way后可以加to do吗?(通常都是加of doing)

作者&投稿:庞盾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
the key , the way 后是加 to do 还是doing 正确?还是两种都可以? 如何区分to是介词还是不定式的用法?~

the key, the way 都是名词,它后面to是个介词,做定语。那个to不是不定式标志,而是个介词。那么既然是介词,其后面的动词就要变成动名词doing。
这个情况是不定式to do做定语的情况,是有的,不冲突,语法上都对,只是对to的理解不同而已。这是要看写作者的意图,他是让to做介词还是让to做不定式。但是,从考试的角度来说,考得最多的是to做介词的情况,特别是the key 和 the answer 这两个。


the best way 后面接+to do。
1、So what is the best way to conduct a root cause analysis?
2、You should be excited about your goals and the best way to do that is to align your goals with your life and passions.
3、The best way to treat yourself to something nice is to save up for it and buy it when you can truly afford it.
4、He shows that the best way to unmask the thought of non-believing scientists is to show how the basis for their reasoning cannot be proven scientifically.
5、It’s the best way to keep in touch with them.

way of doing和 way to do 意思一样:都是做--------的方式
Finally, we found the way to solve the problem.

way of doing和 way to do 意思一样:都是做--------的方式
Finally, we found the way to solve the problem.

可以,the way to do sth(不定式)


闻喜县19729808033: way后常接to do还是doing? -
昔怜羟丙: 应该是the way to somewhere或者the way of doing ,前一个是到...的路,后一个是...的方式方法(the way to do 也可以表示..的方式方法) 满意请采纳,谢谢

闻喜县19729808033: the way 后面是用how to do 还是to do,最好解释一下并且有类似用法的也请介绍 -
昔怜羟丙: the way to do sth.做某事的方法 其实这是一个很简单的问题...就是结构上的 the way how to do不通的啦 how to do本身就起了一句话,the way后面应该加从句的,除非the way that how to do是行的,楼上的等于也没解释啦....

闻喜县19729808033: way to (在去...路上)后面应该跟to do 还是doing?比如要翻译:再去看电影的路上 -
昔怜羟丙: to do on the way to see a movie.

闻喜县19729808033: “the key”和“the way ”后是加“to do”还是“doing”正确? -
昔怜羟丙: the key, the way 都是名词,它后面to是个介词,做定语. to不是不定式标志,而是个介词. 那么既然是介词,其后面的动词就要变成动名词doing.the key to the door 这门的钥匙 the key to opening the door 打开这门的钥匙 the way to the city 去那个城市的路 the way to achieving the goal 实现目标的路径 the answer to the question 问题的答案 the answer to working out the difficulty 解决困难的答案

闻喜县19729808033: way后可以加to (通常都是加of doing) -
昔怜羟丙:[答案] 可以 way of doing和 way to do 意思一样:都是做--------的方式 Finally,we found the way to solve the problem.

闻喜县19729808033: the way 能和 to 连用吗 -
昔怜羟丙: the way 当然可以和to 连用了.to 放在the way 的后面一般是动词不定式做后置定语.如 the way to solve problems. 解决问题的方法.the way to go home 回家的路.记住 to 放在名词后面可能为不定式做定语来修饰名词.以上的两个例子都是这样的.

闻喜县19729808033: on one's way后怎么加 -
昔怜羟丙: on one's way后加to do sth

闻喜县19729808033: It is a good way to lose our weight.句中way后介词是用to吗? -
昔怜羟丙:[答案] 这里的to不是介词,而是动词不定式,to do 做way的定语 way可以这样用:a way to do sth/ a way of doing sth 做某事的方法 原句的意思是:它是我们减肥的一个好方法 也可以换成it is a good way of losing our weight

闻喜县19729808033: 哪些词后面的to是介词要加doing.比如look forward to.问下way是不是 -
昔怜羟丙: 常见的有以下:be accustomed to / be used to 习惯于 be equal to 等于 be addicted to 沉溺于 be opposed to 反对 be related to与……有关 lead to 导致 refer to指,涉及,参考 object to 反对 stick to 坚持 look forward to 盼望 devote oneself to 献身于...

闻喜县19729808033: 请问,当a/the way 的意思是方式,方法时,她们的后面接to do 还是doing? -
昔怜羟丙: a /the way后既可以用to do sth,也可以跟of doing sth

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