
作者&投稿:胥省 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

There are many places of interest. London Tower Bridge through great Titanic, as everyone knows. In the Wilt Shire Discovering Stonehenge 2000BC prior to construction. Exactly why it was built the unknown.big, the palace of Westminster, the river Thames, you can go to the British feel natural and cultural beauty

British villa emphasized decorative porch, compare the "good window dressing." Georgian style popular in the United Kingdom colonial power in the whole of a century (18th century), which is introduced by the Italian Renaissance style, derived from the UK, and adhering to the classical principles of symmetry and harmony, is one of America's most influential kind of style. It is characterized by:
A, is often the classical facade porch;
B, Lang Yanxia a rectangular group arranged on the roof decorated with teeth;
C, windows up and down in pairs, divided into many small grids (9-12), usually the window is 5, the central symmetry;
D, door designs are often arranged in a rectangular form carved door with vertical arrangement of rectangular beam pattern.
There are five forms: side gable; two-line roof; four-slope roof; central gable; often as urban housing.
◎ Adam style (Adam)

Adam style is the essence of development of Georgian style, very popular in the U.S. Northeast, which absorbed the Adam brothers, the Italian Renaissance-style research. Compared with the Georgian style, decorated eaves teeth longer, increases above the main entrance, a semi-circular or elliptical transom, windows with decorative window wall modification, the rest of the features and form almost identical with the George Adams style.

◎ UK residential style (Postmedieval English)
In addition to the Indians on the United States outside the house, the oldest in Britain after the Middle Ages when the number of residential style, and these buildings first by the British in the U.S. northeast coast of the most fertile area of the majority of the wooden structure, has been able to survive 300 years of history, it looks monotonous. The building features:
A, the steep side of the triangular roof, eaves almost no decoration;
B, wooden door, oblique grid windows, large chimneys visible refined.
It has two forms: two huts, the central chimney (north); two-story brick houses on both sides of the chimney (the South)

英国别墅强调门廊的装饰性,比较“讲究门面”。乔治亚风格 在英国殖民国家中整整流行了一个世纪(18世纪),它是由意大利文艺复兴风格传入英国后派生出来的,并秉承古典主义对称与和谐的原则,是对美国最有影响的一种风格。它的特征为:
D、大门常有长方形雕花组成排列图案,门梁 上有竖向排列的长方形花纹。
◎ 亚当风格(Adam)


◎ 英国民居风格(Postmedieval English)
A、 陡峭的侧三角形屋顶,屋檐几乎无装饰;

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (United Kingdom; UK; Britain)is a country and sovereign state to the north-west of mainland Europe. It comprises the island of Great Britain, the north-east part of the island of Ireland and many small local islands. Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK with a land border, sharing it with the Republic of Ireland. Apart from this land border, the UK is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, the English Channel and the Irish Sea. It is linked to France by the Channel Tunnel.

The United Kingdom is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy comprising four constituent countries – England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales – with Elizabeth II as head of state, who is also head of state of 15 other countries such as Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The Crown Dependencies of the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, formally possessions of the Crown, are not part of the UK but form a federacy with it. The UK has fourteen overseas territories,all remnants of the British Empire, which at its height encompassed almost a quarter of the world's land surface.

Britain was the world's foremost power during the 19th and early 20th century, but the economic cost of two world wars and the decline of its empire in the latter half of the 20th century diminished Britain's role and status in global affairs. The UK remains a major political, cultural, economic and nuclear military power with the second highest defence spending in the world; it holds a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council, and is a member of the G8, NATO, the European Union and the Commonwealth of Nations.


1. 英国,全称大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,是一个由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰组成的岛国。2. 英国国旗为“米”字旗,由深蓝底色和红、白色“米”字组成,产生于1801年。3. 英国国徽中心为一枚盾徽,盾面上左上角和右下角为红地上三只金狮,象征英格兰;右上角为金地上半站立的红狮,象征...

英国由四部分组成:1. 英格兰:位于大不列颠岛的南部,是英国的主体部分,拥有人口最多的居民和政府所在地。英格兰人的盎格鲁-撒克逊文化是英国文化的重要组成部分。2. 威尔士:位于大不列颠岛的西部,拥有独特的语言和文化。威尔士的自然风光壮丽,包括绵延的山脉和清澈的河流。3. 苏格兰:位于大不列颠岛的...


低地苏格兰语:Unitit Kingdom o Great Britain an Norlin Airlann),简称联合王国(英文:United Kingdom)或不列颠(英文:Britain)[2],通称英国,是由大不列颠岛上的英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士,以及爱尔兰岛东北部的北爱尔兰以及一系列附属岛屿共同组成的一个西欧岛国。中文里的“英国”一词,即由“...

4. 后来,詹姆士的儿子查理一世被克伦威尔的革命军推翻,克伦威尔统治期间武力征服了爱尔兰。5. 1923年,英国国会决定将爱尔兰分为两部分,南部的23个郡独立为爱尔兰共和国,北部的4个郡作为北爱尔兰仍留在英国。6. 大不列颠是个岛屿,由英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士共同组成,所谓的UK是United Kingdom的缩写,也...

英国由以下部分组成:1. 英格兰 英格兰位于英国东南部,是英国的主要组成部分。它包括了伦敦和其他一些重要城市。英格兰拥有丰富的历史文化遗产,如古老的城堡、教堂和博物馆。同时,它也是英国的经济中心,拥有重要的工业、金融业和服务业。2. 苏格兰 苏格兰位于英国的北部,有自己独特的文化和传统。苏格兰...

英国是由大不列颠岛上的英格兰、威尔士和苏格兰以及爱尔兰岛东北部的北爱尔兰以及一系列附属岛屿共同组成的一个西欧岛国。除本土之外,其还拥有十四个海外领地, 总人口超过6500万,其中以英格兰人(盎格鲁-撒克逊人)为主体民族,占全国总人口的占83.9%。不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(United Kingdom of Great ...

1. 英格兰:位于大不列颠岛的南部,是英国的主体部分,拥有人口最多。英格兰人的盎格鲁-撒克逊文化是英国文化的主体。2. 威尔士:位于大不列颠岛的西部,拥有独特的语言和文化。威尔士语是一种凯尔特语,与英语并行使用。3. 苏格兰:位于大不列颠岛的北部,拥有自己的议会和政府,法律体系也不同于英格兰。

大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,简称联合王国(英文:United Kingdom)或不列颠(英文:Britain),通称英国,是由大不列颠岛上的英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士,以及爱尔兰岛东北部的北爱尔兰以及一系列附属岛屿共同组成的一个西欧岛国。中文里的“英国”一词,即由“英格兰”而来,其国际代码为GB。英国本土位于欧洲...

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