
作者&投稿:徐点 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

dear xxx,
hi,i am xxx,allow me to tell you something about my hobbies and living habits.i think i am a social person,i have a great circle of friends,they all admire me for my great sense of humour.i am talkative ,i am on the school debate team and i always win.i like reading magazines or newspapers after class,i think they can help me know more about the world.i also do well in my school work.i also like playing sports especially ball games such as basketball,volleyball and soccer.but i am not very good at it.i think i have a healthy life style ,my living habits are prettey good.i always get up early in the morning,i never go to school without breakfast.and in the evening ,i never go to bed late,i finish my homework very fast.but only one living habit is not very healthy,that is ,i have a bad habit of eating dessert.
what are your hobby and living habits?could you tell me more about your life?please contact me as soon as possible.
looking forward to your reply.

France officially the French Republic is a country whose metropolitan territory is located in Western Europe, and that is further made up of a collection of overseas islands and territories located in other continents. Metropolitan France extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and North Sea, and from the Rhine River to the Atlantic Ocean. French people often refer to Metropolitan France as l'Hexagone (the "Hexagon") because of its geographical shape.

France is bordered by Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Andorra, and Spain. In some of its overseas parts, France also shares land borders with Brazil, Suriname, and the Netherlands Antilles. France is also linked to the United Kingdom via the Channel Tunnel, which passes underneath the English Channel.

The French Republic is a democracy which is organized as a unitary semi-presidential republic. It is a highly developed country with the fifth-largest economy in the world in 2005.[2] Its main ideals are expressed in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. France is one of the founding members of the European Union, and has the largest land area of all members. France is also a founding member of the United Nations. It is one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council wielding veto power, and it is also one of only eight acknowledged nuclear powers.

1, prepare clothes according to change of season and decide. The European average winter temperature 0 to 5 Celsius, summer average 20 to 26 degrees.
2, Europe hotel for the environmental protection consciousness often do not have a toothbrush and toothpaste, slippers and so on the disposable supplies, visitors to bring their own.
3, European power is 220 v, socket is circular hole, bring their own charger water heater appliances, need to bring their own conversion socket
4, due to the drugstore in Europe by the doctor's prescription drug must, and medical treatment is expensive, reason should take commonly used drugs, for a rainy day.
5, to bring enough film battery. The film is best to iso, the battery is best is alkaline batteries or rechargeable batteries. If it is a digital camera, want to have enough memory card. These things in Europe to buy is very expensive.
6, to Europe
1、 准备衣物要根据季节的变化而定。欧洲气温冬季平均0至5摄氏度,夏季平均20至26度。
2、 欧洲酒店出于环保意识往往没有牙刷、牙膏、拖鞋等一次性用品,游客应该自带。
3、 欧洲的电源都是220伏,插座都是圆孔的,自带充电器热水器等电器时,需自带转换插座
4、 由于在欧洲的药房买药必须凭医生的处方,且医疗费昂贵,故应带上常用药品,以备不时之需。
5、 要带足够的胶卷电池,胶卷最好是ISO400的,电池最好是碱性电池或者可充电电池。如果是数码相机,要有足够的存储卡。这些东西在欧洲买是很贵的。
6、 赴欧洲一定要带上一些小额欧元钞票,可以避免换汇的不便和汇率损失。
7、 如果您要携带手机,请于出发前到当地电信局办理开通国际功能手续。

现在的欧洲小偷无所不在,酒店大堂及餐厅为小偷经常光顾之地,机场车站观光点甚至加油站都是小偷大显身手的地方。抢劫偷盗诈骗无时无刻不在发生。最危险的城市主要是罗马、米兰、巴黎,对于警惕性不高防范不足的人来说,可以说欧洲没有安全的地方,所以时时处处都要提高警惕。 护照、机票、钱及贵重物品必须贴身携带。步行时,挎包最好是斜挎,以免歹徒乘摩托车从背后抢劫。注意歹徒从背后抢劫,离开游览车,离开酒店,餐厅时,均必须将贵重物品随身携带。



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死色 Livide (2011) 又名: 苍白 \/ 铁青 豆瓣简介 http:\/\/movie.douban.com\/subject\/6780857\/



1.有两个女生到法国留学,刚到巴黎,在街上看到一个黑人从对面走来,一个对另一个说“真黑啊。”那个黑人马上走到她们面前说了一句,“就你白!” 2.我朋友一再告戒我,在国外不要乱说中文。我问为什幺?他说:“他碰到过外国人懂中文的事,已经有好几次了。”他和朋友在麦当劳吃东西聊天,正说着湖南人的...

