求the coral乐队歌曲dou't think you are the first的歌词

作者&投稿:长映 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
dou't you think_____?里应填什么~

填so,Don t you think so? 这是一般的反问语句


the coral乐队歌曲dou't think you are the first

You are... you gotta tell me something... I mean, seriously, I'm
tellin' you this is the first time that any of my girlfriends and I
have ever met anybody really from Hollywood... I mean, really... my
girlfriend Jim, and Ian, and Aynsley, and Bob, and Frank... I mean,
none of us...
Pleased to meet you...
Hi Howie
We never met a pop star from Hollywood... tell me something: have
you ever met Davey Jones? or Bobby Sherman?
No.. no, I ..
I mean... David Cassady, he's so...
Jimmy Greenspoon, once I...
Three Dog Night?!!
Oh! I love them! They're my favorite band!.. ow gawd.. oh, do you
like my new car? I'm ah.. my Dad just gave it to me for graduation..
Ah yeaah?!! I'ts a ... it's a Fillmore, isn't it? Real futuristic,
ah.. I dig the fins... listen: do you know how to get to the ah
Hollywood Inn from here?
No, ah.. which one is it?
(burp) excuse me. It's the one by the airport... you know... cause
we gotta get up early an'.. fly outta here in the morning,
Oh, I didn't know that... Where do you guys play tomorrow night? I
mean, I'd like to come maybe... in your bus or somethin'...
(Voice in background):
In the BUS!
Come in the bus, huh?... Tomorrow we're in ah, let's see... Tierra
del Fuego...
Ook! You're so professional, Howie!
Oh, it's not... it's nothing...
Howie, I mean, the way you gettin' tp-tp to play, an all these
exotic places, I mean...
Tell me something.. tell me and my girl-... TELL me: Do you really
have a hit record... on the charts now?... with a BULLET? ... I mean
that's really important to me...
Zappa Frank
Listen, honey: Would I lie to you just to get in your pants?
He-Het! Listen! Hey, listen to me tellin' ya: WE ARE NOT GROUPIES!
Naw, I never.. I never said...
We are not groupies! You better understand that!.. I told Robert
Planet, I told Elton John, I told all those big guys...
Robert PLANET?!
We are not groupies!
No, I never..
Roger Daltrey never laid a hand on me!
Yaw.. it's obvious to see why... listen, I never...
(2nd non-groupie):
(1st non-groupie):
Tell him! Tell him right now!
(2nd non-groupie):
We only like musicians for f-friends. You know?
(voices in back):
Real straight arrow, Howie, Really... just for friends, Howie...
(2nd non-groupie):
But we still like you Yeah.. we wouldn't mind coming in your bus,
(2nd non-groupie):
I mean, we still want to hear your record...
Listen you chicks!now didn' .. didn't you just say that you got off
bein' juked with a BABY OCTOPUS and spewed upon with cream corn?
an' that your hair-lipped dyke-o bass-playing girlfriend on the
backseat had to have it with a YOO-HOO bottle or she went
What's the deal, baby? Come on..
Howie! Howie, lissen yo me... all that's true..
Come across..
All that's true, and sometimes I even dig it with a Doctor Brown's
Cream Soda... or a CEL-RAY!... but! we are not groupies! No matter
what you think...
No, I never...
We are not groupies..
You see, there seems to be some kind of a communication problem,
honey... because I... I am a lonely guy from outta town, y'know
wanna... a-a-steaming... succulent... ever-widening, gooey, drippy,
runny kind of a hole with a... with... how shall I put this... what
say we hop in the trunk of your Gremlin AN' GET OUR ROCKS OFF...
Hey! hey-hey-hey-heyyyy.... Jesus!...
(voice in back):
I'm in this band, man...
(voice up front):
Very agile, Howie, very agile...
(voice in back):
I am in this band no matter what we do up here... it's all...
Now lissen! It just so happend... tonight me and my girlfriends, I
mean, we've all come here for one thing tonight...
Looking for a guy... And we're looking for a guy from a group
WAAAAAAAAH!... That's me!! That's me! ooh! ... oooohh, you
voluptouns Manhattan Island clit.. Take me... I'm yours, you
hole... Fulfill my... wildest... dreams!....
Ooooh! Anything for you, my most seductive, seclusive... pop star of
a man... picture this if you can: bead jobs! knotted nylons! bamboo
canes! three unreleased recordings of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young
fighting in the dressing-room of the Fillmore East! Why, 'n
enchilada wrapped with pickle sauce shook up and down in between a
donkey's legs until he can't it stand anymore! All this and more,
Howie! Including! an electric coolde pony harness, with fuel
injection... fuel injection... fuel injection...
Oooh! my god, I ... I ... I can't stand it!... I mean... I mean, dou
you understand the implications of what I'm saying? I CAN'T STAND
IT!!! I CAN'T STAND IT !! I CAN'T STAND IT!! OH NO!!... Oh my god...
I'm going home! I'm gonna see my baby... (etc) I really can't stand
it... please... give it to me... give it to me right here in the
trunk of your Gremlin.. give me... GIVE ME THE ENCHILADA WITH THE
Hey-hey! haha! Not until you sing me your big hit record!... and I
want to hear the big hit record, and I wanna hear it now, an' I
wanna hear the big hit record now with a bullet! With a bullet!
The bullet?
The BULLET! The BULLET! I'ts the part that gets me the hottest...
hehe!.. now sing me that record, and I wanna hear it right now or
you ain't driving nowhere tonight, buddy...
Well, I know when I'm licked... all over.... Okay, baby: BEND OVER
AND SPREAD 'EM!... Here comes my... BULLET!!
(all sing Happy Together)

