
作者&投稿:澄修 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、Bubbly--Colbie Caillat(你听过一遍就会非常喜欢的歌);
2、Burning--Maria Arredondo;
3、Happy--丽安娜 刘易斯;
4、Cry On My Shoulder--出自德国选秀节目(很早的一首,非常好听);
6、The Climb--Miley Cyrus(个人最喜欢的歌手之一);
7、You Belong With Me--泰勒.斯威夫特(绝棒的);
8、I Stay In Love--玛利亚.凯莉;
9、I Didn't Know My Own Strength--Whitney Houston(是非常棒的一首慢歌,也是我非常喜欢的黑人歌手之一。);
10、A Little Bit Longer--Jonas Brothers(嗓音非常棒的组合,几乎每首都很好听,尤其是这首!强力推荐);
11、The Little Things--Colbie Caillat;
13、My All--玛丽亚.凯莉(据说非常适合作手机铃声的歌);
14、My Love--WestLife(西域成名金曲,经典老歌,诠释了所有经典的定义。);
15、Need You Now--Lady Antebellum(时下排行榜热门歌曲);
16、The Saltwater Room--Owl City(最爱的歌手之一,曲风相当特别);
17、Take A Bow--Rihanna(听2秒就会爱上的歌手和歌~);
18、The Technicolor Phase--Owl City(《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的主题曲之一);
19、This Is It--迈克尔.杰克逊(不知到底是翻唱还是遗作,都能再现天王的独特魅力);
20、Who Says--John Mayer(类似乡村风.以吉他为伴奏,这首非常棒!);
21、Just One Last Dance--Sarah Connor(这个经典的不用说吧,);
22、Angle--Sarah Mclachlan(天籁之音~~);
23、Living To Love You--Sarah Connor(歌词催人泪下,我最喜欢的慢歌之一);
24、Nothing Gonna Change My Love For You--Glenn Mediros(被方大同翻唱过,那肯定好听拉);
25、I Look To You--Whitney Houston;
26、I Got You--丽安娜.刘易斯;
27、Love To Be Love By You--马克.特伦茨(歌词和曲调非常感人!);
28、Butterfly Fly Away--Miley Cyrus(《乖乖女是大明星》的插曲,讲的父亲对女儿的爱的故事,曲风清新);
30、Wonderful Tonight--Baby Face(也是被方大同翻唱的歌);
31、Still Crazy In Love--Sarah Connor;
32、We Can Work It Out --Sweetbox;
33、Sexy Love--Ne Yo;
34、Happily Never After--Pussycat Dolls;
35、A Fine Frenzy--Almost Lover(貌似后面的才是歌名,歌手是谁不清楚,曲调有点小特别~);
36、Craigie hill----Cara Dillon(首推这首,温馨极了,好听极了。有点像m2m的声音。) ;
37、Down by the Sally Gardens(歌手不明,但是爱尔兰的风笛爆好听娓娓的旋律,背景音乐也很好听) ;
38、Beautiful Boy--Celine Dion(歌手不用介绍.....);

