
作者&投稿:钞咬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. 用以加强语气,表示亲自。
If one wants knowledge of a skill, one must take part in it oneself.
He went there himself the day before yesterday.
2. 与典型介词搭配,构成固定短语,表达特定含义。
1) (all) by oneself 单独地
When I was young, I had to make a living all by myself.
Would you go there by yourself?
2) to oneself 独自享用
When he eats in a restaurant, he likes a table to himself.
3) for oneself 为自己;独自
One shouldn’t live for himself alone.
You must find it out for yourself.
4) of oneself自动地
The door opened of itself.
5) between ourselves私下里
Just between ourselves, I don’t think much of him.
6) in oneself本身
The materials in themselves were not poisonous.
7) beside oneself喜怒时发狂
She was beside herself with joy.
8) by itself自然地
The machine will start by itself in a few seconds.
3. 与典型动词搭配,构成固定短语。
1) be not oneself身体不好
I’m not quite myself today.(I’m unwell.)
2) enjoy oneself玩得很痛快
3) help oneself to sth. 随便吃
Please help yourself to some fish.
4) teach oneself sth.自学
When he was young, he taught himself advanced mathematics.
5) accustom oneself to 习惯于
He quickly accustomed himself to this new way of life.
6) devote oneself to致力于
I am determined to devote myself to the cause of education.
7) adapt oneself to适应
She quickly adapted herself to the new climate.
8) adjust oneself to调整;适应
The body quickly adjusts itself to changes in temperature.
9) behave oneself举止得体
Please behave yourselves.
10) dress oneself穿衣服
He is too young to dress himself.
11) seat oneself就坐
He seated himself in the chair and began to read the novel.
12) make oneself heard / understood / seen / known / believed让自己被(别人)听见/听懂/看见/认识/相信
He raised his voice to make himself heard by all.
13) find oneself无意识中发现自己
At last, we found ourselves in a pleasant park with trees providing shade and sat down to eat our picnic lunch.
14) express oneself清楚表达自己的意思
He is still unable to express himself in English.
15) talk to oneself自言自语
16) come to oneself 苏醒

先告诉你,反身代词有myself(我自己)yoursrlf(你自己) himself(他自己)herself(她自己)itself(它自己) ourselves(我们自己) yourseles(你们自己) themselves(他们自己)

保护自己,protect myself 这里说的应该是变色龙,保护自己的动物,变色龙比较适合,个人见解

colours in them 他们(身上或外表)的颜色看来是主要用于自我保护。


该词通常用于以下几种情况:1、强调或明确主语:当想要强调或明确动作是由主语自己发出时,可以使用反身代词。例如,“Ihurtmyself.”(我伤到自己了。)2、代替主语:在某些情况下,为了避免重复,可以使用反身代词代替前面提到过的主语。例如,“She dressed herself carefully.”(她仔细地给自己穿衣...

1.强调某人自己的时候用。比如: I myself drove the car. 我自己开车。反身代词虽然不能单独作主语,但是可以作主语、宾语或者表语的同位语。2. 一个句子中再次提到时。He can look after himself.他能自己照顾好自己。You should be proud of yourself.你应该为自己感到骄傲。

3、在介词后使用反身代词:当介词后有反身代词作宾语时,需使用反身代词的适当形式。例如:He bought a gift for himself. (他给自己买了个礼物。)She is taking care of herself. (她正在照顾自己。)4、表示“彼此”或“互相”的关系:当强调两个或多个人之间的相互关系时,可以使用反身代...

反身代词用在动词后面,作动词的宾语,构成固定短语,如:玩得开心enjoy oneself ;自学teach oneself ;伤着自己hurt oneself ;自我介绍introduce oneself to sb ;自己穿衣服dress oneself。举个例子:When he was a little boy he could teach himself English.当他还是一个孩子的时候,他就能自学英语...

I you she he it one myself yourself herself himself itself oneself we you they ourselves yourselves themselves 二、 反身代词的用法:1、 反身代词不能作主语,但是它可以作主语同位语,放在主语后或句末。:如:我亲自去了电影院。误:Myself went to the cinema.正:I went to the cinema...

