
作者&投稿:蒙辉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

6—10 BCDCA
III. 对话理解(Dialogues)
A) 11—15 ACCBD B) 16—20 CBACB
IV. 短文理解(Passages)
A) 21—25 BBACD
B) 26. Brothers 27. 11: 45/a quarter to twelve 28. (the) theatre 29. 639-884 30. Thursday
I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure)
31—35 DCBCA 36—40 BDCDA 41—45 ACBCD 46—50 BACCD
II. 阅读理解(Reading comprehension)
A) 51—55 BACAD
B) 56-60 BACDD
63. When a star needs to go to the bathroom or have a cigarette.
64. She was tired but excited.
65. more than 90%
67.small/not very large; respected
68. half-price
69. contest
70. free
III. 完形填空(Cloze)
A) 71.game 72. In fact 73. popular 74. teams 75. playing 76.competitions 77.professional(s) 78. advertisers 79. brings 80. salaries
B) 81. to go 82. were waiting 83.realised 84. had left 85. were working 86. was found 87. will be 88. ran 89. got 90. started
IV. 句式转换(Sentence pattern transformation)
A) 91.Would you like 92.what she thought of 93. have already spoken 94. have we 95. were you paid
B) 96. my best 97. looks after 98. some/any advice/suggestions 99. was disappointed 100. pay attention
V. 翻译(Translation)
101.I hope what I have done can make you happy.
102. I prefer quiet traditional music, so concerts suit me just fine.
103. He came across so many difficulties, but he never gave up.
104. Although he has lived in China for two years, he can hardly speak Chinese.
105. Unless the team of England improves its game, it’s going to lose the match.
VI. 智力测试(IQ)
106. Sunday.107. STOP 108 SOIL SPORT 109.V is on the top and X is at the bottom.
110. B&D
VII. 写作(Writing)
A) One possible version:
Dear Jonathan,
I just got your letter and I think you shouldn’t worry so much. Things will get better soon if you have a positive attitude.
Why don’t you join a sports club? You’ll meet lots of people there.
If I were you, I would apply for a better job. This way you’ll have more money and you’ll also be able to go out more.
I hope this advice is of some help to you.
Good luck.

B) One possible version:
Technology has made it possible for us to listen to our favourite music wherever we go. One of the advantages of listening to a Walkman is that we can listen to music without disturbing other people. It also keeps us from getting bored on long journeys.
However, listening to a Walkman can cause some problems. Sometimes it can be dangerous because we can’t hear traffic. What’s worse, Walkmans stop communication between people.
All in all, although Walkmans are popular among young people, I think we should be careful with them.
一、 评分原则:
1.本题总分为: A) 10分; B) 15分。按四个档次给分。
3.作文词数少于50或多于100的, 从总分中减去2分。
第四档(很好):A) 9—10分; B) 12—15分
完全完成了试题规定的要求,覆盖所有内容要点,符合英语表达习惯, 应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,没有语法和词汇错误,具备较强的语言运用能力,完全达到了预期的写作目的。
第三档(好):A) 6—8分; B) 9—11分
完成了试题规定的要求,应用的语法结构和词汇能满足题目的要求,符合英语表达习惯, 基本没有语法和词汇错误,达到了预期的写作目的。
第二档(一般):A) 4—5分; B) 5—8分
第一档(差):A) 1—3分; B) 1—4分

