
作者&投稿:那迫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我有 混在一起了 大概到10月底为止 满意的话追加点分数 你的分数太少了 都是我自己亲手记下再打到电脑上的(前面的解释还没来得及作出 需要的话请关注337903680的空间) 既然是秘密,又怎么会让你们知道呢? a little flavour来点调料 to take dead aim on sth放全部精力sth在上,全力以赴 have sb/sth in the crosshairs(准星,焦点) eg.i study very very hard,i have HBS in my crosshairs我把HBS当成我的目标了 that guy is always mean to me,he really has me in his crosshairs那小子把我当成攻击对象了 forte强项,擅长 eg.i`m sorry, but music is not my forte,i`m much better at sport音乐不是我的强项 cooking has always been my mother`s forte.我妈擅长做菜 a way with words善于言辞 eg.wow. you really have a way with words你真是能说会道 gee,you really have a way with words!吉,你的口才真棒!(反语) a good salesperson really has to have a way with words. pull a fast one on sb.表示搞鬼(褒,贬均可) eg.he`s really good at pulling fast ones on people,just keep your eyes out for everything suspicious.你得瞪大眼睛小心了 you are so good at pulling a fast one on me! shake a leg 1)dance表示跳舞just shake a leg,dancing is fun. 2)hurry 3)相当于good luck don`t you do me wrong!你可别把我出卖了! the coast is clear表示危险过去了 ask a favor ? got a date with sb与某人约会 what do you say 你说怎样呢 eg.i gotta a date with molly tonight,and i wana make it specil.what do you say? have a heart有点良心好吗? get the hang of sth .掌握了某物的诀窍 eg.hey.you`re really getting the hang of it.well done! chew(嚼) one`s head off把某人的头拧断,把某人给骂死,吃掉(程度较深) eg.i`ve never seen her like that,she was totally chewing my head off. 别对我那么凶嘛!you don` have to chew my heard off! (a)paradox矛盾,对立有两面性 eg.woman are a paradox,they say they want one thing.but they really want something totally different it`s such a paradox,i don`t have know i can love her and hate her at the same time hail一般只用于打的.很少用于日常打招呼 eg.hail a car/taxi打车 hail caesar(向国王)致敬 get sth straightenet out/straighten out sth 1)解决了 2)讲明白,澄清 eg.hey.let`s get this straightener out.do you lie or not?嗨,把这件事给将清楚吧,你到底有没有撒谎? can you straighten out the problem with bill?你能把这帐单的问题象我澄清一下吗? delicate balance of sth度的拿捏 you must understand the delicate balance of spices it requires你必须懂得掌握放调料的尺度 \ street credit(strong) scrape by 靠很少钱度日,虎口 eg. that's ok we manage to scrape by , we only eat beans and ice every day if we can just scrape by this month ,the income of next month will 增加 that a boy(一般不用girl) you did sth good 长辈对于晚辈,好孩子 eg. that a boy, i knew you could do it that a boy ,sam thanks for telling me the truth. now you're telkin(if sb say sth you agree with and excited 兴奋it)正合我意 eg.now you're talkin that's a good idea. now you're talkin ,i always know.honey,i can count on you for good idea.

动感英语笔记 txt全集小说附件已上传到百度网盘,点击免费下载:

Movie Dictionary 电影词典

North by Northwest 西北偏北


American Slang 美国俚语

Got it. 明白了吗?

e.g. <1> I can't quite seem to get this math problem.


<2> I want you to come home right after school, got it?



Classic Film Clips 经典对白

1. Keep track of time (保持时间的轨迹)表示遵守时间
e.g. <1> I have to be somewhere at 8pm,so I'd better keep track of the time.


<2> Joe can't keep track of time and he's often late for important meetings.

Joe 没有时间概念掌控不好时间, 他总是在重要会议时迟到

2. slip away (不知不觉、悄悄的)溜走

e.g. <1> I think I'm going to try to slip away from this party early tonight.

我想今晚的这个派队得早点溜了, 我实在太累了想好好休息

<2> As we get older, time seems to slip away much faster.



