
作者&投稿:孛蚂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

你们老师发书的时候 把后面答案撕了???

Key to Exercises (Units 1-8)
Unit 1
Part I Pre-reading Task
Script for the recording:
Have you ever heard of the pop singer, John Lennon? Here he is singing a song he wrote for his son. It's called Beautiful Boy.
Close your eyes
Have no rear
The monster s tone
He's on the run and your daddy's here
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Beautiful boy
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Beautiful boy
Before you go to sleep Say a little prayer
1 John Lennon (1940-1980): First became famous as a singer and guitarist in the Beatles, a British rock group, writing many of their most successful hits. Later he left the group, but continued to be popular as a singer and songwriter.

66 - Appendix I

Every day in every way
It's getting better and better
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful boy
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful boy
Out on the ocean sailing away I can hardly wait To see you come of age
But I guess we’ll both just have to be patient ‘Cause it's a long way to go A bard row to hoe Yes it's a long way to go

But in the meantime
Before you cross the street
Take my band
Life is what happens to you
While you're busy making other plans
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Beautiful boy
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Beautiful boy
Before you go to sleep Say a little prayer Every day in every way It's getting better and better
1 A hard row to hoe: To hoe is to use a special farming tool, a hoe, to clear small weeds and break up the surface of the soil. The row referred to is a row of plants.

Appendix I - $9 -
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Beautiful boy Darling, darling, darling Darling Sean
You've just heard John Lennon singing a lullaby to his son Sean. A lullaby is a song we sing to help babies to go to sleep. So he tells Sean "Close your eyes, have no fear, your Daddy's here." Then he looks into the future. He sees his son setting out on life's adventure:
Out on the ocean sailing away
And he can hardly wait to see his son grow up, to reach eighteen when he comes of age and celebrates becoming an adult. But he knows they'll both have to be patient
Cause it'a long way to go A hard row to hoe
Growing up can be difficult. At times it can, as we say, be a hard row to hoe. It's a phrase we use to describe any difficult task.
But if growing up is sometimes hard, it is also full of surprises. Things happen when we least expect them:
Lire is what happens to you
While you're busy making other plans
I think you'll find the stories you are going to read in this unit show that John Lennon was right: growing up can be quite an adventure, full of the unexpected.
As for John Lennon, sadly he never did live to see his son grow up and come of age, for John was shot dead by a madman in New York while Sean was still only five years old.

- 90 - Appendix I
Part II Text A
Text organization l.

Paragraphs Headings
1 Baker's feelings about English courses
2 Baker's impression of his new English teacher
3 A topic that attracts Baker's attention
4 Vivid memories the title brought back
5 Baker's sudden desire to write about that topic
6 Anticipating punishment
7 Mr. Fleagle's announcement
8 Classmates' response to the essay
9 What Baker discovered

Parts Paragraphs Main Ideas
Part i Paras 1-2 Baker was bored by everything associated with English courses, including essay writing.
Part II Paras 3-5 Baker found himself attracted by one particular topic and wrote about it for his own joy.
Part III Paras 6-9 The experience of writing the essay helped him discover his talent for writing and realize what he wished to do in life.

Appendix I - 91 -
I. 1. 1) arguments 2) put ... down
3) sequence 4) rigid
5) tedious 6) hold back
7) reputation 8) distribute
9) off and on 10) vivid
11) associate ... with 12) congratulations
13) finally 14) turn in/turn out15) tackle
2. 1) George has been assigned to the newspaper's Paris office.
There is a possibility that his wish to become a writer will come true.
She had a clear image of how she would look in twenty years' time.
When the officer gave the command the soldiers opened fire.
As long as people keep buying bikes we'll keep turning them out.
3. 1) Mr. Green is very dull as a lecturer. He's rigid and old fashioned, and doesn't seem to have
the faintest idea of how to inspire. I always get bored with / by his lectures.
Alan's essays are long and tedious to read. What's more, his arguments are often based on out of date ideas.
I was pleasantly surprised at my ability to compose an essay that the professor chose to read to the class. It was without doubt one of the happiest moments in my school career, but I did my best to avoid showing pleasure. When the professor offered me his congratu-lations, however, I could hardly hold back a smile.
II. Synonyms in Context
1. composed 2. severe
3. agony 4. extraordinary
5. recall 6. command
7. was violating 8. anticipate
III. Collocation
1. at 2. for
3. of 4. with
5. as 6. about
7. to 8. in, in

- 92 - Appendix I
9. from 10. on/upon
1. 1) Russell Baker is reported to live today with his wife in Virginia.
They are said to be building another bridge across the river.
Only a few students in Mr. Parker's composition class are said to have really captured the essence of the essay.
Those love poems were believed to have been composed by an English poet of the sixteenth century.
2. 1) as you suggested
2) as I told you to

exactly as I was
as you have described them to me
Comprehensive Exercises
I. Cloze
2. congratulations
4. scanned
6. vivid
8. off and on
10. career
1. hold back
3. tedious
5. recall
7. arguments
9. turn out/turn in
1. that
3. black
5. at
7. different
9. On
11. answer
13. wrong
15. Thus

II. Translation
Susan lost her legs because of / in a car accident. For a time, she didn't know how to face

Appendix I - 93 -

up to the fact that she would never ( be able to) walk again.
One day, while scanning (through ) books, a true story caught her eye/she was attracted by a true story. It gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer. Greatly inspired. Susan made up her mind to read as much as she could, and what's more, she wanted to write stories about her own childhood. Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be able to lead a useful life.
Part III TextB
Comprehension Check
l.b 2. a
3. c 4. c
5.b 6. c
(参见 Appendix HI)
2. in advance
4. adjusting to
6. think up
8. clashes
10. evil
12. in the meantime 14. appeal
Language Practice
1. on purpose
3. comprises
5. assumed
7. generally
9. represent
11. voluntary
13. motioned
15. decent
Part IV Theme-related Language Learning Tasks
Model paper
A memorable Experience
On the morning of the college entrance test I rode a bike to the school where I would take the

- 94 - Appendix I
Less than halfway between my house and the school, disaster struck. My bike hit a nail and thefront tyre went flat. I pushed the bike along the streets, looking for a repair shop. Minutes passed butstill there was none to be found. When I looked at my watch, I went wild with worry: there wereonly fifteen minutes left before the examination began, and the nearest bus stop was a long way off.Not knowing what to do, I stood still by the side of the road, tears welling up in my eyes. Then a carpulled in and I heard a voice asking what the matter was. When he heard my story, the driver offeredme a lift. Thank to his kindness, I arrived just in time. And so here I am today. ( 157 words)
Unit 2
Part I Pre-reading Task
Script for the recording:

Just what are friends for? To have fun with, of course, to share in the good times. Yet most people would say that a real friend is more than just a fair weather friend. A fair weather friend? A fair weather friend is someone who's happy to stay with you when things are going well but leaves as soon as trouble arrives, while a good friend, a true friend, is one who'll stand by you when you find yourself in difficulties. That's certainly what the American pop singer Dionne Warwick thinks. As she tells her friend
... you can always count on me, For sure, that's what friends are for, For good times, an bad times, I’ 11 be on your side forevermore.

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