
作者&投稿:采姬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
初一上册英语作业本(2)34页答案 急~



Unit 1 ①
Time clues Main events
Early life suffered from a strange sickness; was completely blind and deaf; had no way
of successfully communicating with other people; had a teacher called Anne
College life had much difficulty; began to write about her life
Public life made lecture tours to speak of her experiences and beliefs; collected money
to help the disabled
Last years was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom; died peacefully
Things we can learn from Helen Keller:(Give your own answers according to your own understanding.)

Ⅱ. 1. beneficial 2. basement 3. annoys 4. fellows 5. architect 6. encouragement
Unit 1 ②
I. 1. politics 2. eyesight 3. disabilities 4. industry 5. graduated
6. encouragement 7. congratulate(d) 8. independent
II. 1. as well as 2. in other words 3. out of breath 4. had difficulty in
5. sitting around 6. all in all 7. make fun of
III. 1-5 CACCA 6-10 CADDC 11-15 ABDBA
Unit 1 ③
I. 1-5 DDBBD 6-10 BCADA
II. 1-3 BDC
Unit l ④
I. 1. to do maths 2. to go to university 3. to pass 4. to try again
5. to accept failure 6. to become a scientist
II. 1. to select 2. to persuade 3. to buy 4. feel 5. to get up 6. to use/using
7. to consider 8. think of 9. to see 10. to wear
Unit 1⑤
I. 1-5 BCABD 6-10 CCADB
II.1. ①Sending gifts to the disabled ②Gathering money through auctions
③ Starting a project ④ Forming groups to make the public more aware
2. One possible version:
Student Union,
National Aid to the Disabled Day is the day for us to do something for disabled people
who are still one of the special groups that need help most in society. As this special day
is around the comer, I am writing to ask you to consider the following things.
①Go on diet for one day. It seemed not proper for us to have a lot of food, while
quite a lot of disabled people lead a poor life in our city. we should give up all the
junk food to raise money to help the disabled.
②Pay a visit to the disabled. As we know the disabled may feel helpless and frustrated
sometimes, if we can pay them a visit, we can make them feel the warmth of our big so-
cial family. We can take some small gifts and help them with the housework when we
visit them.
③Have fund-raising activities on City Square. Many disabled people have difficulty
in making money, so we should think of ways to collect money to help them. It is a good
idea to organize different kinds of activities on the City Square to collect some money.
The activities may include selling our secondhand books, holding dancing or singing
parties and so on. We can invite some disabled people to join us.
④Organize one-yuan donation activities in school. We students still depend on our
parents for money, but we can persuade every student to donate one yuan to help the
disabled. Though one yuan is a small amount, it can improve our awareness in doing
charity work through our involvement.
⑤Hold special class meetings. While there may be better ways to help the disabled, we.
should also put ourselves in their shoes and think about how life is like for the
disabled. Through class meetings, we can discuss the difficulty the disabled might face
and the measures we and the society can take to help them.
Thank you for reading my letter. I hope you will consider my suggestions. Disable peo-
ple need help, so on this special day we should do something to show that we are concerned
about them and make more people know their problems.
Yours Sincerely,
Your Name


when is your birthday ? It is May 4th
how old are you? I am16
When is your birthday? It is September 1sr.
How oid are you ? I am 7
when is women is day
It is march 8th
whenis father is day it is the 3rd sunday in june
whenis mikey is birthday ?
It is november 18th

when is your biethday ----it's may 4th
how oid are you-----i am 19
how oid are you------i am 10
1-4 2-3 3-1 4-2
wen is father's day wen is micke's biethday



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【答案】: Ⅰ、Good habits:exercise for 20 minutes , drink milk ,read books , take a walk after supper ,eat fruit , help with housework ,take a shower Bad habits:stay up late , watch TV for 3 hours ,eat hamburgers , go online for 2 hours ,play computer games t...

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回答:课文上一定有答案,仔细找! 要相信自己是最棒的

1.BACB 2.shouldn"t too much It"s to eat a balanced good for stressed out 后面自己写的

2.在下面 Down in the valley the fog still lingers.下面山谷里仍然雾气蒙蒙。3.(坐)下,(躺)下;(咽)下 The child could not get the pill down.孩子吞不下药片。4.向南方;在南方 They go down to Florida every winter.他们每年冬天南下去佛罗里达。5.去市中心,去商业区 6.(记)下,(抄)...

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1.How often wasth.2.What time daes run.3.Hou many eat for.4.How often surf the Internet.5.read English books.6.How does sings.

上面左边部分B:yes,i do.A:Do you like milk?A:Do youlike ice-cream.A:Do youlike salad?

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across是将找出横着的单词写在那一格上 down就是将找出竖着的单词写在第二条上啦

贺州市19898733702: 七下英语作业本(2)第34页答案
籍印利力: 一、read a book played baseball eat lunch played games hot talked beside the take二、1、He went to central park2、What did Dick do thereHe had a picnic there3、How was the weatherIt was sunny4、What did Dick eatHe ate French tries...

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籍印利力: 介词 prep. 1.横越,穿过 We walked across the street. 我们穿过马路. 2.在...那边 He stared at the Englishman across the table. 他两眼一直盯着坐在桌子对面的那个英国人. 3.与...相交叉 The two lines cut across each other. 两条线相互交叉. ...

贺州市19898733702: 英语七年级上册作业本答案 -
籍印利力: Ⅰ1.Ben:Where's my baseball,Mom?Mom:I don't know. Is it on the sofa?Ben:No,it isn't.Mom:Is it in your backpack?Ben:No,it isn't.Mom:Is it under the table?Ben:Oh,yes,that's it.Thank you.2.Mom:Where are my keys?Anna:I don't know. Are ...

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籍印利力: 第4页 第二题 1.B 5.D 3.C 4.A 第三题 Good afternoon;How are you;Fine;I'm OK 第5页 第二题 Across;afternoon;hello;morning;thank;evening;Down;good;fine;hi 第三题 1—E 2—A 3—D 4—B 5—C 第六页 第二题 A.j B.q C.r D.k E.p F.o 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.E 6.F 额我自己打出来的 抄答案上面的 记得给分 打了好久

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贺州市19898733702: 七年级上册英语<<课时作业本>>答案 -
籍印利力: 1.The flat is on the five floors of a tall building.(floor变成复数) 2.park还有停车的意思 3.They got married in 1995. 意思是他们在1995年结婚. 我也不知道对不对,尽力做了.应该不会错吧.祝你学习进步.

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