39、A Place Nearby与Unforgivable Sinner--Lene Marlin(挪威创作才女,) ;
40、Scarborough Fair(毕业生):(《Scarborough Fair》是美国六十年代最受大学生欢迎的电影、1968年奥斯卡获奖片《毕业生》(达斯汀·霍夫曼主演,其成名作)中的主题曲。本人还是喜欢布莱曼她唱的。 );
41、classicriver:(第一次听这曲子的时候是在初秋的深夜,偶然听到了它,刹时间时间和空间好象都凝固了一样!听着它,感觉深藏心底的那份无尽地孤独被慢慢地勾起, 曾经的回忆, 失去的快乐,刻骨的伤心,和短暂拥有,都在那一刻漂浮了起来,占据了身边的所有的空间. 它让我感觉到了这世间最珍贵的是亲情,爱情.金钱算得了什么呢). <classicriver>很多人都听过的旋律.这样的经典歌曲是无价之宝.相信当你知道这歌曲之后,如果突然失去它,你会觉得好孤独,无助... 这样的音乐是无价之宝~);
42、If I Were A Boy--Beyonce(可以做铃声!开头就已经把气氛带起来了~);
43、Love You Lately--Daniel Powter;
44、I Hate Love--Claude Kelly;
46、Better In Time--Leona Lewis;
47、Crush--David Archuleta;
48、You Rarise Me Up--Westlife;
49、Realize--Colbie Caillat(科比.凯拉,几乎她的每一首歌都是那么的特别和好听。非常喜欢的歌手之一);
50、I See You--Leona Lewis(就是《阿凡达》的主题曲,看过电影再听这个歌,我们能听到的,就不止是幻想与憧憬了,还有爱和感动..);
51、Day Too Soon--Sia(也是个所有歌几乎都不错的歌手。);
52、Doesn't Mean Anything--Alicia Keys(个人钟爱的一首歌!非常非常好听!);
53、It's Amazing--Jem(节奏非常好!><,不会后悔的歌哦~);
54、Lovebug--Jonas Brothers(高潮非常明快,清新,非常舒服的一首小情歌~喜欢啊~);
55、When You're Mad--Ne-Yo(尼欧的歌总是那么那么好听,不管是RAP风还是R&B,都非常棒!);
56、One Fine Wire--Colbie Caillat(高潮曲调的设计有点小俏皮。);
57、Vidas Paralelas--Ximena Sarinana(一首法语歌,节奏明快。个人觉得偶尔听听法语歌也是满有趣的。笑~);
58、Wait Til You Here From You--Sarah Connor(开头的独白,那种声音令人放松,接着的曲调非常的好听!推荐!);
59、Sitting Down Here--琳恩玛莲(开头就足以让你喜欢的调调~高潮适合作铃声。);
60、A Place Nearby--琳恩玛莲(全曲以纯明的钢琴和鼓点贯穿。曲调单纯,听了叫人放松。);
61、When You Believe--Mariah Carey&Whitney Houston(两个天后的合音,完美中的完美啊!巨好听!);
62、Dilemma--Kelly Rowland(非常非常好听!高潮部分非常非常适合做铃声!女生手机必备!);
63、No Air--约尔丁斯巴克斯(开头足以定风格,可以作铃声);
64、The Best Day--Taylar Swift;
65、Viva La Vida--Coldplay;
66、Wait For You--Elliott Yamin(非常非常非常好听的!曾经就听过,昨天才终于被我找到~);
67、Time For Miracles--Harald Kloser;
68、When I'm With You--西城男孩(又一首经典旧歌。真的是,开场就征服了我,);
69、A Todo Color--魏如萱(西班牙语,有点甜美的意味。);
70、I Ain't Tryin'--KeAnthong;
72、Little Bit Better--玛丽亚.亚瑞唐多(听这首歌的开头,心里就留下一句话:这歌怎么这么好听啊,笑~);
73、Trip Around The World--Alexz Johnson(可作铃声,女生版清新说唱风,带给你不一样的感觉。);
74、Gonna Get It--Alexz Johnson(开头的尖叫够震撼,够特别,可作铃声);
75、Can Anybody Hear Me--Meredith Andrews(嗓音听起来很舒服,比较喜欢高潮以外的部分。);
76、Eh Eh(Nothing Eale I Can Say--Lady GaGa(GaGa的新歌,开头很特别,可作铃声。感觉风格有点像玛利亚.凯莉~);
77、Before The Down--Jennifer Rush(有点怀旧的感觉。);
78、As Long As It Takes--Meredith Andrews(很纯的嗓音);

79、Stupid In Love--Rihanna(开头的鼓点不错,R的嗓音特别吸引人,但个人还是更喜欢她的快歌);

80、Give You Hell--The All-American Rejects(可爱的背景音乐,很欢快的节奏,不过歌手是男的哟~);
81、Welcome To My Life--Simple Plan(这首要个人慢慢去体味,可能第一遍会觉得一般般,但其实后来会觉得蛮有味道的。)





其实这首歌的全名叫:《我的名字叫伊莲娜》,此歌一经发布就风靡全球,和《God is A Girl》一样是经典中的经典

《Oh My Love》宁静,清谈

JOHN LENON----OH MY LOVE 此刻重温JOHN LENON的IMAGINE专辑,听到他的《oh my love》,便忍不住发了上来。这是JOHN LENON离开BEATLES后的作品,如同IMAGINE一样,歌词是大野洋子所写,曲则是两人共同创作。淡淡的吉他,跟上来的是暖暖的钢琴,配上简单的歌词,特别的纯净。此刻心里很安静,也很塌实。 Oh my love,for the first time in my life,my eyes can see.I see the wind,I see the trees. Everything is clear in my heart......