4、用作主语。在现代英语中,反身代词一般不能独立用作主语,但是它却可以借助 and, or, nor 等连词与其他名词一起构成并列主语(且位于并列主语的后部),以及用于某些特殊结构(如as...as等)。例子:My brother and myself went there yesterday.昨天我兄弟和我一起去了那儿。

4、反身代词用作主语的时候,但在一般情况下是不可以用作主语的,但可以借助and.or.nor等与其他的名词一起构成并列主语或是用于某一些特殊结构。例如:My brother and myself went there yesterday. 昨天我兄弟和我一起去了那儿。Jim’s sister and himself get up at six every day. 吉姆的妹妹...

1、当one指人时,其相应的反身代词通常用oneself, 在美国英语中也可用himself。2、用作同位语(加强被修饰词的语气,仅放在被修饰名词后, 或句末)。3、用作宾语(动词或介词的宾语)。4、用作主语。在现代英语中,一般不能独立用作主语,但是它却可以借助 and, or, nor 等连词与其他名词一起构成...

He is teaching herself English.她在自学英语。She was talking to herself.她自言自语。He lives by himself in the country.他独自住在乡下。2. 作主语或宾语的同位语:主要起加强语气的作用,译作“亲自,本身,本人”。如:Did you make the cake yourself?这蛋糕是你亲自做的吗?(yourself作...

南郑县13777414905: 反身代词(英语名词) - 搜狗百科
幸尝安坤:[答案] 1、作宾语,此时的宾语指的就是主语. a. 有些动词需有反身代词 absent, bath, amuse, blame, dry, cut, enjoy, hurt, introduce, behave We enjoyed ourselves very much last night. 我们昨晚玩得很开心. Please help yourself to some fish. 请你随便吃点鱼. b. ...

南郑县13777414905: 什么时候用反身动词 -
幸尝安坤: 如: 1)A marked bee fed itself from the dish and returned to the hive. 一只做了标记的蜜蜂从盘中喂饱自己以后就飞回蜂箱了.(itself 与 bee 在人称、性质、数上保持一致) 2)In 1955 Walt Disney himself opened the first Disney park. 1955年,沃...

南郑县13777414905: 反身代词什么时候用到? -
幸尝安坤: 1. 用以加强语气,表示亲自. If one wants knowledge of a skill, one must take part in it oneself. He went there himself the day before yesterday. 2. 与典型介词搭配,构成固定短语,表达特定含义. 1) (all) by oneself 单独地 When I was young, I had ...

南郑县13777414905: 反身代词前什么时候用by什么时候不用by -
幸尝安坤:[答案] 反身代词的用法: 1、 反身代词不能作主语,但是它可以作主语同位语,放在主语后或句末.:如:我亲自去了电影院.误:Myself went to the cinema.正:I went to the cinema myself. 2、 反身代词可以作宾语的同位语.如:I wish I could hear Beethoven...

南郑县13777414905: 反身代词的用法? -
幸尝安坤: 反身代词表自身,句中可作三成分 动介后面用作宾,表示动作回自身 句中强调同位语,主语宾语后变跟 系动be后作表语.

南郑县13777414905: 请问什么情况下用反身代词?他是如何翻译的?最好能有句子解释!谢谢 -
幸尝安坤: 1.用于动作及于说话者或写作者本人时.如I cut myself with a knife.我用刀把自己割伤了. 2.用于强调说话者或写作者本人.如I myself will present the prizes.我自己来发奖. 3.by oneself=alone 独自. 4.enjoy oneself=have a good time.玩得痛快.

南郑县13777414905: 反身代词什么时候用到?
幸尝安坤: 人称代词分为主格、宾格、形容词物主代词、名词性物主代词以及反身代词.反身代词也叫自身代词.要想掌握反身代词其实并不难.下面将反身代词的构成和用法介绍给...

南郑县13777414905: 英语中的反身代词怎么用?
幸尝安坤: 反身代词的用法: 1、 反身代词不能作主语,但是它可以作主语同位语,放在主语后或句末.:如:我亲自去了电影院.误:Myself went to the cinema.正:I went to the cinema myself. 2、 反身代词可以作宾语的同位语.如:I wish I could hear ...

南郑县13777414905: 英语中反身代词怎么用?,何时把self变为selves? -
幸尝安坤: 表达的意思是“某人自己”的时候用反身代词 比如说按一般形式,写:I send a present to me. 这时候把me改成myself 就是I send a present to myself. 只要直接变就行了 当表示“他们自己”“我们自己”这样的复数的含义的时候 就用selves 例如themselves, ourselves

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