
作者&投稿:冉房 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
把下列主动句改为被动语态(英语)急! 在线等~

1 his mother told him not to waste time on fishing.
He was told not to waste time on fishing.
2 father gave me a toy at christmas.
a toy was given to me from father at christmas.
3 she is going to made a new film next year.
A new film is going to be made by her next year
4 they should do it at once.
It should be done by them at once.
5 his mother made hin to do the housework.
He was made to do the houseword by his mother.
6 they namde the child tom.
The child was named Tom by them.
7 someone saw him walk into the room.
He was seen walk into the room.
8 someone has stolen his bicycle.
His bicycle has been stolen by someone.
9 he cut his hair short.
His hair was cut by him.
10 you need to clean the classroom.
The classroom need to be cleaned./The classroom needs cleaning.
11 the student ask the teacher to tell a story.
The teacher was asked to tell a story.

1.He was told not to waste on fishing by his mother.
2.A toy was given by my father at Christmas.
3.It should be da at once.
4.You is likely to be let down by him .
5.The child is named Tom by them.

1.French is used as their first language by some Canadians.
2.English is spoke as the first language in New Zealand.
3.German is studied as the girl's foreign language.
4.Kinves are used for cutting things.
5.A big mirror is put behind all lights.

French is used by some Candians as their first language.
Enligh is spoken as the first language in New Zealand.
German is studied by the girl as her second foreign language.
Knives are used for cutting things.
A big mirror was put behind all the lights by him.
A 动词 B 转变为 B is/was/are/were 动词被动式 by A

1.French is uesd as their first language by some Canadians.
2.English is spoken as the first language in New Zealand (by people).
3.German is studied as her second foreign language by the girl.
4.Knives are used for cutting things (by people).
5.A big mirror was put behind all the lights by him.


1.French was used by some Candians as their first language.
2.English was spoken by People in New Zealand as the first language.
3.German was studied by the girl as her second foreign language.
4.knives were used by People for cutting things.
5.A big mirror was put behind all the lights by him.


1.French is used by some Candians as their first language.
2.English is spoken by people as the first language in New Zealand.
3.German is studied by the girl as her second foreign language.
4.Knives are used by people for cutting things
5.A big mirror was put behind all the lights by him

4、如果主句的结构带有宾语补足语,变被动的时候要将原来的宾语补语变为主语补语。We have painted the windows white.--- The windows have been painted white.They elected Tom monitor of the class.--- Tom was elected monitor of the class.5、当主动句变为被动句时,有时用by-词组,有时...

who has bought the book?变被动语态
原句是现在完成时的主动语态,改为被动语态时应保持时态不变。改动后的句子是:Whom has the book been bought by?请看更多的主动句改为被动句的例句:Her mother told her to stop watching TV.她妈妈告诉她不要看电视了。She was told to stop watching TV by her mother.她被妈妈告知不能看...

1 The boy was seen by me to enter the room.2 Will a new film be showed by them next week ?3 Has the letter been posted by them yet ?4 He is often seen by to help his classmate.5 The light must be turned off by you before you go to bed .6 Who is the book ...

1、过去完成时主动语态 I had given him three books.S主语+had+V过去分词+其他成分 2、转换成被动语态 Three books had been given to him by me.宾语提前做主语+had+been+V过去分词。3、过去完成时的被动语态有以下三种形式:(1)肯定结构:主语+ had been done +其他成分 (2)否定结构:主语...

将主动语态的宾语变为被动语态的主语,将主动谓语变为被动谓语(be+过去分词),将主动语态的主语变为by短语(在被动句中用作状语),如:He finished the task. → The task was finished by him.注:如果不强调动词发出者,被动语态中的by短语通常可以省略。三、 特殊用法 主动句可以转换成两种被动...

一、主动语态变为被动语态的方法 将主动语态变为被动语态的方法可分为三步:第一步是把主动句的宾语变成被动句的主语;第二步是把主动句的谓语变成“be+过去分词”,be时态要与原句保持一致;第三步是把主动句的主语变为by的宾语,放在被动句的谓语之后,by短语可以省略。如:Mary broke the cup. ...

一、主动语态变为被动语态的方法 将主动语态变为被动语态的方法可分为三步:第一步是把主动句的宾语变成被动句的主语;第二步是把主动句的谓语变成“be+过去分词”,be时态要与原句保持一致;第三步是把主动句的主语变为by的宾语,放在被动句的谓语之后,by短语可以省略。如:Mary broke the cup. ...