A d h k B j t z C c g p D o q u
A Mary says to me: “glad to see you again.”
B I want to work hard on English; and Chinese.
C《Harry Potter》is a very interesting book.
D Does Jenny come home from school by bike?
3.Sonia puts _____ clock and _____ art book on her desk.
A a; an Ban; the C /; the D a;a
4.—Excuse me. Is this ______ dictionary?
--No. That one is ________.
A I; you B my; yours C me; you D my; my
5.Uncle Tom lives _____ a farm ______ the country.
A in; at B near; on C over; of D on; in
6.May can’t go swimming this Sunday. She has _______ her mother at home.
A looking for B to look after C looking up D to look like
7.There is _______ milk in the glass. You may drink it.
A many B a few C a little D little
8.--________ is the tall girl in a black jacket?
--It’s Simon’s new classmate.
9.Which of the following signs means “You can’t take photos here.”
10.The maths problem is __________. I can work it out _________.
A difficult hard B fun; funny C easy; easily D interesting; interested
11.The old man wants six _____ of _______ for his fruit shop.
A boxes banana B box; bananas C boxes; bananas D box banana
12.______ talk with others in class. It’s not polite.
A Don’t be B Don’t C Be not D No
13.Tina, with her friend Cathy, often _____ to the park on her bike.
A goes B go C going D to go
14.—Would you like a cup of tea?
--______I’d like a glass of water, please.
A That’s right. B Bad news C Yes, please D No, thanks.
15.—Thank you for asking me to your party.--_________.
A Sorry about that B You’re welcome C The same to you D You’re clever.
ⅡReading comprehension
The winter holiday is coming. Linda’s good friend, Judy, wants to visit Linda’s hometown, so she asks Linda about the weather there. Look at the following chart.
Sunday 25℃
Monday 28℃
Tuesday 21℃
Wednesday 20℃
Thursday 18℃
Friday 20℃
Saturday 15℃

sunny cloudy cloudy &sunny rainy
10℃↓:could 11℃--19℃:cool 20℃--25℃:warm 25℃↑:hot
Complete the sentences according to the passage. Fill in each blank with no more than two words.
1.Judy wants to go to _________________ this winter holiday.
2.Wednesday is cloudy with the temperature of ________.
3.The sixth day of the week is a _______ and rainy day.
4.________ is the coolest day in this week.
5.From the chart, we can see there are three ________.
Sara drinks too much coffee. She drinks three cups after she gets up. She drinks two at work in the morning and another cup at lunch. She drinks two cups every afternoon.
At night, Sara can’t sleep. Sometimes her eyes are open all night. Sara feels tired in the morning. She has a bad headache.
Sara calls Dr. Brown and says, “Doctor, I can’t sleep at night. I think that I need some sleeping pills.”
“How many cups of coffee do you drink every day?” the doctor asks.
“Eight,” Sara answers.
“I don’t think you need sleeping pills,” says the doctor. “You need to stop drinking so much coffee.”
Now Sara drinks one cup of coffee in the morning. She drinks water the rest of the day. Sara feels better now. She can sleep very well.
Answer the following questions according to the passage.
1.What’s Sara’s favorite drink?

2.Why does Sara call Dr. Brown for help?

3.What does the doctor tell her to do?

Translate the underline sentences into Chinese.
4. Sometimes her eyes are open all night.
5. She drinks water the rest of the day.
A) Read the passage below, and fill in the blanks according to the contest with the suitable form of 10 words or phrases out of the 12 given.
be only love say a lot of few they body these all or speak
Pandas are beautiful animals and people love __________. They look funny and _________. They have white ________, black legs, black ears and round, black eyes.
The pandas’ name _______ sometimes “panda bear”, but is it a bear? __________ bears have short legs, big feet and round ears. Their noses are black, too. “Panda have ________ things, but they are different kind of animal.” George Schaller __________. Why? Because they don’t eat meat, fish ______ fruit. Brown, black and white bears can eat those foods, but pandas can _______ eat one kind of plant.
There aren’t _______ pandas in the world now. We should do something to take care of them.
B)Read the passage below, and fill in the blanks with suitable words, using one word for each black.
Peter’s family has a restaurant. People like eating meals ______ .His parents work hard every day. Some days a week, _______ school and weekends, Peter goes to the restaurant. He does his homework ______ the back room.
Sometimes, the restaurant is full _____ people. Peter’s mother and father need his help. He cleans the tables and brings the water ________ customers. Peter also helps in the kitchen. He really likes that.
ⅣSentence pattern transformation.
Transform the sentences as required.
1.We always go to a basketball match on Sundays.(改写为一般疑问句)

2.She often calls her parents in the evening.(改写为否定句)

3.Laura has only one history book.(对划线部分提问)

4.I have a present to give you. It’s beautiful.(合并为一句话)

5.Mr. Smith uses English to write the letter.(改写为同义句)

Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.


