
作者&投稿:伊都 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
急需 用英语介绍未来的学校或教室或未来的自己 80个词左右~

hello my name is@#$ 。 Today my talk is about the future of our school . there are three point I want to talk about. First, quality of education. Second, enviroment of our school. Third ,student in our school
OK, let's begin .The first is ~~~~~~~

that's all . Let me sum up. our school is developing very fast. no matter in quality but also in the enviroment. I believe the future will be wonderful.

my future
Everyone wants to know their future,but nobody knows it.I hope my future will like that.I think I will be an excellent lawyer in the future.I help many people who is in difficulty.I will help the people are in need,no matter they are rich or poor.Then I think I will have a good reputation among the society.In order to have a good body,I will do some exercise every week.My family will be proud of me and always stand behind me.I will work hard to reach my future.Ok,this is the future in my dream.What’ yours?



In the future, it must be a time of great influence. At that time, our classroom will become very strange……


In the future, the desk in the classroom will become robots. When everyone comes to school, it will become a square for children to read and write on. In the morning, when you come to the classroom and need to hand in your homework, press the red button, the robot will stretch out two hands, then put them into your schoolbag, and find the homework in the schoolbag accurately.


How did he decide which assignments to hand in? The answer lies in him. Each robot is equipped with a miniature "ear" facing the platform. Whenever the teacher assigns homework, he will keep it in his "brain", and then determine which homework to hand in the next day according to the master's daily life.


Look! How interesting the classroom of the future is! It's amazing just to carry tables and villains. Is there anything more amazing? Of course, it's the automatic sit correction machine.


Now, many students are short-sighted because of poor sitting posture of reading and writing. With the machine to correct sitting posture, many students can avoid wearing glasses.


When you take up your pen and prepare for writing, the correction machine will extend a bracket according to the height of the chair. The bracket is not short, and it will make you just straighten your back. The lower end of the bracket, and a sponge ball, will let you make the distance between the table in your chest and the punch.


This is our future classroom, a convenient and unique classroom!


Hello everyone,do you know what our classroom look like in 2050?Now let me tell you something about it,I think,there will be no more desk ,Because,they,hid in the ground .When they are needed,they will appear,What's more,those the wall,will change a lot.We can see anything on it.Because it's is controlled by computer.



一进教室门就能看到很多个位置,还有个大大的黑板。后面是我们都能看到黑板报左边和右边都是窗户,窗户下面就是我们画的画。教室里还有一阵香味闻起来很舒服。这将是我们的教室,你们的教室怎么样呢?快来给我说一说吧。【篇五】小学一年级作文我的教室 我的学校是育才四小,我在一年级3班上课。我...


一阵阵朗朗的读书声又从我们的教室传出。 7. 老师上课的样子不少50个字的作文 老师上课的样子 “叮铃铃“上课了,不知怎么回事,打了半天 *** ,老师都没有来。调皮的曲毫把脚踩在桌子大声地叫了起来:“老师去开会了,这节课我们可以尽情地玩耍了”真是老虎不在家,猴子称霸王。李梅拿出自己的洋娃娃开始打扮...

下面我要隆重介绍的就是展示板啦!我们共有五块展示板,分布在北边和后边。上面有优秀作文,有好的书法作品,有……我最喜欢的后面的第一块黑板,上面贴这一棵梅花,大概寓意“梅花香自苦寒来 ”梅花的下方是读书名言,我们就在这些名言的激励下,刻苦学习,快乐成长。教室在不同时间表现的样子是不同...

1.教室里安静极了,同学们都在做作业,好像听到蚕吃桑叶的沙沙声。2、教室里安静的就像是走进了一个无音的世界!3、教室里安静的好像空气凝结了一样,毫无声响。4 教室安静极了,甚至可以听到铅笔的沙沙声。5、教室里鸦雀无声,掉根针都能听见。6、同学们异常的安静,我听到老师手表微弱的嘀嗒声。7...