《Scarborough Fair(毕业生)》推荐,柔情

呵呵,一首永恒经典的老歌!也叫《毕业歌》现在转来它的相关资料,让我们一起来怀旧吧:) 《Scarborough Fair》是美国六十年代最受大学生欢迎的电影、1968年奥斯卡获奖片《毕业生》(达斯汀·霍夫曼主演,其成名作)中的主题曲,原唱歌手:Paul Simon (保罗·西蒙)和Art Garfunkel(加芬克尔),作词:Paul Simon - Art Garfunkel,作曲篜aul Simon - Art Garfunke。我也收藏有莎拉·布莱曼翻唱的。片中的另一首歌曲《寂静之声》也很出名,想大家也是听过的。

《better man》感慨,惊叹


再一次遇到这首《Better Man》,献给我最爱的巴乔的《Better Man》,感动过我一个夏天的《Better Man》。  




年华会逝去,朋友会离开,感情却会搁置在心里,酿成回忆,偶尔小饮,仍然温暖我心。   这首《Better Man》,长长久久地住在了我的音乐盒子里。

为离开昨天寻找明天的我亲爱的朋友们,为离开昨天寻找明天的我自己,唱一首永远的《Better Man》:   Fighting to be a better man ,then lord will give you an endless summer!:)

《God is A Girl》推荐,经典,流传



经典歌曲 《ZOMBIE》.超级女生李宇春翻唱过这首歌曲.不过她太垃圾了.这样的歌曲她不配唱.来听听我们的cranberries的歌,这样的歌曲你一个人在寂寞的时候听心里会流血的!朋友,我希望你能听完这首歌曲.你真的会喜欢她的,我刚开始听这首歌曲我真的不相信人世间居然有这么好听的音乐!

too serious too soon-----Gareth Gates
(绝对令你过耳不忘,稍微修改了下翻译,凑合看吧,他的with you all the time 也非常好听)
I wonder where you are 我想知道你现在在哪
I wonder what your thinking about tonight 我想知道你今晚你在想些什么
I wonder 我想知道(你的一切)。。。。
Maybe your alone 也许你现在独自一人
Maybe you‘ve been crying just like me 也许你也曾同我般哭泣过
I wonder 我想知道。。。
I don't know why I lost your touch 我不知道为什么我失去了你
Maybe I wanted to be loved too much也许是我要的爱过多
Too serious, too soon 太认真,太心急
I wanted you to love me 我曾多么希望你爱我
I wanted to be there for you like no one else before 我想成为你此生唯一的挚爱
Too serious, too soon 太认真太心急
I wanted you to love me 我曾多么希望你爱我
It’s been a rainy afternoon 那个下雨的午后
Now I‘m Staring at the moon 现在我凝视着月亮
Thinking we got too serious, too soon 想着我们爱的太认真太急
I told you every day 每一个白天,
I told you every night in every way 每一个夜晚,我都用尽所有方式告诉你
I love you 我爱你
Maybe you got scared 也许你曾感到害怕
Maybe I have nothing else to say 而我也不知道该用什么言语来表达
But I love you 但是我仍然爱你
So baby now my life’s a mess 现在我的生活一团糟
Cause I‘m 原因是。。。。
cos I couldn’t love you any less 因为我太爱太爱你了

