restrict...... from,,,,,,,什么意思

作者&投稿:衅萧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

及物动词 If you restrict something, you put a limit on it in order to reduce it or prevent it from becoming too great. 限制
There is talk of raising the admission requirements to restrict the number of students on campus.
及物动词 To restrain something that is growing or increasing means to prevent it from getting too large. 限制
The radical 500-day plan was very clear on how it intended to try to restrain inflation.

英 [rɪˈstrɪkt] 美 [rɪˈstrɪkt] vt.限制,限定; 约束,束缚;
全部释义>> [例句]There is talk of raising the admission requirements to restrict the number of students on campus.有传闻称将通过提高录取条件来限制在校学生的数目。 只有动词用法。

阻止某人做某事,等同于keep from stop from prevent from


The bad weather restricted me from attending the meeting.



1、limit(能力或数量上)有限的。如:In some cases there is a mini-mum age limit.有些情况下有最低年龄限制。

2、bind有约束力的。如: It is expensive to buy and a bind to carry home.买这个费用很贵,搬回家也费劲。

3、confine(空间上)受限的。如:Doctors confine themselves to prescribing rather than dispensing.医生仅仅是开药而不配药。


如:Rosa's constant refrain is that she doesn't have a life.罗莎总是重复的一句话就是她没有像样的生活。

阻止某人做某事,等同于keep from stop from prevent from
The bad weather restricted me from attending the meeting.


retain 意思是保持、保留、持有或聘请(律师), restrict 意思是限制、限定、束缚、妨碍、阻碍等,除了都是动词外,二者不存在可比性,区别无从谈起。

restricted [英][rɪˈstrɪktɪd][美][rɪˈstrɪktɪd]adj.有受限制的; (土地)对公众不完全开放的; 保密的;v.限制( restrict的过去式);例句:1.The second is restricted access.其次是准入受到限制。2.Foreign journalists are restricted in ...

restricted 限制 双语对照 词典结果:restricted [英][rɪˈstrɪktɪd][美][rɪˈstrɪktɪd]adj.有受限制的; (土地)对公众不完全开放的; 保密的;v.限制( restrict的过去式);以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.The second is restricted access.其次是...

1、意思相同,但强调对象 不同 restrict:限制,约束,使之不超过需要的范围,如大小、规模等;或约束,限制活动或行为。restrain:抑制,遏制,以防变得过于激烈、强硬或直白;通过拘留、上手铐等方式阻止,限制囚犯等的暴力行为。2、用法不同 restrict:restrict sb.\/ sth。如:If you mean if...

Restrict是动词 比如:restrict [ris5trikt]vt.限制; 约束; 制[禁]止 be restricted within narrow limits 限于狭窄的范围内 be restricted in one's movements 行动受约束 be restricted by time[law]受时间[法律]限制 Discussion at the meeting is restricted to the agenda.这次会上的讨论只限于...

restriction 和 limit的区别
一、词义辨析不一样 1、restriction指控制某事物的大小、数量或范围,侧重限制行为。〔例证〕The sale of firearms is subject to many legal restrictions.出售枪支受到许多法律限制。2、limit指在时间、数量、水平等方面加以限制,侧重事物的限度。〔例证〕We must limit our spending.我们必须限制开支。...

restrain 的意思是控制,抑制,阻碍或隐瞒,含有这个限制\/控制\/阻碍是针对某项行为或动作的意思。例如:“A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring oneanother” (Thomas Jefferson).He had difficulty restraining his curiosity.restrict 指人或者物保持在规定的范围内, 如...

restrict doing还是to do
restrict sb to (doing) sth_estrict [ri'strikt]解 释:v. 限制,约束,限定,这个词是及物动词,可以替换学生常用的limit,它的意思是限制某事的尺寸、量、范围,或限制人的活动或行动。restrict sth to ... 限制某人\/某事到...(可以加量)restrict sb to (doing) sth 限制某人,只能做某事...