2.教室是我们学习的地方,它对我们来说非常重要。未来的教室是什么样子的呢?它会给我们带来哪些方便?我遐想着…… 敬告:本文版权归中山网所有,转载时请注明出处,必须保留网站名称、网址、作者等信息,不得随意删改文章任何内容,我社将保留法律追究权利。 未来的教室一定比现在的教室更加宽敞明亮,大约有100平方米左...


我从睡梦中惊醒,到了学校,还是老样子,我想:二十一世纪的建设者努力吧!你一定能建设出我梦中的教室,期待着这一天的到来。未来的教室作文400字 六年级的教室作文 篇7 当教室载着我们飞起的那一刻,一次“空中的旅行”正式起航了! ——题记 夜幕,悄然无声地降临了,美梦,小心翼翼地飘了? 这一天终究还是来了,...

包头市13069081745: 急需 用英语介绍未来的学校或教室或未来的自己 80个词左右
英具女金: hello my name is@#$ . Today my talk is about the future of our school . there are three point I want to talk about. First, quality of education. Second, enviroment of our school. Third ,student in our school OK, let's begin .The first is ~~~~~~~ that's all . ...

包头市13069081745: :一篇英语作文100字左右的主题 :想象一下沵们未来的学校、教室,写一篇短文介绍沵们未来的学校、教室或未来的沵.最好不要抄袭.好的会给悬赏求求大... -
英具女金:[答案] My dream I have a good dream. I have a robot one day. Its name is Jackson. He can help me do a lot of things. In the morning, he can call me up at 6:00. I'll not be late for school. When I'm learn...

包头市13069081745: 《未来的课堂》英语作文60字 -
英具女金: We hear about the informality in an American class from time to time. For instance, American professors do not dress up and they generally call students by their first names. Students can speak out in class, where they do not even need to raise ...

包头市13069081745: 英语作文《我未来的学校》中英文都要 -
英具女金: 注:来点悬赏 未来的学校 我们的学校都有不同的设施.但是,未来的学校会有什么样的设施呢? 我觉得教室里应该放(魔法扫帚出场)几把能自己扫地的扫帚,还需要一个垃圾桶,垃圾桶会吃垃圾,吃掉的垃圾都变成了新的白纸.我们的椅子...

包头市13069081745: 跪求 : 一篇英语作文100字左右的 主题 : 想象一下沵们未来的学校、教室,写一篇短文介绍沵们未来的学校、教室或未来的沵.题目自拟. -
英具女金: My favourite sport is basketball. I often play basketball,I wear a T-shirt,jeans and runnersto play basketball.(诗歌 shige.sanwen8.cn) I usually play basketball with my uncle and my brother.My uncle and brother hit basketball very well.But I sometimes...

包头市13069081745: 英语作文80词左右作为学生,你觉得未来的学校生活会是什么样子的呢?请展开想象的翅膀,预测未来的学校生活,并写成一篇80词左右的英语短文. -
英具女金:[答案] With rapid progress of science and technology ,our life has changed a lot .I think the school life in the future will be quite different from now . First I think the students will not have to use the text books at school instead ,they will get more knowledge on the ...

包头市13069081745: 十年后的教室的英语作文 -
英具女金:We will have a beautiful classroom. There will be a satellite TV on the frontwall of our classroom. Each of us will have a computer on the desk.We can study on the Internet. We will not use pens or pencils.Wewill write on theourcomputers. It won't be ...

包头市13069081745: 英语作文《未来的学校生活》80个词 -
英具女金: FUTURE LIFE In the future, I think that I will become a doctor, because I may help many people. At that time, the children will not need to go to school, they study at home on the computer , in my family I will also have the robot,he might help us to do ...

包头市13069081745: 以My classroom为题,写一篇英语作文不少于80个单词
英具女金: 答案是: We have a new classroom this year ,our classroom is big and bright ,in the classroom ,there are many desks and chairs ,the desks are light yellow and the chairs are blue ,the lights are very clean ,on the wall there are some nice pictures , ...

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