How do supragmetal features differ between English and chinese?这个题目不知道怎么回答,求教高手~~

作者&投稿:迟彪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语:Kitty sits and him B.he and you C.him and you and he 英语高手解答!!~



Differencies between English and Chinese

The English and Chinese are two languages not only the grammar structure which creates sentences with the word different, moreover the expression thought method is different, uses the image also has the difference. Translates the Chinese aspect in England, the key lies in the accurate understanding original text, how lies in the translation to get rid of the original text restricting, avoids the foreign accent ocean accent. This time is uses Chinese to rewrite, therefore to Chinese request big somewhat. But translates the English aspect in the Chinese, how the key lies in synthesizes English knowledge which the utilization studies, us originally understood the quite clear Chinese writing, smoothly expresses by the accurate English.


是这个单词吧:suprasegmental 超音段特征,超音段特征包括:tone/pitch,stress,intonation
Suprasegmental features
1. Definition
Distinctive features that occur in units
larger than sound segments, such as the
syllables, words, phrases and sentences, are
called suprasegmental features (超音段特征).

The features include tone/pitch, stress and intonation.
2. Tone /Pitch (音调/声调/调位)

Tone/pitch is the degree of highness of voice.

It depends on how fast the vocal cords
vibrate when we speak. The faster they vibrate,
the higher the pitch is.
The way pitch is used linguistically differs
from language to language.

In English—cat
In Chinese—mao mao mao mao
level rise fall-rise fall
猫 毛 卯 帽
English is not a tone language.
Chinese is a tone language.

A tone language is a language in which the
variation of tone can distinguish words.

Tone is a feature that can distinguish words
in some languages, such as Chinese, and since it
occurs in word level which is larger than sound
segments, we say
—tone is a suprasegmental feature.

Besides Chinese, other tone languages are
spoken in Vietnam, Thailand and central America.



潍坊市15128761242: How do supragmetal features differ between English and chinese? -
圭弯肾舒:[答案] 是这个单词吧:suprasegmental 超音段特征,超音段特征包括:tone/pitch,stress,intonation 答案如下: Suprasegmental ... /Pitch (音调/声调/调位) Tone/pitch is the degree of highness of voice. It depends on how fast the vocal cords vibrate when we ...

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