restricted[英]rɪˈstrɪktɪd [美]rɪˈstrɪktɪd adj.有受限制的;(土地)对公众不完全开放的;保密的 v.限制( restrict的过去式)[例句]The first is role-based : communication and collaboration is restricted by seniority level.首先是依托于...

re 这个前缀 有“又、重复”的意思,strict “严厉、严格”的意思,再严格再严厉就“限制、约束"人了,restrict就是“限制、约束、限定”的意思

碾子山区13068001651: restrict 与 constraint 的用法区别 -
惠钟烟酰: 前面的restrict是个及物动词-------限制 后面的constraint是个名词---------约束 ------------------------------------------ 1. temporary restricted zone on arthur street, yau ma tei 油麻地鸦打街临时限制2. 2: edge were restricted to wait is going to explode. 2:边...

碾子山区13068001651: SQL severe删除视图的时候提示restrict附近有语法错误,语句如下? -
惠钟烟酰: 单从语句的表面上来看, 1) 第5个字段“ACT_REGISTER_TIME”其数据类型应该是日期/时间类型,但是语句对该字段插入的值为字串'5",而插入第六个字段“ACT_ENTITY_ID”的值则是一个日期/时间'2014-12-03 09:16:25.977',因此初步...

碾子山区13068001651: restrict...... from,,,,,,,什么意思 -
惠钟烟酰: 阻止某人做某事,等同于keep from stop from prevent from 例句:The bad weather restricted me from attending the meeting.恶劣的天气使我不能出席会议.

碾子山区13068001651: 一道练习题,关于restrain & restrict 的用法区别 -
惠钟烟酰: The French police are leagally entitled to RESTRICT anyone's movements as the please. 1 restrain sb from doing sth==stop sb. from doing sth.-----阻止某人做某事 2 restrict ==limit------限制

碾子山区13068001651: 参照完整性约束,RESTRICT和NO ACTION有什么区别? -
惠钟烟酰: 你说的这个主要用于参照完整性,包括restrict、cascade和no action; restrict--限制,指的是如果字表引用父表的某个字段的值,那么不允许直接删除父表的该值; cascade--级联,删除父表的某条记录,子表中引用该值的记录会自动被删除; no action--无参照完整性关系,有了也不生效.

碾子山区13068001651: restrict是什么意思?是名词还是动词 -
惠钟烟酰: restrict 英 [rɪˈstrɪkt] 美 [rɪˈstrɪkt] vt.限制,限定; 约束,束缚; 全部释义>> [例句]There is talk of raising the admission requirements to restrict the number of students on campus.有传闻称将通过提高录取条件来限制在校学生的数目. 只有动词用法.

碾子山区13068001651: restrain和restrict和confine有什么区别 -
惠钟烟酰: restrict: 限制;限定;约束(常与 to 或 within 连用);restrain: 作及物动词或约束;限制 ;阻止(常与of,from 连用):confine oneself doing sth

碾子山区13068001651: restrain和restrict的用法和意思有什么区别? -
惠钟烟酰: restrain 侧重“抑制,监禁;拘留,扣押”同/近义词:curb 表示“限制,约束”时常与of,from 连用 restrict “限制,约束”,常与 to 或 within 连用):同/近义词:limit

碾子山区13068001651: [c++专家答]C++作为C语言的超级语言 需要 restrict 关键字吗?
惠钟烟酰: 现在的C++编译器,无论是GCC,Clang,VC++,IBM XL C++等,这些主流的C++编译器都提供了restrict关键字的支持,只是似乎书写的形式有所变化,如可能是__restrict__,__restrict等 ,而restrict是限制Pointer Alias的,这和unique_ptr完全是两码...

碾子山区13068001651: 组策略被设置了密码怎么办? 如何解开 -
惠钟烟酰: 有时候编辑组策略时却无法进入,有两个解决方法. 方法1是先进入带命令行提示的安全模式,在命令提示符下输入“regedit”,打开注册表找到“HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows \CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer”,把...

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