Teachers' Day为什么Deachers' 和Day都大写,还有为什么teacher'后面还加一个' 呢

作者&投稿:大狐虏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英 ['tiːtʃə]
美 ['titʃɚ]

n. 教师;导师
n. (Teacher)人名;(英)蒂彻


Teacher 教师,老师,教师
Head teacher 校长,校长,高级教师
probation teacher 代课教师,

Teacher's Day
Day 读法 英 [deɪ] 美 [deɪ]
1、n. 一天;时期;白昼
2、adv. 每天;经常在白天地
3、adj. 日间的;逐日的
Thanksgiving Day 感恩节
We celebrated the Teacher's Day for all teachers this Monday, very happy.

1、day还可作“时期; 时代; 寿命”解,常用复数形式,若用单数常须与my, their等物主代词连用。
3、Day常用在表示法定的或宗教节日的短语中,其前不加冠词。day可用作量词, a day可表示“每天”。
day, date这两个词都有“日,天”的意思。其区别在于:
1、date指某种事发生的“日期”,不一定只指某一天,可以统指年、月、日,一般用单数; day指一周中的“某一天,一整天”等,意为“白天,日子”,又专指星期几。
2、在询问“某天是什么日子”时,两词都可用,但意义不同, date问的是“日期”,而day问的是“星期几”。

这是一个节日,eg:Chlidren's Day. 因为 通俗点说,它的中文翻译是 老师的节日(教师节)。'在这是所有格的意思

因为teachers 他后面是s 一般后面是s的都加‘

where is the teacher office哪里错了
teacher是错误的。_here is the teacher office这是一句病句,如果要表达老师的办公室在哪里?应该是Where is the teachers' office?所以说teacher 是错误的。_eachers'表示复数,一般办公室老师应该是复数,所以在问老师的办公室在哪的时候写的应该是teachers'而不是没有任何形式的teacher。



首字母填空:请附中文 It's Saturday t( ). It's a s( ) day . Jim A...
It's Saturday t(oday ). It's a s( unny) day . Jim Alice and their t(eachers ) are at the police s( tation ) They're v( ) there. Look ,this police o( ) is tall and strong . He is Mr Chen . That beautiful l(...

they were yeachers变一般疑问句
Were they teachers last year?yes,they were no.they weren't They weren't teachers last year

用women taeachers中文怎么写?
女 老 师 们

when 丅eachers' day?
-when 丅eachers' day?-It's September 1st.-教师节是什么时候?-是9月1日。

Women's Dayi s on March the eighth.The (first)day of May Day.China's Youth Day comes a (sports)it.It's on the t(hird) day after May Day.C(hildren's)Day is on the June the first.June 1 is our Party's birthday.August the first is the Army Day.China T(eachers...

求creacher一词的意思 RT,句子是Men are Noisy creachers.

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