一、主动语态变为被动语态的方法 将主动语态变为被动语态的方法可分为三步:第一步是把主动句的宾语变成被动句的主语;第二步是把主动句的谓语变成“be+过去分词”,be时态要与原句保持一致;第三步是把主动句的主语变为by的宾语,放在被动句的谓语之后,by短语可以省略。如:Mary broke the cup. ...

一、主动语态变为被动语态的方法 将主动语态变为被动语态的方法可分为三步:第一步是把主动句的宾语变成被动句的主语;第二步是把主动句的谓语变成“be+过去分词”,be时态要与原句保持一致;第三步是把主动句的主语变为by的宾语,放在被动句的谓语之后,by短语可以省略。如:Mary broke the cup. ...

主动语态变为被动语态的方法 将主动语态变为被动语态的方法可分为三步:第一步是把主动句的宾语变成被动句的主语;第二步是把主动句的谓语变成“be+过去分词”,be时态要与原句保持一致;第三步是把主动句的主语变为by的宾语,放在被动句的谓语之后,by短语可以省略。如:Mary broke the cup. 玛丽...

秦安县13133528713: 把下列主动句变为被动句(被动语态) -
望飞钆双: 1.French is used as their first language by some Canadians. 2.English is spoke as the first language in New Zealand. 3.German is studied as the girl's foreign language. 4.Kinves are used for cutting things. 5.A big mirror is put behind all lights. 主动...

秦安县13133528713: 英语 把以下主动句变被动句 -
望飞钆双: My meaning is understood by himHIs hat is removed by the policemanStudens may be troubled by the living problem

秦安县13133528713: 英语主动句改为被动句. -
望飞钆双: 方法:主动句的宾语是the answers to many basic questions,把它改为被动句的主语;主动句的谓语动词can find改为被动语态can be found.时态按照主动句;主动句的主语researchers改为by researchers.其它成分照抄即可. The answers to many basic questions can be found through a simple web search by researchers.【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答.祝你进步.

秦安县13133528713: 将下列主动语态的句子变成被动语态1,The teacher gave him his advice.2,I saw the boy run yesterday.3,The workers are repairing the bridge.4,People have seen... -
望飞钆双:[答案] 1.He was gave advice by the teacher.2.The boy was seen to run yesterday.3.The bridge was being repaired by the workers.4.The wolf was seen by people in this village.5.Our room must be keep clean and t...

秦安县13133528713: 将下列句子由主动语态改为被动语态.1.He gives me a book._ - _ - __将下列句子由主动语态改为被动语态.1.He gives me a book._ - _ - _ - __to me by him.2.My ... -
望飞钆双:[答案] 1 A book is given 2 is told to me 3 A new bike is bought 4 Where was the bridge built 5 is made to do

秦安县13133528713: 将下列主动语的句子变为被动语态.1.Farmers grow rice in the south.2.They cut down many trees in the past.3.Someone must take care of the children when we ... -
望飞钆双:[答案] 1.Rice was grown by farmers in the south. 2.Many trees were cut down in the past. 3.The children must be taken care of by someone when we go out. 4.The accident will never be forgotten by people. 5.Tim has been invited by Xiao Liu to a lunch party. ...

秦安县13133528713: 把下列主动句改为被动语态(英语)急!1 his mother told him not to waste time on fishing.2 father gave me a toy at christmas.3 she is going to made a new film... -
望飞钆双:[答案] 1 his mother told him not to waste time on fishing. He was told not to waste time on fishing. 2 father gave me a toy at christmas. a toy was given to me from father at christmas. 3 she is going to made a new film next year. A new film is going to be made by...

秦安县13133528713: 把下列主动语态的句子改成被动语态!!! -
望飞钆双: I was given a present by him. The work was finished by her. The dishes were washed by my mother. The wallet was found by the girl. The table can not be moved by her. 希望对您有帮助,希望采纳哦.

秦安县13133528713: 把下列句子由主动语态改为被动语态1.People speak English in many countries.2.We clean our classroom every day.3.People use computers for searching for ... -
望飞钆双:[答案]English is spoken by people in many countries. Our classroom is cleaned by us every day. Computers are used by people for searching for information. Is your homework often finished on time? Was the computer restarted by you just now? Where were ...

秦安县13133528713: 主动语态变被动语态一、 把下列句子变成被动语态:1.They used recorders in English class.2.Have you posted the letters yet?3.Can you do it tomorrow?4.They... -
望飞钆双:[答案] 一、 把下列句子变成被动语态: 1.They used recorders in English class. -> Recorders are used by them in English class. 2.Have you posted the letters yet? -> Have the letters been posted by you yet? 3.Can you do it tomorrow? -> Can it be done ...

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