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Bartley Barstools有2.5的资产净值.公司的资产是公给一些联合的长期债务和普通股本的资金.什么是公司债务比率?

1.What Caused The Financial Crisis?

I think we can sum up the cause of our current economic crisis in one word — GREED. Over the years, mortgage lenders were happy to lend money to people who couldn’t afford their mortgages. But they did it anyway because there was nothing to lose. These lenders were able to charge higher interest rates and make more money on sub-prime loans. If the borrowers default, they simply seized the house and put it back on the market. On top of that, they were able to pass the risk off to mortgage insurer or package these mortgages as mortgage-backed securities. Easy money!
and what went wrong with our financial system? The whole thing was one big scheme. Everything was great when houses were selling like hot cakes and their values go up every month. Lenders made it easier to borrow money, and the higher demand drove up house values. Higher house values means that lenders could lend out even bigger mortgages, and it also gave lenders some protection against foreclosures. All of this translates into more money for the lenders, insurers, and investors. Unfortunately, many borrowers got slammed when their adjustable mortgage finally adjusted. When too many of them couldn’t afford to make their payments, it causes these lenders to suffer from liquidity issue and to sit on more foreclosures than they could sell. Mortgage-backed securities became more risky and worth less causing investment firms like Lehman Brothers to suffer. Moreover, insurers like AIG who insured these bad mortgages also got in trouble.
The scheme worked well, but it reverses course and is now coming back to hurt everyone with a vengeance.

2.Opportunities and challenges with the coming of globalization

Globalization is a historical process, referring to the increasing integration of economies around the world, particularly through trade and financial flows and the movement of people and knowledge across international borders. With the coming of globalization, it brings us both opportunities and challenges.

Greater interconnectedness among the world’s people seems to promise a “global village” in which the destructive antagonisms of the past can be left behind, replaced by global cooperation and enriching diversity. Global markets offer grater opportunity of people to tap into more and large markets around the world. It means that they can have access to more capital flows, technology, cheaper imports, and larger export markets. As globalization has progressed, living standards, particularly when measured by broader indicators of well-being, have improved significantly in virtually all countries.

But the actual experience of globalization has not fulfilled such promise as above. Instead, it has given us more poor people than the world has ever know and increased threats to the environmental conditions on which humans life itself depends. It has led many to fear the loss of hard-won social and environmental protections and even of meaningful self-government. And the markets do not necessarily ensure that the benefits of increased efficiency are shared by all. Also the strongest gains have been made by the advanced countries and only some of the developing countries.

Globalization is both irreversible and, in its present form, unsustainable. What will come after it is far from determined. Countries must be prepared to embrace the policies needed, and in the case of the poorest counties may need the support of the international community as the do so.

3.Today, we learn of the "challenge to the fate of the" one, I am deeply, and I have a really different compared to Hawking. Hawking in the event of illness or adhere to the training and learning, which is many people do not. But he has been with a strong determination to overcome difficulties and have been inspired his courage. He's illness also wrote under torture, "A Brief History of Time - From the Big Bang to Black Hole" This is how it is not easy! He kind of afraid of difficulties, not afraid of failure, the courage to challenge the fate of the spirit to the inspiration of my life, my life on the road to a brilliant banner. "Strong-minded and can move mountains, life on the road, only the strong will and the courage to overcome difficulties and the courage to challenge the fate of people who can win." "Strong-minded and can move mountains." This is the true reason . You see, two-thirds of the high level of paralysis sister Heidi, in a wheelchair in the small world of struggle in order to achieve success than others, I do not know how many times have to pay. However, she did not bow to fate, to yield difficulties. She did not firmly believe that not climb on the mountain, did not make life difficult for the river, in the face of difficulties and move forward, surging, self-study after school education, foreign language self-study hard, translated more than 30 million foreign Literature. Perseverance amazing sister Heidi is not relying on a strong will, hard work, step by step on the success of this mountain?
Balzac There is a saying: "The difficulty for the weak is an abyss, for the strong run is a great asset." Yes, if a person succumbed to the fate of the yield to difficulties, then, he Can only be a weak, but difficult, strong-minded and have the courage to challenge fate, he will be strong in life. Hawking is not afraid of difficulties, not afraid of failure, the courage to challenge the fate of the spirit, we'll reveal the true meaning of one. "Trials and tribulations, so who weak willpower into a quagmire of failure, the will is strong on the climb to the pinnacle of success." Generally, the past achievements of the people are a lot of hard training, from the rise in the trials and tribulations. "The Art of War," the author of the famous military strategist Sun Bin, the self-mature mathematician Hua, the morning of the world-famous "compact" the mother - Marie Curie, Edison inventor, is not it? Gorky once said: "Let's be more fierce storm more now." Yes, difficulties and setbacks of life is like in the condiment, not the life will become dull. Let us as the storm petrel, full of lofty sentiments and aspirations, with a smile in the face of setbacks in life, to enjoy the success of the joy of it!