Baby ---Justin Bieber
Ohh wooaah (3x)
You know you love me I know you care
You shout whenever And I'll be there
You want my love You want my heart
And we will never ever ever be apart
Are we an item Girl quit playing
Were just friends Or are we saying
So theres another one Looks right in my eyes
My first love broke my heart for the first time
And I was like
Baby baby baby nooo
My baby baby baby noo
My baby baby baby nooo
I thought youd always be mine mine
Baby baby baby nooo
My baby baby baby noo
My baby baby baby nooo
I thought youd always be mine oh oh
For you I would have done whatever
Another chance and we We get together
And wanna play it cool About loosin' you
I'll buy you anything I'll buy you any ring
And i'm in piece baby fix me
And you'll shake me til' you wake me from this bad dream
Im going down down dooown
And just can't believe my first love won't be around
Baby baby baby nooo
My baby baby baby noo
My baby baby baby nooo
I thought youd always be mine
Baby baby baby nooo
My baby baby baby noo
My baby baby baby nooo
I thought youd always be mine
When i was 13 i had my first love
Here was nobody to compare my baby
And nobody came between us or could ever come above
She had me goin crazy
Oh i was starstruck
She woke me up daily dont need no starbucks
She made my kupig heart pound
Asking for a beat when i see her in the street
And in the school on the playground
But i really wanna see her on the weekends
She knows she got me dazy
Cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking
But i just keep on sayin
Baby baby baby nooo
My baby baby baby noo
My baby baby baby nooo
I thought youd always be mine x2
Now Im all gone

Love me -----Justin Bieber
Oh oh it's JB
My friends say I'm a fool to think
That you're the one for me
I guess I'm just a sucker for love
'Cuz honestly the truth is that
You know I'm never leavin'
'Cuz you're my angel sent from above
Baby you can do no wrong
My money is yours
Give you little more because I love ya
Love ya
With me girl is where you belong
Just stay right here
I promise my dear I'll put nothin above ya
Above ya
Love me Love me
Say that you love me
Fool me Fool me
Oh how you do me
Kiss me Kiss me
Say that you miss me
Tell me what I wanna hear
Tell me you love me
Love me Love me
Say that you love me
Fool me Fool me
Oh how you do me
Kiss me Kiss me
Say that you miss me
Tell me what I wanna hear
Tell me u love me
People try to tell me
but I still refuse to listen
'Cuz they don't get to spend time with you
A minute with you is worth more than
A thousand days without your love
Oh your love
Baby you can do no wrong
My money is yours
Give you little more because I love ya
Love ya
With me girl is where you belong
Just stay right here
I promise my dear I'll put nothin above ya
Above ya
Love me Love me
Say that you love me
Fool me Fool me
Oh how you do me
Kiss me kiss me
Say that u miss me
Tell me what i wanna hear
Tell me you love me
Love me Love me
Say that you love me
Fool me Fool me
Oh how you do me
Kiss me kiss me
Say that u miss me
Tell me what i wanna hear
Tell me you love me
My heart is blind but I don't care
'Cuz when I'm with you everything has disappeared
And every time I hold you near
I never wanna let you go
Love me Love me
Say that you love me
Fool me Fool me
Oh how you do me
Kiss me kiss me
Say that u miss me
Tell me what i wanna hear
Tell me you love me
Love me Love me
Say that you love me
Fool me Fool me
Oh how you do me
Kiss me kiss me
Say that u miss me
Tell me what i wanna hear
Tell me you love me


《Flightless bird》暮光里面的

I was a quick wet boy
Diving too deep for coins
All of your street light eyes
Wide on my plastic toys
And when the cops closed the fair
I cut my long baby hair
Stole me a dog-eared map
And called for you everywhere
Have I found you?
Flightless bird, jealous, weeping
Or lost you?
American mouth
Big pill looming
Now I'm a fat house cat
Nursing my sore blunt tongue
Watching the warm poison rats
Curl through the wide fence cracks
Pissing on magazine photos
Those fishing lures thrown in the cold and clean
Blood of Christ mountain stream
Have I found you?
Flightless bird, grounded bleeding
Or lost you?
American mouth
Big pill, stuck going down

歌曲名: can't stop love
We stand here today, together as one
You brighten my days just like the sun
When everything around is like stormy weather,
We always survive cause were in this together
Whoever said that we could never hold on,
Doesn't know I found my star
(Baby you are my star)
And now I'm happy I stood up for so long
Baby this is where our story starts
I can't stop, can't stop this love
No matter what they say I love you
I can't stop, can't stop, I love you no matter what they say
I love you

They said this love was the impossible kind
But we were strong enough to fight for this life
I can't stop, can't stop this love
No matter what they say I love you

Now i'm carried away because I've opened arms
You're here to stay, deep in my heart
They said that we couldn't, but we did make it work
And nothing could stop us, not even two different worlds
I can't stop, stop, No i can't stop
I can't stop, stop, No i can't stop...

