
作者&投稿:毓详 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

你好,能说明白一点么,你是想问这为什么是have to do 么


例:My job is to look after the chidren and teach them English.


例: doesn't matter.

1.一些表示心理活动,情感态度的动词或短语,如expect \want \hope \wish \love \hate \decide \plan \mean \try \would like \be ready \be afraid \be glad等后,动词不定式省略to后面的动词部分,但保留to.例如:
(1)-I 'll be away on a business trip.Would you mind looking after my dog
-Not at all .I'd be glad to.
(2)-Will you go with me
-Well ,I 'd like to.
(3)-Will you go home tomorrow
-No.I 'm going to a lecture,or at least I am planning to.
(1)The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street but his mother told him not to.
(2)You'd better finish the job on time if he ordered you to.
3.在一些情态动词或助动词ought to \have to \used to \be able to后.例如:
(1)-Must I go now
-No.You don 't have to.
(2)-Are you planning to see your grandfather
-No.But I ought to.
1.动词不定式作感官动词feel \see \notice \watch \find \hear \listen to \observe和使役动词have \make \let等的宾语补足语时,动词不定式符号to省略.如果这些动词用于被动语态,其后的动词不定式符号to不能省略(但let除外).例如:
(1)We often hear him sing the song at home .
(=He is often heard to sing the song at home.)
(2)The y knew her very well.They had seen her grow up from childhood.
(=They knew her very well.She was seen to grow up from childhood.)
get作"使,让,叫某人做某事"时,要用get sb. to do s t h.结构.例如:
Mother got Tom to buy a pack of sugar.
2.两个或两个以上的动词不定式由连词and \or \than \but连接时,从第二个不定式起,往往省略不定式符号to.但如果强调对比之意时不省略.例如:
(1)She 'd like to take off her coat and have a break.
(2)The students are taught to read,write and do many other things.
(3)I t 's more difficult to do than to say .(强调语意前后对比)
(4)The teacher came not to punish you but to help you.(强调语意前后对比)
(5)I wondered whether to study or to work.(强调语意前后对比)
(1)The first things he did was go up to her trainer and thank her for all her help during her training.
(2)What we want to do now is lie down and rest.
(3)What a dictionary does is help the students to find out the meaning and the usage of new words .
4.在why或why not引起的表示建议或责问的省略问句中.例如:
(1)Why get so excited
(2)Why quarrel with your mother
(3)Why not join us,Tom
5.在一些类似情态动词词组had better \would rather \had best \rather than \can't but \can't help but等之后.例如:
(1)In China it is important to invest in education rather than increase personal wages.
(2)Jack would rather read than talk.
(3)You'd better put on more clothes,or you'll catch a bad cold.
(4)She dares to go to the lonely island by herself.I can 't but admire her bravery.
6.在美国口语中,用在祈使语气中表示目的的动词come \go \try \run之后的动词不定式符号to可省略,也可不省略.例如:
(1)Come tell me if he arrives.
(2)Go tell your mot her.
(3)Run swim together.
(4)Try open the door again.
(5)Try to open the door again.(不省略语气更强烈)
make believe(假装)
make do(凑合,设法对付)
let slip(说出)
leave go(放手)
hear say(听说)
let pass(忽略)
let be(别打扰).例如:
(1)The teacher didn 't let slip a word to us about the coming exam.
(2)I 've heard say that Mary was about to come .
(3)The boy made believe that he was reading when his father entered .
(4)Let him be.
(5)Don 't leave go(of)the fish.
(1)I dare to swim across the river.
(2)He dares to say that to his father.
(3)She doesn 't dare(to)answer her teacher 's question.
(4)We need to finish the job before lunch.
(1)Would you like to help me(to)carry the luggage
(2)Help the baby(to)get up,Susan!
3.but \besides \except作介词,后接动词不定式的情况:如果这些介词之前有行为动词do的各种形式,那么这些介词后的不定式不带to,反之则要带to.例如:
(1)She could do nothing but cry .
(2)What do you like to do besides swim
(3)He has no choice but to leave.
4.当like或want在由when \whenever \what \whatever \as \if等引导的状语从句中时,其后往往省略整个动词不定式.例如:
(1)Come whenever you like .
(2)Tom,don 't be nervous.
Take whatever you want!
(3)Do anything as you like.
(4)You don 't have to come swimming if you don 't want.

有些使役动词接宾语补足语时,后面的不定式"to"必须省去。如:make, let, have 等。They made the boy go to bed early. \/ Let him do it. \/ I would have you know that I am ill.另外一些使役动词接宾语补足语时,后面不定式的"to "绝对不能省去。如:force ; allow, obli...

want后面的to在任何情况下都是不能省略的,只有在一些情况下,to后面的动词原形可以省略。如句子前面已经出现过同样的动词,为了避免重复,句子后面的不定式常省去动词原形,只留下不定式符号to。如:He may go if he wishes to. 他可以走,如果他愿意的话。(省去前已出现的go)A number of veterans...

如: Did you attend the meeting yesterday? No, but I'd like to have (attended the meeting).4.如果to后面是be动词的完成形式时,则要省略到to have been为止.如 He wasn't here last night, but he ought to have been (here).再回到你的问题,整句应该是and I don't want to be (...

以why或why not开头引起的无主语中,动词不定式要省略to。Why argue with him?为什么要和他争辩呢?Why not tell me about it in time?为什么不及时告诉我这个问题?在主语以what、all、the only thing等开头的包含行为动词do的句子中,作为表语的不定式常可省略to。The only thing...