3.今天下午去钓鱼怎么样?(what about)

4.Millie的哥哥擅长烹饪。(be good at)

5.你的电脑和Cindy的一样。(the same as)

ⅥDialogue completion
Beneath the dialogue there are seven choices in the box. Choose five of them that best complete the dialogue.
Lisa: Could you give me a hand, please?
Lisa: Could you run over to the store? We need a few things.
Paul: Of course. _____________
Lisa: Well, can you go to buy a kilo of chicken?
Paul: OK. ___________
Lisa: Let me see. We’re out of milk.
Paul: How much?
Paul: Ok. So that’s a kilo of chicken and two bottles of milk.
Lisa: ____________
Paul: My pleasure.

A. That’s right. Thanks.
B. Is that everything?
C. Two bottles would be enough.
D. What do you need?
E How much do we need?
F How many would you like me to get?
G. Sure. What is it?
Answer the following questions.
1.—I have a new task but it’s really child’s play. There’s nothing to it.
--What’s the task.
--They ask me to count the books in the room.
Guess the meaning of “child’s play” here. (You may answer it in English or Chinese.)
2.Sunshine School takes 130 children on a school trip. Each mini-bus can hole 20 children. How many mini-buses do they need at least?
3.There are five words below. Two of them are different from the others. Please find them.
colour red green black bright
The two words are ________ and ________.
4.What comes once in a year, twice in a week and never in a day?
5.There is one letter in the crosswords. Please fill the crosswords with the four words.

date, fire, half, hard
ⅡReading comprehension
1.Linda’s hometown
5.sunny days
1. Coffee.
2. Because she can’t sleep.
3.She needs to stop drinking so much coffee.
1.them; lovely; bodies; is; All; these; said; or; only; a lot of
2.there; both; in; of; to
ⅣSentence pattern transformation.
1.Do you always go to a basketball match on Sundays?
2.She doesn’t often call her parents in the evening.
3.How many history books does Laura have?
4.I have a beautiful present for you.
5.Mr Smith writes the letter in English.
1.My parents are very friendly to others.
2.I think a good friend can make me happy.
3.What about going fishing this afternoon?
4.Millie’s brother is good at cooking.
5.Your computer is the same as Cindy’s.
ⅥDialogue completion
1.A very easy task

I. 选择填空
A) 下列各组词中划线部分有几种读音 , 请选出正确答案 .

A. 一种读音 B. 两种读音 C. 三种读音 D. 四种读音

1.s a me p a rent a nybody gl a d

2.gr ea t r ea lly br ea d m ea t

3.bec au se f o reign o range p o cket

4.pick ed pl ea sed want ed play ed

5.yest er day Sat ur day work er doct or

6.com es lik es bus es photo s

7.w a ter w a tch w or k w ar m

8.u n cle au n t Chi n a wa n t

9.t ou ch b ou ght ab ou t thr ou gh

10. O ctober p o lite l o se b o th

B) 从 A.B.C.D. 四个选项中 , 选出可以填入空的处的最佳答案 .

11.Fred sat in the front row __________ the speaker clearly.

A.hearing B.to hear C.listening to D.listen to

12.Lin Tao is always ready to help others.He‘s really __________ living Lei Feng.

A.a B.an C.the D./

13.So you didn’t do your homework, __________?

A.do you B.weren‘t you C.did you D.didn’t you

14.Thomas Edison was really __________.