[ti:i cry]
[ar:shayne ward]
[al:shayne ward]
you said goodbye, i fell apart
i fell from all we had
to i never knew, i needed you so bad
you need to let things go, i know you told me so
i've been through hell, to break the spell
why did i ever let you slip away
can't stand another day without you
without the feeling, i once knew
i cry silently, i cry inside of me
i cry hopelessly
cause i know i'll never breathe your love again
i cry, cause you're not here with me
cause i'm lonely as can be
cause i know i'll never breathe your love again
if you could see me now
you would know just how
how hard i try, not to wonder why
i wish i could believe in something new
oh, please somebody tell me it's not true (oh girl)
i'll never be over you
why did i ever let you slip away
can't stand another day without you
without the feeling, i once knew
i cry silently, ooh, i cry inside of me
i cry hopelessly
cause i know i'll never breathe your love again
i cry, cause you're not here with me
cause i'm lonely as can be yeah
cause i know i'll never breathe your love again yeah
if i could have you back tomorrow
if i could lose the pain and sorrow
i would do just anything
to make you see, you still love me
oooooh ooooh
cause i know i'll never breathe your love again
i cry silently, ooh, i cry inside of me
i cry hopelessly
cause i never no no never breathe your love again
i cry, cause you're not here with me
cause i'm lonely as can be yeah
cause i know i'll never breathe your love
know i'll never breathe your love again

[al:coast to coast]
[by:yf z (qq:356078408)]
album:coast to coast咫尺天涯
lrc produce by:shane zheng(qq:295374467)
shane:if only you could see the tears多希望你可以看到我的悲伤
in the world you left behind在你离开我以后
if only you could heal my heart多希望你还能为我疗伤
just one more time只要一次足以
even when i close my eyes每当我闭上眼睛
there's an image of your face就会想起你的每一个表情
and once again i come to realise再一次让我深深了解到
you're a loss i can't replace无人能取代你
it's a keeping for the lonely一直持续的孤独
since the day that you were gone从你离开我的那一天
why did you leave me为什么悄然离开
in my heart you were the only在我心中你永远是唯一
and your memory lives on你的一举一动深深的埋在我的脑海
shane:walking down the street走在大街上
of nothingville似乎对我们来说小镇是空虚的
where our love was young and free在那里我们的爱纯洁而又自由
can't believe just what an empty place不敢相信在这空虚的地方
it has come to be我们的爱也变的空虚了
i would give my life away我愿意放弃我的生命
if it could only be the same只希望能回到从前
cause i can't still the voice inside of me因为我无法忘记记忆里你的声音
that is calling out your name这是我对你爱的呼唤
mark:time will never change the things you told me时间无法抹去你给我的誓言
after all we're meant to be因为我们的心是连在一起的
love will bring us back to you and me爱会让我们再次回到从前
brian:if only you could see如果你能听到我的呼唤
it's a keeping for the lonely一直持续的孤独

ever lasting love song
he played an everlasting love song
to the night,it still lives on ang on
the night holds our thoughts and dreams
by the morning they may all have come and gone
the nights belongs to no one
it holds our dreams and takes us far away
he wrote this note to someone
and it plays for ever and a day
some nights bring on the rain fallbut they disappear form view
as stars dance in the moonlight
they"re shining for me and you
the moon lights up the night sky
we see each and ever wishing star
and one only shines for you
this is yours where ever you are
some nights bring on the rain fall
but they disappear form view
as stars dance in the moonlight
they"re shining for me and you
the moon lights up the night sky
we see each and ever wishing star
and one only shines for you
this is yours where ever you are
这首歌QQ音乐和酷狗都有 如果用百度MP3的话实在第五首 不过网上没有歌词


Eenie Meenie——Justin Bieber (我爱惨了。)Latin Girl——Justin Bieber (旋律老好听了。我都差不多会背了~~)Be What You Wanna Be ——群星(很学习风。这首歌是我们英语老师上课给我们听的,我放学回家就上网找歌名。)Never Say Bye——群星(同学推荐的,很不错昂。)Call Me——Kelly...