Movie Tunes 原声碟

Always know where you are

It's good to see the sun and feel this place
I never though would feel like home
And I run forever far away and I always know where you are though
I'd end up here alone

Action English 动感英语 二(220) 8月8日 星期三


Show Time 秀 " The Matrix " 《黑客帝国》

What are you trying to tell me ...你想告诉我什么
that I can dodge bullets? 我能闪避子弹吗?
I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready ...you won't have to 我是说当你做好准备时,你就不必躲子弹。

" bullet time " 子弹时间 特殊摄影技巧

Behind The Scenes 特别收录

" Establishing shot " 定场镜头 " Punch in " 特写镜头

Slang 俚语 " Master and Commander "《怒海争锋》

Tell me this wasn't on my account (片中)

" on someone's account " 为了某人做事情

例:Hey,if you're tired why don't you just go home ? you don't have to stay on my account.
We're not going to the US if you're not there,the only reason we'd go is on account of you being in the US,we don't want to go to see just the country.

Classic Clips 经典对白 " Master and Commander " 《怒海争锋》

(1)He may well turn the tide.(片中)

" turn the tide " 扭转局面

例:It looks like the tide is turning maybe I will be able to go.
The tides are turning,last year, yes we were very successful,but this year,it looks like we will go broke.

(2)I'll rest easier when I know they're reached shore.(片中)

" rest easy " 放心,松一口气,不再担心

例:I can't rest easy until he gets home.
I can rest easy until you get the Visa.

Action DJ 动感DJ

What Goes Around ...Comes Around

Now girl I remember everything
that you claimed
you said that you were moving on now
And maybe I should do this same
Funny thing about that is
I was ready to give you my name
That's okay baby 'cause in time you will find
what goes around goes around ,goes
around comes all the way back around
hey girl is he everything you wanted in a man
you know I gave you the world
you had me in the palm of your hand

赏析: What goes around comes around 因果报应。
do onto others as you would like them to do onto you
歌曲来自Justing Timber Lake 这首MV是他第三张专辑《FutureSex Love Sounds》

When you “tamper with” something, it means that you mess with it, or that you interfere with it in a way that is harmful.. You can “tamper with” a person or a thing and it means that you influence or change it in a way that damages it in some way.意思是做手脚。...

英语笔记 平衡感 sense of balance 单词
proprioception n. [生理] 本体感受 intact adj. 完整的;原封不动的;未受损伤的 skeletal systems [解剖] 骨骼系统;骨系统 Vestibular system endolymph n. 内淋巴 a complex set of tubing 一组复杂的油管 dysfunction dizziness n. 头晕;头昏眼...

get up the nerve to do something If you “get up the nerve” to do something, it means that you are nervous about doing something but find the courage to do it.意思是鼓起勇气或提心吊胆的做事。例句:1. I don’t know, I’m really shy. It’s really hard for me to get...

shake on it If you “shake on something,” it means that you give your word, or promise to do it. To “shake on something” is a way of showing someone that you are serious; you literally shake someone’s hand as a symbol of your promise.意思是保证做某事。例句:1.If y...

Hell,yeah.You brave.You brave.They call me Hector.I got a last name,too,but I can't pronounce it,so Brian Earl Spilner.Typical white-boy name.You know what I'm saying?你的车都有什么装备 想让我自己去发掘吗 可以 你可真勇敢 他们叫我海克特 我的名字太难念了,所以 布莱恩....

英语读书笔记(10篇) 每篇有1.好词2.佳句3.感悟(50词) 注:好的在加财富...
2. Next year the bearded bear will bear a dear baby in the rear.明年,长胡子的熊将在后方产一头可爱的小崽。3. Early I searched through the earth for earthenware so as to research in earthquake.早先我在泥土中搜寻陶器以研究地震。4. I learn that learned earnest men earn much ...

Action English 动感英语 二(220) 8月8日 星期三 2008.08.08北京奥运开幕倒计时一周年纪念 Show Time 秀 " The Matrix " 《黑客帝国》What are you trying to tell me ...你想告诉我什么 that I can dodge bullets? 我能闪避子弹吗?No,Neo.不,里奥 I'm trying to tell you that when...