A.man of men B.the man of men C.a man of the men D.a man of men

15.It is nice that you have someone __________ you off

A.seeing B.saw C.see D.to see.

16.The weather in the south is warmer than __________ .

A.the north B.that in the north C.in the north D.it in the north

17.Please stop to listen to Mary __________.

A.sing B.to sing C.sings D.sang

18.Pass __________ __________ ballpen,please.

A.his,his B.my,mine C.your,your D.her,her

19.It takes __________ time to go to Beijing by plane than by train.

A.more B.longer C.fewer D.less

20.They are all at __________ after work.Please come to their __________ in the evening.

A.family,home B.home.family C.family,house D.home,house

21.There are many __________ flowers in her garden.

A.little yellow beautiful B.beautiful little yellow

C.little beautiful yellow D.yellow little beautiful

22.He __________ in the exam.His father was very angry.

A.make a dog B.made a duck C.made a cat D.made a chick

23.Mr Wang told his son __________ football on the road.

A.not play B.to not play C.never to play D.doesn‘t play

24.Dear Mum and Dad,… __________ Erich.

A.Love B.You C.Yours D.Yours daughter

25.It was Fred __________ played a trick on the others.

A.that B.whose C.what D.who’s

26.That‘s a __________ film.Children mustn’t see.

A.red B.black C.yellow D.blue

27.__________ rainy night.he went away from his home town.

A.In B.One C.At D.On

28.Both __________ watches were broken.

A.Jim and Tom‘s B.Jim’s and Tom‘s C.Jim’s and Tom D.Jim and Tom

29.Where there is a will,there is a __________ .

A.road B.street C.way D.hope

30.There are three __________ in the word "mirror"

A.r‘s B.rs C.r’ D.rs‘

31.Sorry,I __________ my pen at home this morning.

A.forgot B.left C.putted D.lose

32.Excuse me, __________ where’s the nearest station,please?

A.but B.and C.so D.or

33."It‘s my birthday today." " __________."

A.Your birthday is happy B.Good

C.Congratulation D.Many happy returns

34."Don’t forget to bring your son here next time,please," " __________."

A.No,I don‘t B.No,I won’t C.No,I can D.Yes,I do

35.Which bus are you __________ ?No.1 or No.2?

A.waiting B.getting down C.taking D.by

36.__________ it rains or not doesn‘t matter very much.

A.Why B.If C.What D.Whether

37.__________ my watch,it is already past ten o’clock.

A.By B.On C.In D.With

38.That ball hit the boy __________ .

A.on the nose B.on his nose C.in his nose D.in the nose

39.Miss Gao is very popular __________ her students.

A.to B.in C.for D.with

40.You must tell your parents __________ you did yesterday.

A.to what B.about what C.about that D.on what

41.It‘s no good __________ here.

A.to wait B.wait C.waiting D.waited

42.Jim always sends me some book,magazines,newspapers __________ .

A.and so B.or what so C.and what not D.and what so

43.It’s two years __________ I met him in Beijing.

A.that B.since C.when D.which

44.She is __________ as you

A.as taller B.as a tall girl C.as the tall D.as tall a girl

45."Let‘s take a walk before we start to study."

"Oh,I think it’s __________ for walking,"

A.much too hot B.too much hot C.too much heat D.very much hot

46.It‘s easy __________ to get on with him.

A.of us B.about us C.for us D.with us

47.He __________ that right now.

A.doesn’t need do B.need doing C.needs do D.needn‘t do

48.John’s mother asked him to wash his hair,__________.

A.and so he did B.so did he C.so did she D.and so it is

49.You must go to see a doctor,You‘re __________ ill.

A.very bad B.badly C.worse D.worst

50.A saying says,"__________ a day keeps doctor away."

A.A banana B.An orange C.An egg D.An apple

C) 选择正确英文解释 , 替换下列句子的划线部分 .

51.He knows English,He knows French, too .

