贸易函电 悬赏30分 请高手赐教

作者&投稿:宗胆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语论文商务英语函电的语言特点的outline 怎么写啊?急!!!求高手赐教,嘻嘻...最好详细些~



Dear ***,
Thank you for your inquiry, the attached is the quotation for wall paper, please check it, and the samples will be sent to you later.
Our wall paper with a good quality, reasonable price, and attractive designs, they are a big demand by many house furnishers who are from various regions,and the cargoes in short supply now.
We require payment by L/C, and we hope we can receive the L/C before shipment 1 month. If you can place the order to me within 10 days, we can give you a 5% discount.
We are looking forward to receiving your order.

巧家县15191431478: 外贸函电翻译,急.今天要用了..悬赏80分 -
爱羽盐酸: 1 commodity inspection and claim: the goods at the port of destination 90 days, such as found in the quality, specifications and quantity or weight and this contract, credit card or invoice do not meet, in addition to belong to the insurance company or...

巧家县15191431478: 急、求日语高手帮忙翻译一篇商务函电文.不难的!加分! -
爱羽盐酸: 敝公司有意与贵公司进行商贸合作,故而贸然发函提出书面请求,还望海涵.弊公司成立已30载,经营服装进出口业务,产品主销美国、欧洲、韩国.近来,弊公司有意在日本寻求新的合作企业,获知贵公司生意兴隆,故此发函了解贵公司合...

巧家县15191431478: 请英语翻译高手进来赐教啊!帮我翻译一个句子.谢谢了.我高分悬赏. -
爱羽盐酸: Sex realtionship is human only when it is brought into the orbit of verbal communication. Without wife or husband, there would be not ta...

巧家县15191431478: 高分悬赏ROS高手请帮忙! -
爱羽盐酸: 找个光驱吧,最简单的方法. 要用到ros,我就不相信你找个光驱都找不到,借个买个也行呀.-------------------------- 问题补充:看来百度里高手真少!这句是反话吧,如果你一定要按照你在提问中这么做也是可以的.dos 下也有虚拟光驱软件的,你自己去找吧,用baidu/google 还有,你既然要用到ROS,那为什么还要在ros这台机器上保留二个操作系统呢?ros 2.x版本自己会安装到第一硬盘里,它不会安装到第二个硬盘上面去.第二个硬盘只能是在开启web-porxy时才用的到.所以你这个要求在dos下来安装ros时没有实际意义的.再给你一个建议,ROS主分区最大只给分1G的空间.

巧家县15191431478: 急!!求翻译成英文贸易函电...在线等啊 不要在线翻译!!!一定追加得分
爱羽盐酸: (1) Dear Sirs: By the Bank of China received your address, the company is to get to know our business dealings in Singapore, the tell us that you require a large number of products manufactured by the company. Yutong brand renowned air-...

巧家县15191431478: 我最近要换辆电动车,真诚希望各位高手出谋划策,特献上100分悬赏,望赐教!!!!!!! -
爱羽盐酸: 有点高了,大阳在电动车行业中只是个二线品牌,小弟弟,你说的配置新日,欧派,雅迪2900----3000可以拿到,我有个朋友做大阳电动车的,...

巧家县15191431478: 介绍几个用电饭煲煲的汤,好的追加分! -
爱羽盐酸: 炖花生猪手做法: 1.首先去超市里买好料,有花生,二三块钱就好,半个猪手,胡萝卜一个或半个,生姜,醋等. 2.把猪手冲洗干净,先放在锅里煮一下去血水,然后把猪手放入电饭煲里,按下煮饭档.然后把花生和胡萝卜洗干净,等猪手煲...

巧家县15191431478: 在EXCEL表格信息中通过 函数 提取信息的命令 -
爱羽盐酸: 史上最简单公式:H1=text(mid(i1,7,6+(len(i1)=18)*2),"0000-00-00") 用于从身份证号取生日=IF(MOD(MID(i1,15,3),2),"男","女") 用于判断性别

巧家县15191431478: 用英文讲述外贸流程,,请外贸&英语高手赐教.. -
爱羽盐酸: 汉语的岂不是更好.自己翻译吧 出口贸易操作流程--转 2007-08-16 16:38 1. 接单:XX公司贸易部在接到客户订单后,须将客户订单转化为公司内部订单; 2. 订单评审:XX公司贸易部负责组织公司生产部、产品部及品检部相关人员对客户订单...

巧家县15191431478: 外贸函电翻译...汉译英 -
爱羽盐酸: 1. Letter of Credit No. 345, edit: (1) The long replaced by metric tons; (2) change the port of destination London Hamburger; (3) Exhibition of shipment to the permit at the en...

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