鄢陵县13968994562: 求the coral乐队歌曲dou't think you are the first的歌词 -
姚逸清肝: You are... you gotta tell me something... I mean, seriously, I'mtellin' you this is the first time that any of my girlfriends and Ihave ever met anybody really from Hollywood... I mean, really... mygirlfriend Jim, and Ian, and Aynsley, and Bob, and Frank... I ...

鄢陵县13968994562: 知情者告诉我哪可以找到the coral sea的全部歌曲
姚逸清肝: 这里有,不过不知道全不全啊. http://club.tianyablog.com/blogger/post_show.asp?BlogID=69210&PostID=18994792 然后,这个是官网. http://www.thecoralsea.net/

鄢陵县13968994562: 有手英文歌曲,不是小红莓乐队的,是个男生唱的,有句歌词是dying in the sun -
姚逸清肝: 是Tammas Wells 的 > I was found on the ground by the fountain at Valder Fields and was almost dry. 人们在valder fields的喷泉旁发现了几乎快被太阳晒干的我 (也有人理解为是喷泉几乎干涸) Lying in the sun after I had tried (to climb over the wall ...

鄢陵县13968994562: you can be the best be the word什么歌 -
姚逸清肝: 歌名:Hall of Fame 乐队:The Script(手稿乐队) 填词:The Script 谱曲:The Script 所属专辑:《#3》 歌词: Yeah, you could be the greatest, you can be the best 是的,你可以成为最伟大的,你可以成为最好的 You can be the King Kong ...

鄢陵县13968994562: 求英式摇滚歌曲! -
姚逸清肝: oasis,coldplay ,radiohead,blur的歌都是英伦的,都可以听听 比如oasis的listen up, don't look back in anger, supersonic, wonderwall都非常经典 coldplay的yellow, lost , a rush of blood to the head, X&Y也都非常经典……

鄢陵县13968994562: 求超市大赢家的广告歌曲,有个男的唱的英文歌.什么什么drive my car的. -
姚逸清肝: 乐队叫the gala. 北京的一个PUNK乐队 你说的那歌是young for you因为歌词:sunday's coming i wanna 【drive my car 】 to your apartment with present like a star forecaster said the weather may be rainy hard but i know the sun will shine for us ok

鄢陵县13968994562: 英语渣跪求歌名:副歌部分有"tonight"这个单词 歌手是国外某著名乐队主唱的儿子 谢谢各位大神 -
姚逸清肝: Beautiful Tonight 西城男孩

鄢陵县13968994562: 求一首很英伦风英文歌 -
姚逸清肝: <Wicked Man's Rest>Passenger这个是最近才听的,可能网上资料不多 Relient K 我蛮喜欢的一个乐队,他们的歌很活力,这首歌的MV拍的不错 Suede 山羊皮是英伦典型代表之一了,这首也是他们比较出名的一首 Green Day 方正我是很喜欢这...

鄢陵县13968994562: 求new order 的一首歌 -
姚逸清肝: 这首歌好像是Maxwell的歌,不知道 不是你找的.http://homegirl.typepad.com/home_girl/files/05_whenever_wherever_whatever.mp3

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