A.as good B.as best C.as well D.as better

52.He was not a little tired after a long way.

A.not a bit B.very C.quite a few D.not at all

53.Try to read as many books on it as you can lay your hands on .

A.get B.buy C.touch D.lend

54.If Jim can help us,we should finish the work in no time

A.in a minute B.very soon C.without any time D.for a moment

55.The colour TV set is going for a song ,You can buy it.

A.can give you a song B.can sing songs for you

C.sells cheap D.is very nice to buy

56.John asked me to go to the cinema with him.I told him that I had other fish to fry .

A.Had something more important to do B.had some fish to fry

C.wasn’t felling well D.had no money to buy tickets

57.You should read at least two books every month.

A.fewer than B.not fewer than C.only D.not more than

58.He is just a bit under the weather ,but he may go with us tomorrow.

A.is afraid of the bad weather B.has some other things to do

C.doesn‘t like the weather D.is not feeling very well

59.I played basketball with my friends the other day .

A.a few days ago B.the day before yesterday.

C.some other day later D.the next day

60.He is anything but a good teacher.

A.nothing but B.not at all C.really D.something but



61.h__________(the feeling of wanting to eat)

62.e__________(to get pleasure from)

63.d__________(the opposite of easy)

64.S__________(the last day of the week)

65.p__________(something given to someone)

66.t__________(the past form of teach)

67.w__________(the state of the wind,rain,sunshine,etc.)

68.s__________(a place where buses or trains stop)

69.h__________(a time when you do not work or go to school)

70.m__________(things we drink or eat when we are ill)


I studied very hard when I was at school,___71___a lot of my friends did ___72 ___work.Some did just ___73___ to pass exams.Others didn’t do quite enough.Fred was one of them.He spent more time drinking in the Student‘s Union ___74___ working in the library.

Once at the end of the term,we had to take an important test in &127;maths. The test ___75___ a hundred questions.Beside each question.we had to write"True" ___76___"False".While I was studying in my room the night before the test,&127;Fred was watching TV.fred usually worried ___77___ the night before ___78___ test.But ___79 ___ that night he looked perfectly calm( 相当平静 ).Then he told me ___80___ his plan.

"It’s very simple,"he said,"There are a hundred questions and I have to get fifty right ___81___the test.I‘ll take a coin( 硬币 )into the examination room. I ___82___ the maths book for months.So I’m sure I‘ll just toss( 抛掷 )the coin. That way,I’m sure I‘ll get ___83___ the questions right.

The next day,&127;Fred came happily into the examination room.He sat ___84___ a coin for half an hour as he marked down his answers.___85___ he left.half an hour ___86___ the rest of us.

The next day,he saw the maths teacher at the school gate.

"Oh,&127;good,&127;"he said,"Have you got the result of the test ready?What mark did I get?"

The teacher looked at him and smiled,"Ah,___87___ you,Fred,just a minute."

Then he reached into his pocket and took out a coin.He threw it __88___, caught it in his hand and look at it."I’m ___89___ sorry.Fred,"he said,"You ___90___.

71.A.when B.as C.but D.so

72.A.few B.least C.hardly D.little

73.A.little B.enough C.many D.a few

74.A.and B.than C.when D.as

75.A.had B.is C.of D.have

76.A.and B.but C.with D.or

77.A.a lot of B.lots of C.lot D.a lot

78.A.a B.an C.the D.x

79.A.at B.in C.on D.of

80.A.with B.of C.for D.at

81.A.passed B.passing C.to pass D.passes

82.A.don‘t study B.won’t study C.didn‘t study D.have’t studied

83.A.all B.half C.whole D.every

84.A.and toss B.tossing C.to toss D.tossed

85.A.So B.As C.Then D.When

86.A.before B.later C.ago D.after

87.A.its B.it‘s C.that’s D.this is

88.A.to Fred B.onto the ground C.into the air D.to his hand

89.A.true B.truly C.truly D.real

90.A.will fail B.failed C.fail D.had failed


Newspapers are very important in our daily life.Many people begin their day by reading the paper.In this way they learn what is going on in the world.Sometimes,however,they didn‘t have the time to read the news carefully and must be pleased with a quick look at the front page.At other times they may be in such a hurry that they have time only to have a quick look at the headlines( 标题 ).

