
作者&投稿:侯郎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  Summary:In such ways as observation statistics and mathematical statistics,a satistics analysis was made on all the goal time in 2013 Three-Good Students Soccer Match organised by Chongqing Normal University,whose result is as follows:the period 15-30 minutes after the match begins is the rush hour when goals are scored, reflecting the characters of amateur football matches of institutions of higher learning different from professional ones, which providing a frame of refrence for proper arragement of tactics and strategy of the matches.
  Keywords:Soccer organised by institutions of higher learning, time of scoring a goal,character of matches

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Beijing Botanical Garden is located at the foot of the West Hills in Beijing, in north China is the largest botanical garden. It was established in 1965, covering about 900 acres.
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Beijing Botanical Garden is located at the foot of the West Hills in Beijing, in north China is the largest botanical garden. It was established in 1965, covering about 900 acres.
At present, the Beijing Botanical Garden has more than 6,000 plants, including rare and endangered species and alien species.
Every year a large number of tourists come to visit.


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松莎妇月: 为你解答~ Dave: Kim,你看起来很难过,怎么了?' kim:啊,我发现我姐姐昨天翻找我的东西,她拿走了我的一些新杂志和CD片.Dave:额....那相当不好啊,她把那些东西归还给你了没?Kim:是的,但是我还是生她的气,我该怎么办呢?Dave:好吧,我想你可以跟她说让她给你道歉.但是为什么不忘了这些而跟她继续做朋友呢?虽然她是做错了,但这也不是什么大事啊~ Kim:你是对的,谢谢你的建议.Dave:不客气,希望一切都好~ 祝开心,望采纳~

吉县18440748284: 哪位亲能帮我翻译下面的文字,中译英,勿机译···呜呜呜,急需啊啊!! -
松莎妇月: In my point of view, a real expert should do (all) the following: First of all, it is undoubtly that he is supposed to be knowledgeable; then, he is supposed to be a real man, that is to say, he should be brave, altruistic and kind. In conclusion, a true medical...

吉县18440748284: 请用英语翻译一段文字.快快快!急啊! -
松莎妇月: Yesterday I and friends to walking by the lake, hear a little girl in the call for help. We don't have to take his clothes off in jumped into the lake shore will save her, and take her to the hospital, we also call her parents. Finally, little girl saved. Very grateful to my parents.. ---望采纳---

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松莎妇月: 一天,牛顿在花园里一边漫步一边思索.他看到一个苹果从树上掉到了地上.突然他灵光一闪:重力并不会局限于物体与地面的距离!这么说起来,这种力量一定比人们想象的延生的要更远,那也许这就是维系月亮让它在现在轨道上运行的力量.

吉县18440748284: 帮忙翻译以下古文,谢谢,有急需! -
松莎妇月: 这是寓圃杂记第七卷的一段,叫江阴奇事.江阴有个姓焦的人,是太祖的熟人,屡次受召都没有前往.焦突然自己带着酒肉从天子御路直接来到(京城),太祖对于他的到来非常欢喜,把他的东西全部交给光禄来举宴,他们都喝得非常高兴,(太祖)拿出金银角三种官带,命令他自己取一种来使他做官,焦取了之中的角带,(太祖)封他千户.几天后,从小路直接出了高桥门,把官衣官帽挂于林间就离开了.(可能有些难理解,但意思就是这样的,寓圃杂记记载儒生杂事,意多怪癖,)

吉县18440748284: 帮忙翻译一下下面的文章~ 急急急!中译韩 谢谢
松莎妇月: 施工现场外来人员禁止入内: 외국인 노동자의 건설 현장을 입력할 수 擅自闯入者出现事故后果自负: 침입자는 사고의 모든 결과에 대한 책임은 施工过程中给大家带来不便请谅解: 이해하시기 바랍니다 건설 불편을 끼치다 동안 당신에게

吉县18440748284: 英文高手请进!帮忙翻译两个句子,很急!快快!在线等! -
松莎妇月: 第一句:go forward step by step 第二句:as before 第三句:the last light of sunshine

吉县18440748284: 英语翻译,翻译下面的短文,...
松莎妇月: The ideal is everyone's go after for lifetime target. Driving force , life having had the ideal , life to have direction just now , learning having just now have value just now. My ideal is to should as soon as lawyer. Have once , our to see the justice having ...

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