouldn't even have to deliver a premise to get funded anymore. The moneymen should just shut up, hand over the money, and trust they'll get a product that will appeal to everyone.

  UP is only the second Pixar feature to get a PG rating, only for mildly intense imagery and action – nothing off-color in the least. Again, if you can handle "Bambi," this film should be a breeze.



The film selected the elderly, children and dogs as three elements that symbolize peace and purity in any cultural background, and designed them an adventure that has nothing to do with big cities and modernization and is close to fairy tales.  


In fact, the theme of the film does not have much breakthrough. The loneliness of city people, their persistence in dreams and their love for nature.


Carl is an old man with a strange temper and a child as fat as a ball, ronaldinho, looks silly.  The main line of " Flying House" is not complicated, but it has its own unique place.


For example, it took nearly 20 minutes at the beginning of the film to describe how Carl and Ellie got to know each other, fell in love with each other and stayed together until they reached old age.


Except for the childhood when Ellie and Carl showed their personalities, there was almost no dialogue, that is, they were so close to perfect " the process of accompanying you to grow old slowly" that emotions came silently without words stirring up.


However, the creator did not change a place with one shot. This seemingly unrelated memory became Carl's biggest motivation to create a flying house and even reshape himself, and repeatedly pushed forward the plot transition at several key points. 


The main character's design also has small surprises. Carl is not a kind-hearted grandfather. He is somewhat eccentric and violent in order to protect his wife's belongings.


The child ronaldinho is as fat as a ball. he looks silly and talks a lot of nonsense. these details, which contradict the conservative aesthetic view, have repeatedly erupted into comedy sparks. 


in addition, Pixar's striking supporting role continues to explode into comedy skills. the design of the talking dog group best reflects Pixar's small ingenuity.








Up is a 2009 American computer-animated comedy-adventure film produced by Pixar, distributed by Walt Disney Pictures and presented in Disney Digital 3-D. The film premiered on May 29, 2009 in North America and opened the 2009 Cannes Film Festival, becoming the first animated and 3D film to do so.[3] The film was director Pete Docter's second film, the first being 2001's Monsters, Inc., and features the voices of Edward Asner, Christopher Plummer, Bob Peterson, and Jordan Nagai. It is Pixar's tenth feature film and the studio's first to be presented in Disney Digital 3-D,[4] and is accompanied in theaters and DVD releases by the short film Partly Cloudy.[5]
电影由华特迪士尼影业发行,曾於纽约Comic-Con展试映前45分钟,获得好评如流。受邀为第62届坎城影展开幕片,首部担任坎城开幕片的3D动画片。[1]本片在北美2009年5月29日正式公开首映。 本片入围奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳动画片等奖项,成为继美女与野兽之後的第二部入围最佳影片的动画片。

