英语翻译 请帮我翻译下 谢谢

作者&投稿:卞廖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

“你有没有留意过” 一个朋友几天前对我说“我们对彼此了解多少”


There is no consensus opinions among people as to the advent of technology. Some people suggest that humans can live better with simple sceince and technology, while others argue that we now enjoy far more convenience than our ancestor. I agree with the latter to some extent.

To start with, mordern science and technology are really our assitants to the mankind, for working efficiency and productivity have been greatly enhanced.Firstly, by using modern technology, people can be free from heavy workload, requied industrial mass-production and, therefore, lots of human labour can be saved, allowing them to devote more time and energy to some creation and challenging work, which means we may put our mental capacity into full play rather than merely tiring out our physical strength.Also, some technical innovations substitude for humans in many hazardous job, such as expoiting coal mines and exploring outspace.

首先,现代科学技术真是我们全人类的助理,首先是极大的提高工作效率和生产力,利用现代技术,人们可以摆脱繁重的工作量, 要求大规模工业化生产,因此很多人力可以节省,让他们更多的时间和精力来创造一些具有挑战性的工作,这意味着我们可以把我们的思维能力的充分发挥,而非只是积累出我们身体的力量 ,一些技术上的革新,取代了人类在许多危险的工作,如石材煤矿和外部空间的探索.

Furthermore, human life seems far more convenient with the utilization of……



首先,现代科学技术是真的,我们assitants向全人类,为提高工作效率和生产力得到极大enhanced.firstly ,利用现代技术,人们可以摆脱繁重的工作量, requied大规模工业化生产,因此很多人力可以节省,让他们更多的时间和精力来创造一些具有挑战性的工作,这意味着我们可以把我们的思维能力的充分发挥,而非只是累出我们身体strength.also ,一些技术上的革新,为取代甲人类在许多危险的工作,如石材煤矿和外部空间的探索.

此外,人的生命似乎更为便捷与利用… …

没有关于技术的来到的在人之中的共识意见。 一些人建议人类能以简单的 sceince 和技术住得更好而其他主张我们现在享受的方便比我们的祖先多。 我在某些程度上同意后者。

黎城县17192604595: 帮我翻译一下,谢谢!!!(英语) -
止榕可达: Thank you for trusting me despite of my young age. (如果是求职,建议就只要Thank you for trusting me. 如果你不怕麻烦,一定坚持按字面翻译,就是Thank you for trusting me who has just come of age. ) I will not dispoint you or make you repent. (正式一点用repent,不然就用regret) I am waiting for the information from the bank.你为什么要问这么多遍?能不能帮我都采纳了?不然我会很难过的.

黎城县17192604595: 请帮我翻译下英文 谢谢 -
止榕可达: Sometimes I think too much pursuit of perfection is not good,for the absolute perfectionist means self-denial people forever, for he will never reach any goal he set for himself, but will own oneself a lot of pressure.

黎城县17192604595: 请帮我翻译一句英语,谢谢 -
止榕可达: My company guarantee that the goods under contract(12 XFPA0831) in the same batch. Lot No.05120805F

黎城县17192604595: 帮我翻译成英文下,谢谢! -
止榕可达: Siam Love Let me fall in love with you. It is indeed unable to extricate themselves in what is called. Affectionate smile, every move you portray in my heart. Worship is full of love and selfless love non-stop exacerbating. My heart, already belongs to you, never-Pchy.

黎城县17192604595: 请帮我翻译成英文,谢谢 -
止榕可达: A:where is your hometown?B:my hometown is in Guangxi.A:How is the spring in your hometowm?B:It`s very warm and a little bit wet.A:Then is it very hot in summer?B:Yeah,and doesn`t rain frequently.B:what about the weather in autumn?A:it`s cool,...

黎城县17192604595: 用英语帮我翻译下. 谢谢 高分加起. -
止榕可达: 我希望自己能像向日葵一样,开出梦想的果实.I wish I could as same as sunflower, the fruit of dream will be generated during harvest season.

黎城县17192604595: 英语翻译里面的英文请各位帮我翻译下谢谢.还有就是ENDBLED和DISABLED什么意思MANUAL auto turbo altra...要里面的工具英文全部翻译要明确.. -
止榕可达:[答案] ENDBLED应该是ENABLED吧? ENABLED表示处于激活状态,DISABLED表示\非激活 其余的不清楚

黎城县17192604595: 请大家帮我翻译下英文 谢谢 -
止榕可达: Although we have not the same school but our friendship will last until forever另外告诉你网上是有在线翻译的,这样就不用花悬赏分啦~看我这么好,分分给我拉

黎城县17192604595: 帮我翻译一下英语.谢谢 -
止榕可达: A:我是来道别的. B:你什么时候启程? A:我周日下午乘飞机回家. B:那么再见吧!后会有期! A:请别忘了代我向你的家人道别.A:对不起,我没听清你刚才说什么. B:我刚才说:“你需要帮忙么?” A:如果你不忙的话我希望你帮点小忙. B:需要我帮你叫车么?A:好久不见了,你过得很好吧! B:是啊,过去的几个月我在加利福尼亚. A:不错啊!具体去了哪儿呢? B:圣地亚哥.我昨天回来的.A:我想我该走了. B:这么快?为什么不再多呆会儿呢? A:我也想,但现在已经很晚了. B:哦,你得走了真是太遗憾了. A:感谢您的盛宴! B:很高兴你能喜欢!

黎城县17192604595: 请帮我翻译一下,英文,谢谢
止榕可达: Suqian City, Jiangsu Province, China Shu town Shuyang Shuyang Industrial Park Branch of the Bank of China

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