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云南省19140071616: 一道金融英语题,求教啊求解答please briefly depict the interrelationship between recession and bank panics -
闽度思连:[答案] 英文的意思是:请简要描述衰退和银行恐慌之间的相互关系.衰退:经济衰退(Recession):(按照美国的标准)当经济中总产出、收入和就业连续6个月到一年的明显下降,经济中很多部门出现普遍收缩,则这种经济下降称为衰...

云南省19140071616: 一道金融英语会计题3. ABC Co. Ltd. purchased a car for $ 12 000, making a down payment of $5 000 cash and signing a $7 000 note payable due in 60 days. ... -
闽度思连:[答案] 我拿中文给你回答了…… 这个业务是该公司买了一辆12000元的小汽车,付现金5000元,一个应付票据7000元, 那么负债增加了应付票据的7000元,这是选项B,正确的 小汽车和现金都属于资产,那么资产就应该是增加了12000,减少了5000,所...

云南省19140071616: 一题金融数学 英语An invoice for $13600 dated july 18 has terms:3/10 1.25/20 n/30.a.what is the last date of discount period?b.A payment for $8000 on july 39 ... -
闽度思连:[答案] a.what is the last date of discount period? 答案:August 6 b.A payment for $8000 on july 39 was made,what will be the balance left? July 39 写错了,检查一下再追问. c.what payment will settle the invoice balance if paid on august 答案:$13600

云南省19140071616: 一道金融英语题 -
闽度思连: Csecurities reach matuirty 证券到期原句大意: 政府债券和私募股的买卖者需要短期投入资金来购买新股和保住现有股,直到这些证券被卖给消费者或到期.

云南省19140071616: 谁会用英文翻译这个题目'金融衍生工具财务风险探讨',不能用翻译器翻译.
闽度思连: The discussion about the financial risk of financial derivative securities(financial derivative instrument ) .

云南省19140071616: 帮忙翻译两道英语金融题目吧~~谢谢! -
闽度思连: 3.一银行有两个现值7000万美元的3年期的商业贷款.首第一个是3000万美元的贷款,需要三年后3,780万美元的一次付款,中间不需要支付任何费用.第二个贷款价值4000万美元.每年需要支付360万美元的利息.4000万美元的本金3年内要还...

云南省19140071616: 麻烦帮我翻一下这句有关佣金的英语Commission rate shall be of 1% of the total contract value on all sales of project margin of 15%. -
闽度思连:[答案] 佣金率应按总的合同价值1%计算,也就是所有销售项目15%总利润中的1%

云南省19140071616: 谁来回答金融英文题~急!!! -
闽度思连: 这个是用利率平价 算出期望汇率的问题 根据无套利原理 美元利率是1.2% 英镑利率是3.5% 现在汇率是1.5,假设未来汇率是X 你投资任何一个币种最后得到的美元是一样的 投资一块钱英镑 最后得到 1+3.5% 然后按照远期汇率(EXPECTATION OF THE SPOT RATE)兑换成 (1+3.5%)*X美元 把这个美元折现到现在等于 (1+3.5%)*X/(1+1.2%) 再把美元换成英镑 【(1+3.5%)*X/(1+1.2%)】/1.5由于无套利 这个数应当等于1 所以(1+3.5%)*X/(1+1.2%)=1.5 求得X=1.5*(1+1.2%)/(1+3.5%)=1.4667 额~~~分析方法就是这样的

云南省19140071616: 一个简易经济学选择题.英文的,请高手翻一下,顺便说下答案. -
闽度思连: 下面哪个商品的涨价会有明显的INCOME EFFECT或者SUBSTITUTION EFFECT.INCOME EFFECT, SUBSTITUTION EFFECT翻译起来跟写论文差不多了. 自己去查.答案是C, 因为戏票不是必需, 而盐, 住宅和食物都是必需. 大家购买必需品一般不受价格上涨的影响, 但是戏票这种东西是收入多就买得多, 收入少就买得少. 而且, 如果戏票涨价, 我可以买其他东西代替, 比如说电影票或者游乐场票, 而盐是无法代替的.

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