英语作文 根据中文提示,写一篇60词左右的英语短文

作者&投稿:徭弘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
如何根据提示用80个左右的英语单词以Don’t Litter为题撰写一篇短文?~

As student ,we often do our homework at school ,but sometimes we have too many homework ,which are too difficult for us .On the other hand ,some of us are lazy and don't work hard at their lessons .So when doing homework ,they sometimes copy others homework in order to complete the task of teacher to please their parents and teachers .In my opinion ,it is wrong to copy others homework because it breaks the rules of school .We should be honest and try to completed the task by studying hard instead of copying others homework .what's more ,we should improve our study methods and get help from our teacher an classmates.
don't litter不要乱抛垃圾
Dont' litter scraps of paper不准丢纸屑
Don't litter around不要乱丢废物


LI Ming found a bird on his way home. Unfortunately, there was something wrong with its wind. It can not fly. Li Ming took it home and looked after it carefully. Now, Li Ming plans to let the bird fly away. He thinks the sky is realy home of the bird.

自己连翻译带敲键盘 很辛苦的~~

The students of Class 1 ,Grade 2 went hiking for a field trip last week.

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