
作者&投稿:归些 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


由于 改成因为 (用词不当)


练就了很熟练的操作技术 (语序错误)


不能 改成 不要 (用词不当)


模范改成规范 (用词不当)


改为 明天我们学校的篮球队要与明德中学比赛 (主谓宾 搭配错误)


闯人改成 闯入 (错字)

搁了浅改成搁浅了 (口语不该用于文本)


获得的 改成 做到的(用词不当)


对于 改成 相对 (用词不当)


已 改成 已经 (词语错误)


心里也很后悔 改成 心里很后悔 (不需要在这里用转折的词)

1. 这样写的话,that 引导的是 the fact 的同位语从句,构不成句子,应该把它变成表语从句,改为 The fact is that education is the key to everyone’s success

2. this policy cannot be made due to its damage to human's health 和 more factors have to be taken into consideration 是并列句,中间缺少并列连词,应该改为 In general, this policy cannot be made due to its damage to human's health and more factors have to be taken into consideration.

3. According to the pie chart 是介词短语,不能充当主语,应该改为 The pie chart clearly highlights the detailed data in 1996.

3. He has two sisters, neither of whom went to university.中的语法点:whom作介词of的宾语。
4.The beach is the place where I most like to go in summer.句中语法点:where在后面的定语从句中作地点状语。
5.He talked cheerfully the film and the actress that interested him.句中语法点:当先行词既有事物(film)又有人物(actress)时,关系代词要用that。

He has two sisters,neither of whom went to the University。

3) He has two sisters, neither of who went to university.

4) The beach is the place which I most like to go in summer.

5) He talked cheerfully about the film and the actress who interested him.

1. 改正:We climbed a mountain on Tuesday.on Tuesday位置错误,应置于句子后面;moutain应为mountain 2. 改正:people didn’t travel by plane 200 years ago.didn’t已表示过去式,与traveled重复。希望我的回答对您有帮助,有问题可以追问。满意请及时采纳,谢谢!

请找出下面英语句子中的错误并改正?1.there is chair in the rom_百度...
为你解答。There is chair in the room.改:chair - a chair 解释:单数,可数。2、There is two books on the desk.改:is - are 解释:主语是复数。3、There is a caps behind the curtain.改:caps - cap 解释:这里帽子是单数,去掉s。4、There are two mouse in front of the ...

1.The lady is "putting on" dress.It's white and pink 2.Both of "them" are from Canada 3.My mother usually watches TV "for" 3 hours in the evening.4.Jianmin "is" often late for school. (be late for...)5.Lily does very well in "painting".6.There "isn't" any...

标准答案:(1) “嶂”改成“障”(2) “祁”改成“祈”(3) “澜”改成“谰”希望我的回答对你的学习有帮助,如果满意请及时采纳,谢谢!!


1 去掉back return 返回,本身= come back,后面再接back显然多余 2 picked up it 改成 picked it up 当pick up 与it等代词一起使用时,it等代词需放在中间 3 for 后面加上一个 a go for a ride 固定搭配,兜风 4 finished 改成 finish 前面已经有助动词didn't 了 后面谓语动词应该...


1、我估计他这道题做错了。 2、那条绳子有一米多长。改正句子中错误的地方。 1. The mother is teaching her 1去掉the 2they know how to play 3how to draw a retangle 4 don t fet to copy the words on the paper 5 we 改成our 6playing 改成play 改正下面句子中的错误...

some变成any Are变成Is or变成and It’后加s in变成on fioor变成floor some变成any thirsty变成thirty Am变成May on变成with get后加to lots变成lots of

1、下列各组句子中都有一处错误找出错误并改正。1、Do you want to...
你好,同学,很高兴回答你的问题 正确答案:改错 1. 把the去掉,即go to school 2. 把Mrs改成Mr 3. name改成names 4. 把in去掉 5. 英语中的地址顺序是从小到大,改为Jim's address is 3 Green Park, LondonEngland.二. 改写句子 1. Are you doing your homework?No, I am not.2. ( ...