There are newspapers to please every reader.In big cities there are many types with several different editions every day.In some towns there are fewer newspapers and perhaps only one edition each day.In some places the paper is printed( 印刷 ) weekly.

Most papers have several editions,especially on Sundays when the edition is larger than usual.There are besides the front page with the most important news,&127;the sports news,&127;the amusement( 娱乐 )page,a business page and so on.

91.People read newspaper to _______.

A.learn about the most important news B.be pleased

C.learn about whatever they want D.get some information ( 信息 )

92.Reading the headlines,people can know _______.

A.what the passages are about B.what is going on

C.about the most important news D.about sports

93.In big cities newspapers are usually printed _______ .

A.daily B.weekly C.monthly D.yearly

94.Most papers have _______ on Sundays than usual.

A.more types B.more pages C.less types D.less pages

95.If you want to see a film,you’d better read _______ in a newspaper.

A.&127;the business page B.&127;the front page

C.the sports page D.the amusement page


Denis was a thief.He wrote a letter to another thief Pat.But the police got the letter,It reads:BNLD ZS LHCMHFGS ZMC GZUD SGD SGHQSX ONTMCR VHSG XNT.

What‘s it about?How can you read it?The policemen were quick.They studied the letter carefully and soon found out what they want.Now let’s suppose you were a policeman,Can you read Denis‘ letter?

Maybe you need some help:When Denis wanted a letter,he wrote down the letter before it in the alphabet ( 字母表 ).

Now can you read Denis’s letter?What must Pat do?When?And what did Denis want?

96.The letter before B and C are A and B.The letter before A and B are _______ A.C and B B.Z and A C.A and Z D.Z and B

97.In the letter Denis asked Pat to go at _______.

A.noon B.midnight C.five o‘clock D.eight o’clock

98."The policemen were quick."This sentence means the policemen _______.

A.read the letter soon after they got it B.could run very fast

C.were very bright D.were very careful

99.Suppose Pat asked Denis to"meet at the railway,"What would he write?_______ A.LDDW XS WKH UDLDZDB VSZSHNM B.LDDS CV VJG TCKNYCA VCVKQPY


100.Which of the four is the best title( 题目 )? _______.

A.A Strange Letter B.A Clever Thief

C.The Clever Policemen D.How to Read a Letter




Dear Dad.

I‘m writing to you from Beijing.You don’t know how happy I am to be here.

Mother and I arrived here on the night of the 10th.Auntie met us at the station.The next morning,we got up early.It was Sunday and Uncle took us out for a ride on the bus.Everything was so beautiful.I was so excited,so was Mother.

That afternoon Auntie took us to Beihai Park.First we climbed the hill, then we went boating on the lake.&127;While we were there,we met some overseas Chinese.They come back to visit every year.They are proud of( 以 … 为骄傲 ) China because it is becoming stronger and more beautiful every day.

I haven‘t seen the Summer Palace yet,but Uncle has promised( 允诺 )to take me there and to the zoo this coming Sunday.Yesterday Uncle took me to see his factory.

A week has passed.I’ve seen and heard a lot of enteresting things.I‘ve written down most in my diary.I’ll tell you more next time.

It‘s time for bed,so I’ll close here,Hope to hear from you soon.



101.Where did Hua write the letter?In _______ .

A.Beihai Park B.the Summer Palace C.Beijing D.Shanghai

102.&127;How many days have Hua and her mother stayed there to the time she wrote the letter? _______ .

A.A week B.Eight days C.Ten days D.Eleven days

103.What day did Hua see her uncle‘s factory? _______.