不定式可放在be动词后面,形成表语。这个时候To是不能省略的。例如:My work is to clean the room every day.His dream is to be a doctor.但是 当不定式在系动词后作表语时,如果主语部分带有实意动词do时,就可以省去to。例如:I have nothing to do but wait.中 To可以省略。

感官动词后,如see,feel, watch, notice, feel, hear,listen to, look at等 使役动词后,如:make, let, have help后可加可不加。

而省略to的不定式,只是省略而已。如果不省略,也是正确的。比如:help (to) do sht. 中的to可以省略,也可以不省略。What I want to do is (to) help you. 中,表语是不定式,前有do,后无to. 这个to常可省略。但不是说,加上就错了。而will \/can do sth. 中will\/can后是不能加to的...

表语:指的是“是(be的各种形式)”后面的成分,一定是be to do, 表示将要发生的动作或状态,当然什么时候都不能省去to了。但接动词的其他的形式,如分词(现在分词,过去分词)和动名词是可以的。如:I was to go out at that time.那是我正要出去。

答案:是的。这里adopt其实是动词have后面跟的一个不定式。have sb. do sth.中have为使役动词,表示“使,让”的意思。如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!

to省略了,前后的并列句对比意味不强,而且some America语意模糊。两边并列句,中间有连词and, 省略后留下主语,谓语,表语的核心关键词some\/to\/America,to可以表示方向“去,前往”对比强烈,语言简洁明了,挺好的。

托里县19188763139: 关于不定式符号to的省略 -
高松黄金: 动词不定式中的省略现象可分为两种情况,一是动词不定式符号to后的动词部分的省略;二是动词不定式符号to的省略. 一,省略动词不定式符号to后的动词部分的情况 1.一些表示心理活动,情感态度的动词或短语,如expect \want \hope \wish \...

托里县19188763139: 关于不定式符号to的省略在什么情况下可以省略不定式符号to?在什么情况下可以省略不定式符号后的内容? -
高松黄金:[答案] 动词不定式中的省略现象可分为两种情况,一是动词不定式符号to后的动词部分的省略;二是动词不定式符号to的省略. 一,省略动词不定式符号to后的动词部分的情况 1.一些表示心理活动,情感态度的动词或短语,如expect \want \hope \wish \love ...

托里县19188763139: 动词不定式中的to在什么情况下可以省略? -
高松黄金: 动词不定式中的to在什么情况下可以省略? 答:感观动词如:watch, notice, see, hear, feel... 和使役动词如let, make... 例句:1. I saw him (to) enter the room just now2. My parents make me (to) make homework every day.3. Let's (to) go.

托里县19188763139: 不定式省略to的几种常见情况 -
高松黄金: 说明:引用此文请注明出处,并务请保留后面的有效链接地址,谢谢! ■湖南 陈根花 用于表示不定式的符号to通常不可没有的,但在某些特殊情况下,却是可以省略的,而且还有一些情况,这个to是必须省略的.这类用法归纳起来主要有以下几...

托里县19188763139: 什么样的动词在什么情况下可以省略TO在英语里 -
高松黄金: 在中学阶段应该可以归纳出常用的几个 ,也就是我们通俗说的“使 让 帮” 也就是make help let这3个词在中学阶段后面的to 是可以省略掉的.而have 不一定,有一个词叫have to 他是个词组,have 在这不表示动词,词组是一定 需要的意思.因句子的不同理解也不同.

托里县19188763139: 求助一个小问题:平行结构中to省略问题 -
高松黄金: 关于不定式符号"to"在并列结构中的省略 (1).两个或两个以上的不定式并列,第一个带to,后面的省略to 例:My job is to look after the chidren and teach them English.(2).如果两个不定式表示对比关系时,则to不能省略 例:doesn't matter.

托里县19188763139: 符号to的省略在什么情况下可以省略不定式符号to -
高松黄金: 有以下几种情况: 1. help (sb )(to )do; 2.行为动词dare 用于否定句时,其后的to 可省略;3. 不定式作表语时,主语部分中有行为动词do 时,后面的to 可以省略;4. 在美语中,come 和go 后面的to 可省略. He helped Tom (to ) learn maths. The ...

托里县19188763139: 关于TO的省略问题all i could do was (to) give him a call.此处为何省略to,能否详细解释并给出例子, -
高松黄金:[答案] 动词不定式中的省略现象可分为两种情况,一是动词不定式符号to后的动词部分的省略;二是动词不定式符号to的省略. 一,省略动词不定式符号to后的动词部分的情况 1.一些表示心理活动,情感态度的动词或短语,如expect \want \hope \wish \love ...

托里县19188763139: 后面的to可以省略吗? -
高松黄金: rather than引导的是平行结构,词组 rather than前面是什么词性的词组,其后面也一定是什么词性的词组.在本题中 rather than前面是个介词短语 to my air of assurance,在句中作状语,所以平行结构中rather than后面也必定是介词短语,所以介词to是不能省略的.

托里县19188763139: 有哪些不定式是省略to的 -
高松黄金: 动词不定式省略to的情况:(1)不定式在感观动词(see, notice, look at, listen to, hear, watch, feel, observe)、使役动词(let, make, have)后作宾语补足语时,通常省去to.如:I have my students come early.(2)不定式在help后作宾补时,可带...

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