一部爱情电影,讲一个NBA裁判,爱上了一个女人 却不断争吵,分开,女人去...

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路南区15127301952: 你的一个朋友去法国做客,但他不知道应该注意些什么,他向你请教.写一个英语作文 -
涂蓓吉姆: 1, prepare clothes according to change of season and decide. The European average winter temperature 0 to 5 Celsius, summer average 20 to 26 degrees.2, Europe hotel for the environmental protection consciousness often do not have a ...

路南区15127301952: 书面表达:假如你叫王磊,你的朋友王明将要去他的美国朋友家里做客,但他不知道需要注意一些什么,因此他写信向你寻求帮助.请根据以下提示给王明写... -
涂蓓吉姆:[答案] Dear Zhangming , I have heard that you will visit you American friend.I will tell you something you must pay attention to.First,... you'd better say that the food is very delicious to him.Wish you have a nice visit.Good luck. Yours, Wang lei

路南区15127301952: 假如你是李梅,你的朋友肖华要去美国朋友Dave家做客,但他不知道应该注意什么,因此,他写信向你寻求帮助.请你根据以下要点提示给他写一封回信,简... -
涂蓓吉姆:[答案] Dear Xiao Hua,I'm very happy to hear from you.I'm also happy to hear that you are going to visit&n...

路南区15127301952: 急需英语作文~
涂蓓吉姆: Dear XXX, If you want to visit someone in America, you should buy some gifts such as flowers or fruits. You have to arrive on time. When you are having meal with them, you need to say the dishes are delicious when you finish them. You can not stay ...

路南区15127301952: 谁告诉我英语书面表达范文是假如我你叫王雷你朋友王明将要去他美国朋友家做客但他不知道注意一些什么因为 -
涂蓓吉姆: Dear Wang Ming,I'm glad to receive your letter. I'm happy that you're going to visit your American friend. When you go to an American home, you should buy a small gift, such as some flowers or some fruits. Could you get there on time? If you are...

路南区15127301952: 1小时内回复~你的朋友要去一个美国朋友家做客,但他不知道应该注意什么.因此她写信向你寻求帮助,请你以李华的名义根据以下提示回信,简要说明去美... -
涂蓓吉姆:[答案] Dear friend, I'm glad to know you asking me for help when you meet trouble.It's a wise decision,there are many details you should know when you visit your American firend.First of all,you should remember that a gift is necessary.Don't worry,just a small ...

路南区15127301952: 书面表达 英语 假如你叫李华 你的朋友张明要你去他的美国朋友家里做客 但他不知道50词左右但他却不知道要注意些什么 因此他写信向你求助 请根据一下提... -
涂蓓吉姆:[答案] Dear ZhangmingI am glad to hear that.I think you should bring some small gifts or buy something delicious.And you must arrive on time.Remember to praise the meal when you are at the table.That is all....

路南区15127301952: 英语作文:你的朋友刘强要去一个美国朋友家做客你的朋友刘强要去一个美国朋友家做客,但他不知道应该注意什么,提示:1 买一件小礼物,如鲜花等2 准... -
涂蓓吉姆:[答案] My friend Liu Qiang will go his American friend's house for dinner.He doesn't know what he should notice. So I tell him to buy a little gift like fresh flowers and so on. He must be there on time. Whi...

路南区15127301952: 书面表达 英语 假如你叫李华 你的朋友张明要你去他的美国朋友家里做客 但他不知道 -
涂蓓吉姆: Dear Zhangming I am glad to hear that.I think you should bring some small gifts or buy something delicious.And you must arrive on time.Remember to praise the meal when you are at the table.That is all.Enjoy it. Yours Li Hua

路南区15127301952: 假如你叫李华,你的朋友王伟将要去他的澳大利亚朋友家里做客,但他不知道需要注意一些什么,因此他写信向你寻求帮助.请你根据以下给王伟写一封不少于60个单词的英语回信,给他提示些建议. -
涂蓓吉姆: Wang Wei: To Australia, the best friend's house guest arrive at the same time, with some small gifts. Such as flowers, fruit. They will be very happy. If falls on dining, you can praise while eating the delicious food. Australians still good for customers.Li Hua

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