A.Monday B.Tuesday C.Sunday D.Saturday

104.Which day will Uncle take her to the zoo and the Summer Palace? _______.

A.Aug.22nd B.Aug.23rd C.Aug.24th D.Aug.25th

105.Which sentence is true? _______.

A.Hua comes from the USA B.Hua comes from England

C.Hua’s parents are in China now D.Hua may be a overseas Chinese


First Frenchman:I once heard someone shout,"Look out,"I put my head out of a window and a bucketful( 满桶的 )of water fell on me.It seems that"Look out" may mean "don‘t look out."

Second Frenchman:I once on a ship and heard the captain shout,"All hands on deck,"I put my hands on the deck and someone walked on them.

Third Frenchman:&127;I once visited an English friend early in &127;the &127;morning and the maid( 女仆 )who came to the door and said,"He’s not up yet.Come back in half and hour,"When I went again for him,she said,"He‘s not down yet."

I said,"If he’s not up and he‘s not down,where is he?"

She said,"He’s still in bed.When I say ‘He’s not up‘I mean he has &127;not yet got up,so he has not yet come downstairs,"

106."Look out"here means" _______"

A.put your head out of the window and look B.Take care

C.I’m going to pour( 倒 )the water D.Help me

107."All hands on deck"means" _______ "

A.Put both your right hand and left hand on deck

B.Give your hands to me

C.Shake your hands( 握手 )with me

D.All the sailors( 海员 )gather( 结合 )on deck

108.When the maid said,"He‘s not up yet".she meant that _______ .

A.he has not grown up yet B.he has not yet got up

C.he has not woken up yet D.he has not yet come upstairs

109.When the third Frenchman went back,the English friend _______ .

A.was washing his face B.was having his breakfast

C.was still in an upstair room D.was reading a newspaper

110.Which do you think is the best title( 标题 )for this article?

A.Three Frenchmen and their English Friends B.The English Language

C.Three French Stories D.What a Language!

V. 短文改错 ( 共 20 小题 . 计分 20)

此题要求你对一段文章改错。先对每一行作出判断是对是错 . 如果是对的在该行右边横线上画一个

(√) ;

如果有错误(每行不会多于一个错误 , ) , 则按情况改正如下:

此行多一词 ; 把多余的词用斜线 ( \ ) 划掉 , 在该行右边横线上写出该词 , 并也用斜线划掉 .



Radio and television are the very popular in the 111.__________

world today.Million of people watch TV,but 112.__________

perhaps many people like listening to the radio. 113.__________

The TV,of course,more useful than the radio. 114.__________

On TV,you can see and listen what’s happening in the world. 115.__________

However,radio is not disappearing( 消逝 ).There is 116.__________

still with us.And the number of listeners is 117.__________

becoming more in many countries. 118.__________

One reason( 原因 ) for this is an invention( 发明 ) 119.__________

of the transistor( 晶体管 ).A transistor radio 120.__________

is sometimes very small.It‘s easy to carry it. 121.__________

You can put it in your pocket and listen to 122.__________

it on the bus and on the bike when you go 123.__________

to work.Beside,radio broadcasts are 124.__________

better to blind people( 盲人 ) to use. 125.__________

Many old people didn’t have good eyesight( 视力 ). 126.__________

They can‘t watch TV,and they can listen 127.__________

to music or news by the radio. 128.__________

What’s more,a radio is more cheaper than 129.__________

a TV set.It costs( 花费 ) you fewer money. 130.__________


全国中学生英语能力竞赛只是全国性英语学科基础知识和能力竞赛,难度比奥林匹克竞赛低。全国中学生英语能力竞赛(National English Proficiency Competition for Middle School Students,简称NEPCS)。是全国规模最大的英语学科竞赛,是我国基础外语教育的重要奖励机制之一,是面向全国中学生举办的综合性英语能力竞赛。...



