跪求英语作文!!what is the best way of learning english

作者&投稿:错才 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
书面表达 以"The best way of learning English " 为话题写一篇作文 求要 现在要!!快~

As we know, English is a very important communication method in our daily life. But, do we know the way we learn English at high school and at college? Err, let we talk about it.

At high school, the biggest motivation of learning English may be the test. No one wants to get low degree, so we learn English hard to pass the exam. And we get up early to read and recite .And we listen many texts and dialogues to improve our listening. And the most usual thing is to do a lot of exercises. And our teacher will play the role of a supervisory.

at college, we do not have that much test, homework, papers, and our teachers do not superintend us to complete our tasks. And the classes we learn English cut down. More contents need learning by ourselves. Teacher is more like a guide.

we need teachers to teach us all knowledge at high school, but just need teachers to make the focal points stand out. We do most of the things individually at college while at high school we do things under the help of our teachers. For example, teachers will help us memorize and comprehend the words at high school, on the contrary, college teachers will do not help us make sense of words one by one.

But I know clearly that to learn English well ,we need to have interests in it and wok hard.

The way of learning English There's many ways to learn English, but I think the most effective way is to read novels in English. You can learn more vocabularies, know more sentence structure, and read more fluidly. You don't have to exactly read it out loud, but reading it quietly to yourself would still do the same trick. I am reading a book called Harry Potter now, and I learnt a lot of things from it, including re-reading a sentence if you don't understand! 够不够?不够我可以加。

What is the best way of learning English?
Don’t rush to look for the answer, since the question is too big for one to tell about what you expected, but everyone can learn English more efficiently with the help of a good way of learning.
“I can speak a little bit, but can’t express myself clearly. Moreover, people often misunderstand what I mean.”
I bet that many English-Chinese Dictionaries or glossaries can be found out in your study, while there is none of English-English dictionary on your book shelf. Even if there is any, it has probably never been used. Like most of learners, you must have spent oceans of time on building up your vocabulary. However, you rarely try to understand what a word really means in English, and as a result, you are frequently misunderstood when speaking. Another problem is that you can not express yourself before others tell you how. Strange enough, they used the words which you seemingly had known very well. You had unconquerable difficulties to make them alive, because you had been addicting to the bad habits of learning Chinese explanations of English words. One should learn English words from meaning to meaning, not from words to words, since one thing rooted in a specific culture has its uniquity. In other words, it is very difficult to find the equivalent between two cultures. The explanations of a word do not be what it exactly means in English. Obviously, you always try to find an equivalent between Chinese and English. That is the reason why you are misunderstood. You will be able to use the words properly and naturally, if you understand what it means in English.
It is high time that you put you English-Chinese Dictionary away.
From now on, use the one in English explanation.

As an English learner, I hope more people provide us with their experiences of learning English.
The flowing are some topics about English. Don’t hesitate to make contact with me, if you love the language too

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