一首英文歌,貌似是06年就听到的,应该是06年之前的,是女声唱的,开始是wow oh wow oh

作者&投稿:漆元 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Christina Aguilera - I Hate Boys
No-No-No-No, I'm not bitter, I'm not mad.
Well, maybe just a little, just a tad.
I know every apple here ain't bad,
But I found a worm in every single one I had.
(Boys) They're only good for fruit, I mean bananas.
(Boys) Them boys so nuts, they're drivin' me bananas
Oh boys, we should pack them up and ship em out.
Bo-bo-bo-boys Bo-boys
Bo-bo-bo-boys Bo-boys
I hate em.
I hate boys, but boys love me.
I think they suck and my friends agree.
I hate boys, but boys love me.
Eh yeah, eh yeah, eh yeah,
I. Hate. Boys.
If you hate em boys, shake it.
If you hate em boys, shake it.
We would all be happy all be glad,
If sweet mama nature never had,
A-all this dirty little boys who think that the girls
Are only made for toys
Boys wants them women, though they barely can remember.
Then again all men are dogs.
All men are dogs.
I hate boys, but boys love me.
I think they suck and my friends agree.
I hate boys, but boys love me.
Eh yeah, eh yeah, eh yeah,
I. Hate. Boys.
If you hate em boys, shake it.
If you hate em boys, shake it.
Let's go
I H-A-T-E Boooooys!
I hate boys, but boys love me.
I think they suck and my friends agree.
I hate boys, but boys love me.
Eh yeah, eh yeah, eh yeah,
I. Hate. Boys.
I hate boys, but boys love me.
I think they suck and my friends agree.
I hate boys, but boys love me.
Eh yeah, eh yeah, eh yeah,
I. Hate. Boys.

owl city的good time


wo howo ye~


mariah carey-angels cry

是不是Taylor Swift的I Knew You Were Trouble.

寻首英文歌 是女生唱的,歌词有句是 o babybaby please donot go...
是Oh, baby baby please don't go 吧···AL的《Me And You 》歌词:You're my everything and I need you to know I just can't waiting for the moment and I love you so oh baby,You're my everything but I need you to know I will be giving you my promise and I to ...

求一首英文歌的名字,貌似是个男的 组合唱的,我都找了好几天了。_百度...
deepside - booty music http:\/\/v.youku.com\/v_show\/id_XMzY5MjYyOTI=.html

求一首英文歌,好象是一个小孩唱的,其中一句是to be
be what you wanna 应该是这首吧 http:\/\/mp3.baidu.com\/m?f=3&rn=&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&word=be+what+you+wanna+be&lm=-1&oq=undefined&rsp=0

有一首很柔情的英文歌曲,男声,其中貌似有一句see you see me,但是不是...
我的英文差劲,就听清楚了其中的一句。有可能单词打错了,但是音同~~谢谢,呵呵 那些快乐的曾经 | 发布于2012-07-30 举报| 评论 2 0 其他1条回答 为您推荐: 经典英文歌曲100首 好听的男声英文歌曲 一首英文歌啊吧 奥斯卡经典英文歌曲 哦来哦来是那首英文歌 有heart的英文歌 一首伤感英文歌是...

貌似应该是英文歌吧、噢哦噢哦哦哦噢哦噢哦噢哦哦哦噢 哦是什么歌的
Hey Oh 歌手:Tragédie 词曲:Tragédie Ho ho ho ho ho 哦 哦 哦 哦 Ho ho ho ho ho 哦 哦 哦 哦 Ho ho ho ho 哦 哦 哦 哦 Ho ho ho ho ho 哦 哦 哦 哦 Est-ce que tu m'entends hey ho !你是否听到我的声音, 哎哦 Est-ce que tu me sens hey ho !你是否心中已有我...

有一首英文歌 是0几年的歌曲 一个黄短发女的唱的 节奏欢快 mv在房屋...
eRok - I Wanna Be Splendidyang Q:199651031 every part of me wants to tell you how i feel every piece of me wants to show you that i'm real i don't wanna make the same mistakes that i made before i really need to take this chance on us before you're walking out ...

求一首英文歌 女声 蛮轻快的 歌词里有很多个oh 有点爵士乐(我也不知道...
lenka-trouble is a friend http:\/\/mp3.baidu.com\/m?f=3&rf=idx&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=trouble+is+friend&lm=-1&oq=trouble&rsp=0

歌手 Nelly Furtado (feat. Timbaland)歌名 Promiscuous 歌词:Am I throwin you off?Nope Didn't think so How you doin' young lady That feelin' that you givin' really drives me crazy You don't have ta play about the joke I was at a loss of words first time that we spoke L...

求一首英文歌 貌似是布兰妮唱的 有几句貌似是hei hei hei hei I...t...
艾薇儿 《girlfriend》

大理市13038568950: 求一首外国歌曲(2006年听到过,应该是英文歌)的名字.
家咳壮筋: girl in your dreans mirror mirror why dear diary breathe again pretty boy the day you went away Never Say Goodbye First love Please tell me why Stand up always come back to you.—— God is a girl Groove Lonely in Gorgeous Tonight I feel close to ...

大理市13038568950: 求两首英文歌的名字.一首是2006年比较流行的一首歌吧,女生唱的,不是she这首,是另外一首. -
家咳壮筋: 邓丽欣——colors I see green I see red I see blue I see black I see coffee on the table

大理市13038568950: 有一首歌 大概在06年左右很多人在听的一首英文歌,只记得歌名是以D P两个字母的单词组成的,这是什么歌曲
家咳壮筋: darin的《peerless》? http://mp3.baidu.com/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=peerless

大理市13038568950: 求一首六年前听过的爵士风格女声英文歌的歌名. -
家咳壮筋: one of us ----- joan osborne 擦,找了一个晚上,终于被我找到了,自己用马甲回复.

大理市13038568950: 急急急找一 首06年左右很火的英文歌 急急急急
家咳壮筋: 女音啊 如果是dj混音的话 可能是舞动精灵哟 groove

大理市13038568950: 2005年到2006年流行的一首英文歌曲,歌的名字忘了,好像叫什么岛,是个女的唱的,请告诉我叫什么歌名 -
家咳壮筋: 麦当娜86年的冠军歌曲《LA ISLA BONITA-- 风光秀丽的小岛》, 歌名La Isla Bonita 为西班牙语,即美丽的海岛.歌词;last night i dreamt of san pedro(昨天晚上我梦见san Pedro)just like i'd never gone, i knew the song(就像我从未离开...

大理市13038568950: 求一首两个外国男生对唱的一首英文歌,当时听到的时候是2006年或2007年音乐很抒情也摇滚一开始nou nou wei -
家咳壮筋: wild wild web 试一下!没的话建议到酷狗“我要歌舞青春”电台找找!到酷狗!里面有个“电台”---网友电台---然后在搜索框里输入“电台名”--点下就播放 望采纳!!

大理市13038568950: 寻歌!07 06 年 非常火的一首英文歌 一个男带一帮小孩唱滴!
家咳壮筋: peerless doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer 医生,演员,律师或歌唱家 why not president, be a dreamer 为什么不是总统?做一个有梦想的人 you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人 police man, fire fighter or a ...

大理市13038568950: 06年8月有首很好听英文歌叫什么女的唱
家咳壮筋: 林宝怡的《和你的每一天》

大理市13038568950: 寻找一手06年很流行的英文歌
家咳壮筋: 没错,是<<I'm Gonna Getcha Good>> 美国的乡村天候Shania Twain 演唱的,她同样好听的歌还有<<ANY MAN OF MINE>>,建议你听听看!

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