1. 有关古文的歌曲 歌曲:念奴娇 歌手:伊能静 古文:念奴娇 赤壁怀古 作者:苏轼 歌曲:但愿人长久 歌手:王菲 古文:水调歌头 明月几时有 作者:苏轼 歌曲:满江红 歌手:罗文 专辑:射雕英雄传 歌曲:几多愁 歌手:邓丽君 歌曲:滚滚长江东逝水 歌手:杨洪基 还有梅花三弄 一剪梅 新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦 涛...

1、Bubbly--Colbie Caillat(你听过一遍就会非常喜欢的歌);2、Burning--Maria Arredondo;3、Happy--丽安娜 刘易斯;4、Cry On My Shoulder--出自德国选秀节目(很早的一首,非常好听);5、Apologize--Timbaland;6、The Climb--Miley Cyrus(个人最喜欢的歌手之一);7、You Belong With Me--泰勒...

歌曲:我们的宝典 歌手:林慧萍 专辑:走在阳光里 [ti:我们的宝典][ar:林慧萍][al:走在阳光里][by:刘朋]我们的宝典 演唱:林慧萍 ---39159--☆☆☆--39159--- 夜行的船只需要灯塔 冰封的大地企盼春天 饱尝忧患的中国人啊 渴望这部指点迷津的宝典 宝典里涵咏了民族民权民生 是解决根本问题的指针...

不完美的她英文插曲叫什么 不完美的她英文歌曲名字及歌词
好像第一句是it's so perfect when i am driving home with you,还有句是什么you owe my heart还是什么,太好听了吧 回答:预告片里的歌名:Fearfully, Wonderfully 演唱者:James Richard Kocian, Elizabeth Anne Mall 不完美的她英文歌曲名字及歌词 试听地址:https:\/\/m.weibo.cn\/status\/...


1. 介绍些古风歌曲,歌词要文言文的 丝竹少爷&此间乐的扇梦 云鹤追的云中歌 梦璟SAYA的绾青丝·君北羽·琐情(和云中歌同个曲子的)星空 佩佩的樱梦春秋 破音的清泠水逝、江湖谣 小围的焚心劫(这歌她翻唱的感觉还不错)樱哚哚的折蝶、临水照花、轻波月下歌 水之幻翼的此间年少 HITA的花神泪 ...


魏县15917935993: 有什么好听的英文歌曲//? -
线平万爽: 1. don't cry--guns n' roses这首歌曾唱哭了千万人.总是能够触痛了心底最软的地方,心抽痛着,眼圈红了,却没有眼泪渗出,每多听一次就多一次的依恋...2. fade to black--METAllic金属乐队也有很经典歌曲,相信国内有好多人都是听了这首歌的...

魏县15917935993: 有什么好听的英文歌
线平万爽: Craig David&Sting《Rise and fall》 Jess Mccartney《Because you live》 groove coverage《god is a girl》《far away from home》 Eminem&Dido《Stan》 Aaron Carter《I'm all about you》《I'm all about you》 Nelly&Kelly Rowland《dilemma》 ...

魏县15917935993: 有什么好听英文歌?(越多越好) -
线平万爽: Leona Lewis(她的歌超好听,美国2008 最流行的伤感歌手) bleeding love yesterday take a bow I'am you Angel What it takes The best you never had No air burning almost here in the end apologize living to love you memorise peerless no air ...

魏县15917935993: 有哪些好听的英文歌. -
线平万爽: Star takes a rest──星辰都停止呼吸. love paradise 常哼的一首歌.很甜美 winter in my heart -想念在我心中 歌手:befour trouble is a friend colors 邓丽欣 The truth that you leave 一首纯音乐 love to be loved by you Time after time 花舞う街で 长...

魏县15917935993: 好听的英文歌? -
线平万爽: 左边歌手--------右边歌曲 布兰妮---------3 Deutschland Sucht Den Supersta-----cry on my shoulder 英文群星-----------------our love will always last the Fray-----------------------Never Say Never 共和时代------------Apologize 莫文蔚--------------Close To You 布兰...

魏县15917935993: 推荐几首经典的英文歌 -
线平万爽: 01. Just One Lest Dance 最后一支舞 02. Love To Be Loved By You 爱着你的爱03. To Meet Even Know 即使知道要见面04. How Could I 我怎么能05. Dem Lao Xao 冬季的雨夜 06. Without You 失去你 08. Angel 天使09. When You Told Me You ...

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