2009-03-11 动感英语 2007笔记 2 2007-09-15 2007动感英语2月1日笔记 2010-05-30 2007年动感英语笔记 2007-12-06 2007年8月23-26日动感英语笔记 回答追加分数 1 2007-08-30 动感英语笔记 7 2007-02-17 求2月12日动感英语笔记 2015-01-12 求动感英语的笔记!!! 更多类似问题 > 为你...

It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile.不管你是赢一英寸还是一英里。" winning is winning "赢就是赢。Behind The Scenes 特别收录 " Kinoflo " 吸光机 Slang 俚语 " Hotel Rwanda " 《卢旺达饭店》Their time is soon over.(片中)" time is over " 无权了,失去...

英语读书笔记十篇带翻译,展现了不同主题的英语学习内容,包括日常生活、情感表达、自然景观以及科技生活。从个人房间的布置到滑冰运动的感悟,再到对大海和计算机的理解,这些笔记不仅锻炼了阅读和写作能力,还揭示了生活哲理。让我们通过这些笔记,感受英语的魅力,提升语言技能。"My Room"描绘了一个温馨的...

雨花台区13929103015: 求9月30日动感英语笔记SLANG部分的呢? -
昔樊联邦:[答案] slang是shake on something 握手,表示承诺了某事,就不可反悔,要进行到底.例句:Hey son,if you clean up your room everyday for a year,then I'll give you one hundred dollars a year.Do you agree with it?Let's...

雨花台区13929103015: 求2008年7月到8月的任意13篇动感英语的笔记 -
昔樊联邦: Action English 动感英语31 Movie dictionary 电影词典 producer 制片人 American slang 美国俚语 It\'s just that I got a little bit sidetracked.(片中) sidetracked 分神, 偏离 例:Peter thought he would go to college right after high school , but he got ...

雨花台区13929103015: 我想要《动感英语Ⅱ》全部笔记
昔樊联邦: http://hi.baidu.com/jixinbo/blog/item/4d24691fb38a02c9a78669c8.html 这个网站上都有的,楼主可以去看下,好好学英语,祝你学业有成哦!

雨花台区13929103015: 求2007年十月一日动感英语笔记 -
昔樊联邦:[答案] 俚语 Slang “So,I get up the nerve to break his heart.” “于是我壮着胆子去伤他的心.” get up the nerve to do something If ... s okay.It's just part of my job. 每天工作时都有人给我找麻烦.不过,没事的.这就是我工作的一部分.(show time的没做笔记)...

雨花台区13929103015: 默默付出的英文默默付出,翻译成英文什么 还有 只为拥有的英文, -
昔樊联邦:[答案] work behind the scenes 幕后工作不留名 动感英语笔记上解释过,主持人特意理解成默默付出 至于”只为拥有”,要提供上下文才能理解..

雨花台区13929103015: 知道有那么一个人默默的喜欢我也挺好的.英文怎么说 -
昔樊联邦: It's pretty good to know that someone likes / loves me quietly.

雨花台区13929103015: 谁有动感英语笔记?
昔樊联邦: 我天天看这节目,不过从不做笔记,你可以登陆它的网站去做题嘛

雨花台区13929103015: 如何学英语的听和说 -
昔樊联邦: 想学好英语,首先要培养对英语的兴趣.“兴趣是最好的老师”,兴趣是学习英语的巨大动力,有了兴趣,学习就会事半功倍.练好基本功是学好英语的必要条件,没有扎实的英语基础,就谈不上继续学习,更谈不上有所成就.要想基本功扎实...

雨花台区13929103015: 跪求~动感英语(action English)短语集粹 -
昔樊联邦: I. Movie DictionarySound Engineer 录音师II.American SlangRumor has it that…人们都说怎么样,据说怎么怎么样. E.g.(1) Rumor has it that Andy is a nice guy .(2)Rumor has it that he is a rather difficult sound engineer .III. Classic ...

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