香洲区13517479691: 下列每个句子中均有一处错误.请按要求将每个句子中的错误找出来并加以改正.增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词.删除:... -
冉以博乐:[答案]小题1:windows 小题2:have come 小题3:an去掉 小题4:make it clear 小题5:cleaning—cleaned 小题6:are---is 小题7:for去掉 小题8:graduation---graduating 小题9:proper 小题10:rapidly 小题1:windows 前面是all,后面使用复数形式. 小题2:have come ...

香洲区13517479691: 下列句子中均有一处或几处错误,请将错误找出并在后面的横线上改正.1.In my family,my brother plays the chess well.2.There are thirtieth days in June.3.The ... -
冉以博乐:[答案] 1 去掉the , 2 thirtieth-> thirty 3 five -> fifth 4 52th -> 52 / fifty-two 5 minus -> plus / and 6 hundred 后加and 加油!不明白再问!

香洲区13517479691: 找出下列句子中的错误,并改正.说明原因 -
冉以博乐: 展开全部1. 改正:We climbed a mountain on Tuesday.on Tuesday位置错误,应置于句子后面;moutain应为mountain2. 改正:people didn't travel by plane 200 years ago.didn't已表示过去式,与traveled重复.希望我的回答对您有帮助,有问题可以追问.满意请及时采纳,谢谢!

香洲区13517479691: 找出下列句子中有错误的一项,并改正.1(There are) 2(six days) 3(in a week) .We 1(has)English,marh 2(and)P.E.3(today).1(It's) time 2(for) 3(get up).What 1(do) ... -
冉以博乐:[答案] 1(There are) 2(seven days) 3(in a week) . 2 six days -> seven days We 1(have)English,marh 2(and)P.E.3(today). 1 has -> ... 2(the second day) 3(in a week). 2 the first day -> the second day 如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助, 请点击本页面中的...

香洲区13517479691: 找出下列句子中的错误并在括号里改正.1 Look that is Bills' uncle( ) 2 My family have seven members3 My sister is good at sport ( ) 4 Look at these photoes( ) -
冉以博乐:[答案] Look ,it is Bills' uncle 2 My family has seven members 3 My sister is good at sports 4 Look at these photos

香洲区13517479691: 下列句子中各有一处错误,请将其改正过来.1.The sun shinning.We are playing football.2.I want eat a hamburger.3.We're going to having a picnic at the ... -
冉以博乐:[答案] 1.The sun is shinning.We are playing football. 2.I want to eat a hamburger. 3.We're going to have a picnic at the weekend. 4.It's going to be cloudy tomorrow. 5.Last Sunday,the ducks ate all the sandwiches.

香洲区13517479691: 找出下列句子中的错误并改正1.That we can't get seems better than what we have.2.Who you think will take care of the children?3.He made a suggestion what ... -
冉以博乐:[答案] 1. That--What 2.Who you think--Who do you think 3.what--that 4.whichever--whatever 5.what will man look like--what man will look like 6.whom--who 7.Anyone--Anyone who 8.that it used to be--what it used be 9.Who--Whoever或Anyone who 10.what--that

香洲区13517479691: 下列句子中各有一处错误,请找出并改正. ( )1. Lily and Liz has a cat. They like it very much. A B下列句子中各有一处错误,请找出并改正. ( )1. Lily and ... -
冉以博乐:[答案] ( )1.Lily and Liz has a cat.They like it very much.【has 改成have】( )2.Are you have any ping pong balls?【Are 改成 Do】 ( )3.I like to watch football games at TV.【at 改成 on】 ( )4.He don't...

香洲区13517479691: 找出下列句子中有错误的一项并改正. - (Is) this( a)( car)?---Yes,(it's.)(What)( are)( those)( from English)?---(How old)( are)( you)?---(Fine),thank you. -
冉以博乐:[答案] Is this a car?Yes,it is. What are those in English? How are you?Fine,thank you.

香洲区13517479691: 1.将下列句子改为否定句; 2.句子中括了括号的部分、有错误.请改正:1.将下列句子改为否定句;1.The photos are on the wall.否定:2.The plant is on the ... -
冉以博乐:[答案] 1.将下列句子改为否定句; 1.The photos aren't on the wall. 2.The plant isn't on the desk. 3.I don't need any help. 2.句子中括了括号的部分、有错误.请改正: 1,I don't know any English. 2.Can you bring some things to me? 3.Here are 3 alarm clocks. 4....

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