求翻译 关于固定资产 财务 英语

作者&投稿:凭福 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

根据语境fixed assets; capital assets; permanent assets; capital asserts; equipment都可以
Investment in fixed assets is an important vehicle for ensuring that the latesttechnology is available to business.

Book value should be adjusted to the recoverable value, when the recoverable value of a fixed asset is less than it's book value. For those fixed assets with impairment reserve, the depreciation for future periods should be determined by net of book value and its impariment reserve with the remaining years of usage considered.

In 1, the unit has fixed assets taking a physical inventory, and registration record.
2, the real by breed, quantity, type and other fixed assets list check.

The unit has fixed assets taking a physical inventory, and registration record.

Objective according to variety, quantity, type and other fixed assets list check.

1.This unit has fixed assets for physical inventory, and shall register
2.Will the type, quantity, according to the physical model and the fixed assets check list.

景县13715372260: 求翻译 关于固定资产 财务 英语
国钥瑞亿: The unit has fixed assets taking a physical inventory, and registration record. Objective according to variety, quantity, type and other fixed assets list check.

景县13715372260: 固定资产的英文,固定资产的翻译,怎么用英语翻译固定 -
国钥瑞亿: 翻译如下 固定资产 根据语境fixed assets; capital assets; permanent assets; capital asserts; equipment都可以 例句:固定资产投资是确保企业获得最新技术的重要手段.Investment in fixed assets is an important vehicle for ensuring that the latesttechnology is available to business.

景县13715372260: 关于固定资产的专业英语翻译,谢绝翻译软件,高手请进 - 30+分 -
国钥瑞亿: the depreciation of fixed asset represent that fixed asset lost value during the expected useful life. it is different from the inventory, its value will not transfer to product cost or expenses at one time, but with the level of reduction, it will transfer to an ...

景县13715372260: 会计上固定资产英语ee代表什么意思 -
国钥瑞亿: 是PPE property , plant, and equipment property n.财产, 所有物, 所有权, 性质, 特性, (小)道具 plant n.植物, 庄稼, 工厂, 车间, 设备 vt.种植, 栽培, 培养, 安置 vi.种植 equipment n.装备, 设备, 器材, 装置, 铁道车辆, (一企业除房地产以外的)固定资产, 才能 在国际会计中通用的是fixed assets

景县13715372260: 财务英语:现金盘盈,固定资产盘盈 怎么说 -
国钥瑞亿: Cash overage 现金盘盈 Cash shortage 现金盘亏 fixed assets inventory overage 固定资产盘盈 fixed assets inventory shortage 固定资产盘亏

景县13715372260: 请问,会计英文中,“我们把这些商品按固定资产入账”,英文应该怎么翻译呢? -
国钥瑞亿: We enter these commodities in the book as fixed assets.

景县13715372260: 主要会计科目的英文说法(国际通用) -
国钥瑞亿: 资产 assets 流动资产 current assets 现金及约当现金 cash and cash equivalents 库存现金 cash on hand 零用金/周转金 petty cash/revolving funds 银行存款 cash in banks 在途现金 cash in transit 约当现金 cash equivalents 其它现金及约当现金 ...

景县13715372260: 固定资产投资用英语怎么说 -
国钥瑞亿: 固定资产投资_百度翻译 固定资产投资 [词典] investment in the fixed assets; Investment in fixed assets is an important vehicle for ensuring that the latest technology is available to business.进行更多翻译

景县13715372260: 如何用英文翻译翻译"本次盘点内容涉及现金及固定资产" -
国钥瑞亿: 本次盘点内容涉及现金及固定资产.This inventory involves cash and fixed assets.仅供参考.

景县13715372260: 求精确的英语翻译,会计固定资产 -
国钥瑞亿: When fixed assets can recycle amount is lower than its carrying value, the book value of the writedowns recycling amount to. The provision for impairment of the fixed assets in the future, then during the impairment provision book value and the basis to determine fair use fixed number of year of depreciation.

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