初三组:王启凡(一中) 王艺丹(一中) 黄星星(一中)杨俊超(一中) 官文强(一中) 张洪奇(二中)范 敏(一中) 曹 军(茶中) 吴 超(一中)http:\/\/gzez.fjgzjy.com\/newsInfo.aspx?pkId=2983 2006年全国中学生(初三组)英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)获奖名单 学校 学生姓名 指导老师 成绩 ...

英语奥林匹克 是一本专门给学生参加竞赛用来辅导的书籍 我不敢说全部 但是绝大部分的老师都会推荐学生买这本书 因为对英语竞赛非常有用 我记得是包天仁主编编的 我觉得编的很好呢 很详细 还有就是21世纪杯首届全国中学生英语口语竞赛(1书2磁带) 这个也挺好的 我觉得买磁带来听没有像你期望的...

我这有大连的,参考一下吧!!2007年全国中学生英语能力竞赛获奖名单 初一年级 序号 考生姓名 所在学校 决赛成绩 获奖等级 指导教师 1 陈翌博 瑞格中学 141 国家一等 吴英贤 2 马宇茗 师大附中 141 国家一等 刘文革 3 王力博 师大附中 140 国家一等 刘文革 4 梁诗雨 大连21中 139 国家一等 温...

1、“21世纪杯”全国中小学生英语演讲比赛 2、全国中小学生英语知识能力竞赛 3、全国中小学生英语能力电视大赛 4、全国中小学生英语作文大赛 5、全国中学生英语能力竞赛 6、全国中学生素质教育英语知识能力竞赛(NQEEPC )7、全国创新英语大赛(高考加分)8、全国创新英语作文大赛(高考加分)9、外教社?

1.一般的就是全国英语竞赛,还有敏特英语能力竞赛 2.大多都会在学校里有通知,或者你可以上网查查,问问老师 3.好像没有加分,有加分的都是理科的竞赛,报北外时,如果你的分和几个人的一样,但你参加过英语竞赛并且获奖,会优先录取你,所以还是有用的 4.最重要的是培养语感,多听英语磁带,多看些...

我的家庭 答:您好!吉姆,这是我的妹妹和弟弟。乙:哦,有多少人在你的家庭吗?答:有6个。乙:他们是谁?答:他们是我的gandfather,我的祖母,父亲,母亲,妹妹和我一看我的家庭piceure。乙:这是一个9图片!你的父母呢?答:我的父亲是一名英语教师,我的母亲是一名医生。乙:哪个是你的...

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漫购瑞培: 2007年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初二年级组样题参考VI. 智力测试(IQ) (共5小题;每小题1分,计5分) 按要求完成下列各题.(Answer the following questions.)101. Which city is different from the others? London, Paris, Rome,...

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漫购瑞培: 模拟试题(一)听力部分(共四大题,计30分)1. 听辨单词(Words)(共5小题,计5分)根据你听到的句子或对话,选出你听到的单词或词组.每个句子或对话只读一遍.1.A.heart B...

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漫购瑞培: 一,1.B. pass 二,1.D 2.C 3.B 三,find,hard(difficult) 四, 1.you need to peel the peel of potatoes first,and then cut them. 2.the war finished until 1972

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漫购瑞培: http://www.soso.com/q?w=%c8%ab%b9%fa%d6%d0%d1%a7%c9%fa%d3%a2%d3%ef%c4%dc%c1%a6%be%ba%c8%fc%ca%d4%cc%e2%ba%cd%b4%f0%b0%b8&sc=adr&gid=qvsC!Rm7H4Gw6Sis723fr1023Mc3s000&cid=th.addr

滨湖区13710312757: 初三英语竞赛题
漫购瑞培: B. whom to ask这个题目练习了疑问词加不定式结构作宾语.疑问词加不定式结构既可以做主语也可以做宾语. 意思是我们不知道问谁.

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