Young Carl Fredricksen is a shy, quiet boy who idolizes renowned explorer Charles F. Muntz. He is saddened to learn, however, that Muntz has been accused of fabricating the skeleton of a giant bird he had claimed to have discovered in Paradise Falls, South America. Muntz vows to return there to capture one alive. One day, Carl befriends an energetic and somewhat eccentric tomboy named Ellie, who is also a Muntz fan. She confides to Carl her desire to move her "clubhouse"—an abandoned house in the neighborhood—to a cliff overlooking Paradise Falls, making him promise to help her. Carl and Ellie eventually get married and grow old together in the restored house, working as a toy balloon vendor and a zookeeper, respectively. Unable to have children, they repeatedly pool their savings for a trip to Paradise Falls, but end up spending it on more pressing needs. An elderly Carl finally arranges for the trip, but Ellie suddenly becomes ill and dies, leaving him alone.
Some time later, Carl still lives in the house, now surrounded by urban development, but he refuses to sell. He ends up injuring a construction worker over his damaged mailbox. He therefore is evicted from the house by court order due to them deeming him a "public menace", and is ordered to move to a retirement home. However, Carl comes up with a scheme to keep his promise to Ellie: he turns his house into a makeshift airship, using thousands of helium balloons to lift it off its foundation. A young member of the "Wilderness Explorers" (a fictional youth organization analogous to the Boy Scouts of America) named Russell becomes an accidental passenger, having pestered Carl earlier in an attempt to earn his final merit badge, "Assisting the Elderly".
After surviving a thunderstorm, the house lands near a large ravine facing Paradise Falls. Carl and Russell harness themselves to the still-buoyant house and begin to walk it around the ravine, hoping to reach the falls before the balloons deflate. They later befriend a tall, colorful flightless bird (whom Russell names "Kevin") trying to reach her chicks, and then a dog named Dug, who wears a special collar that allows him to speak.
Carl and Russell encounter a pack of dogs led by Alpha, and are taken to Dug's master, who turns out to be an elderly Charles Muntz. Muntz invites Carl and Russell aboard his dirigible, where he explains that he has spent the years since his disgrace searching Paradise Falls for the giant bird. When Russell innocently reveals his friendship with Kevin, Muntz becomes disturbingly hostile, prompting the pair, Kevin, and Dug to flee, chased by Muntz's dogs. Muntz eventually catches up with them and starts a fire beneath Carl's house, forcing Carl to choose between saving it or Kevin. Carl rushes to put out the fire, allowing Muntz to take the bird. Carl and Russell eventually reach the falls, but Russell is angry with Carl.
Settling into his home, Carl is sadly poring over Ellie's childhood scrapbook when, to his surprise, he finds photos of their married life and a final note from Ellie thanking him for the "adventure" and encouraging him to go on a new one. Reinvigorated, he goes to find Russell, only to see him sailing off on some balloons to save Kevin. Carl empties the house of his furniture and possessions and pursues him.
Russell is captured by Muntz, but Carl manages to board the dirigible in flight and free both Russell and Kevin. Muntz pursues them around the airship, finally cornering Dug, Kevin, and Russell inside Carl's tethered house. Carl lures Kevin out through a window and back onto the airship with Dug and Russell clinging to her back, just as Muntz is about to close in; Muntz leaps after them, only to snag his foot on some balloon lines and fall to his death. Snapped from its tether, the house descends out of sight through the clouds, which Carl accepts as being for the best.
Carl and Russell reunite Kevin with her chicks, then fly the dirigible back to civilization. When Russell's father misses his son's Senior Explorer ceremony, Carl proudly presents Russell with his final badge for assisting the elderly, as well as a personal addition: the grape soda cap that Ellie gave to Carl when they first met (which he dubs the "Ellie Badge"). The two then enjoy some ice cream together, sitting on the curb outside the shop as Russell and his father used to do, with the dirigible parked nearby (over a handicapped parking space, in keeping with the elderly motif). Meanwhile, Carl's house is shown to have landed on the cliff beside Paradise Falls, as promised to Ellie.
主角是78岁的老头卡尔·费迪逊(Carl Fredrickson),当卡尔还是一个孩子,遇见有著同样梦想的女孩艾莉(Ellie),他们一同在中西部城镇里长大,最後结婚。艾莉总是梦想著到南美洲探险,但机会尚未来到却已病逝。
途中没多久即遇到暴风雨,慌乱之馀,卡尔再度醒来发现已抵达南美洲仙境瀑布附近。两人於是徒步前往对岸山谷,遇见喜爱吃巧克力稀有彩色巨鸟凯文(Kevin),以及会说人话的狗小逗(Dug),一同踏上旅程。随後,发现凯文是狗群所猎捕的目标,并且指使狗的主人正是卡尔小时候崇仰的冒险家查理斯蒙兹(Charles Muntz)。蒙兹为向世人证明巨鸟的存在,已在此进行追捕多年,察觉卡尔隐瞒巨鸟的实情,而对他们展开攻击。藉由小逗帮助,才得以从众狗追击下逃脱。

飞屋环游记 英语简介PPT

After his wife dies, Carl Fredericksen (Ed Asner) faces a lonely life ahead, possibly in a retirement community.He decides to have the adventure that he and his wife always dreamed of, and sets out for the quasi-legendary Paradise Falls in South America.His method of travel?

回答 A young Carl Fredrickson meets a young adventure spirited girl named Ellie. They both dream of going to a Lost Land in So uth America. 70 years later, Ellie has die d. Carl remembers the promise he mad e to her. Then, when he inadvertently hit s a construction worker,...

美食总动员&飞屋环游记 英文介绍及影评

The book tells the story of a major autistic withdrawn, cantankerous old man -- Karl and his wife ali, from childhood dream is to travel around the world. But until ailey died didn't also can realize this dream. In order to complete the dream and ellicott ellicott's promise,...

电影英语影评:功夫熊猫 飞屋环游记 要求字数:120字以上,高一水准 声明...
I will be a person like the panda.He is warm-hearted.The most important is,he is a real hero!He is my idol!飞屋环游记 1. 按照皮克斯电影的惯例,《飞屋环游记》之前也会有精致的动画短片呈现。As always, a Pixar movie is preceded with one or more animated shorts.2. 2D版的...

