英语题 根据首字母填空【速度速度,在线等】

作者&投稿:表巩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. Most students takes trains to school in Japan.
__How__do most students___go___to school in Japan?
2. It usually takes me two hours to exercise every day.(就画线部分提问)
___How__ __long___ does it usually take you to exercise every day?
3. He often gets up at 7:00 every morning.(就画线 部分提问)
__What___ __time___ does he often get up every morning?
4. Miss Brown usually gets to school on foot.(改为同义句)
Miss Brown usually __walk___ ___to___ school.
5. I take the subway to the factory.(改为同义句)
I get to the factory___by___ __subway____

My Robert got a new pet.It was a white cat.He made a little house__ for the cat.But five days later__,the cat run___away.
The next day,Mr Robert found___something in the little house.It was a dog with___ her two little dogs,The dogs liked the little___ house.They s___ and became Mr Rober's new pets.Mr Bobert liked them___ very much.They lived happily together___.

Mr Perkin (always) wore the same clother as other people,ate the same food as other people,and did the same things (at) work.
One day ,Mr Perkin stood at the bus stop and (waited) the cars go by.Many of the cars were new Beta 400s,and most of them were yellow.
The next week,Mr Perkin( bought) a new bright yellow Beta 400.He drove to work in in the next day .When he saw all the other Beta 400s in front,behind and on both sides of him,he was very (happy)-.
Mr Perkin parked his car in a big car park( near) his office,and then walked to his office.But (when) he came back at five o'clock,(there) were a lot of bright yellow Beta 400s in the car park.He did not know (which) car was his.So he had to wait nearly two hours (unless) his car was the only yellow Beta 400 in the car park.

always at watched bought happy near when there which unless
我跟上面两位的答案都有一个不一样的,一个是watched, 在句子中的意思是:观察过往的汽车
还有就是最后一个unless, 在句子中的意思是:他不得不等了将近2个小时,除非他的车是停车场中唯一的一辆黄色Beta400

always at watched bought happy near when there which untill 初中生吧。。最后一个肯定是untill

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牢贴泰尔: sadsleepingfollowed【速度回答,希望已帮您解惑,有疑问请再问!】 若帮到您请点击采纳满意回答^_^谢谢!

鸠江区17173694163: 英语根据首字母填空啊、速度
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