2009-12-20 飞屋环游记英语观后感 244 2011-06-06 求《飞屋环游记》高清下载 77 2009-07-28 飞屋环游记-电影下载 132 2010-03-01 飞屋环游记英语台词 47 更多关于飞屋环游记的知识 > 网友都在找: 飞屋环游记影评 飞屋环游记英文简介 飞屋环游记观后感英文 飞屋环游记的英文名 正在...

综述:There are children and old people in the film, generation gap and integration, dreams and losses. In fact, the structure of the film is not complex.It is a common trick for the two protagonists to integrate from opposition, and the role of 3D technology in this animation ...

UP, Pixar's latest animated feature, is just delightful. But how do you go about extolling the movie's virtues without giving away its surprises? Like the kid at the beginning of the movie, you don't try to conquer the immovable force; you work around it.The one clue I ...

英文翻译 关于飞屋环游记的
【纯手工翻译】一位78岁的老人,查尔 弗莱德克森,希望实现妻子艾丽的梦想——即把他们的家搬到南美洲的天堂瀑布旁。他架着飞翔在空中的房子启程了。一个名叫罗素的男孩藏在门后,并和查尔一同踏上了探索之旅。到达南美洲后,他们遇到了一只名叫凯文的鸟,和小狗大格。他们与想要抓住并杀掉凯文的芒兹...

雨城区15517867042: 飞屋环游记简介英文(十五句以内) -
系到地塞:[答案] A feisty septuagenarian teams with a fearless wilderness ranger to do battle with a vicious band of beasts and villains in this computer-animated adventure scripted by Pixar veteran Bob Peterson and c...

雨城区15517867042: 飞屋环游记的英文简介!急! -
系到地塞: 中文简介:影片挑选了老人、儿童和狗狗这三种无论放在任何文化背景下都象征着平和与纯洁的元素,再给他们设计了一场与大城市、现代化无关的、接近童话的冒险;影片主题其实并没有太多突破,城市人的孤独感、对梦想需要执着、对大自...

雨城区15517867042: 飞屋环游记的英文简介There is love of people around, there is a dream to go to achieve, in fact, well - being has always been very simple.Becuse the love,Eille ... -
系到地塞:[答案] 有人们的爱围绕着,有梦想要去实现,事实上,幸福一直都很简单.因为爱,Eille将他的房子充满气球,来实现他们的梦想.自私,顽固,无情,但当一个男孩出现时这些都改变了.Eille感受到了照顾他人和帮助他人这种不同的爱.即使房子失去了,但这...

雨城区15517867042: <飞屋环游记>英文版剧情介绍 -
系到地塞: Carl Fredrickson, a 78-year-old balloon salesman, loved adventure stories as a child and wanted to be a great explorer.When he was a child, he met Ellie, a girl with the same dream, and they grew up together and married until they were old. Carl ...

雨城区15517867042: 飞屋环游记y英文简介要短一点, -
系到地塞:[答案] A feisty septuagenarian teams with a fearless wilderness ranger to do battle with a vicious band of beasts and villains in this computer-animated adventure scripted by Pixar veteran Bob Peterson and c...

雨城区15517867042: 飞屋环游记简介英文版[[速度,今晚要]] -
系到地塞: UP, Pixar's latest animated feature, is just delightful. But how do you go about extolling the movie's virtues without giving away its surprises? Like the kid at the beginning of the movie, you don't try to conquer the immovable force; you work around it....

雨城区15517867042: 飞屋环游记 英译 -
系到地塞: 基本介绍 文名: 飞屋环游记 外文名: Up 出品公司: 皮克斯动画工作室 制片地区: 美国中文片名电影海报:飞屋环游记更多中文片名:天外奇迹.....中国台湾译名冲天救兵.....中国香港译名更多外文片名:Là-haut......法国译名Oben..........德国译名

雨城区15517867042: 《飞屋漫游记》的英文简述1~2分钟不要太难初一学生的范围!急急急?
系到地塞: At the age of 78, the old man, in order to keep on Carl's wife, determined to bring his commitment to Alice with his wife to build houses of rocketed moving story.

雨城区15517867042: 飞屋环游记英文翻译该书主要讲述了一位自闭孤僻、脾气古怪的老人——卡尔·费迪逊,与妻子艾莉从小就梦想着能环游世界.但直到艾莉去世也没能实现这个... -
系到地塞:[答案] The book tells the story of a major autistic withdrawn,cantankerous old man -- Karl and his wife ali,from childhood dream is to travel around the world.But until ailey died didn't also can realize thi...

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