
作者&投稿:尾姚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

5. My mother is going to wash the dirty clothes this evening.
6. They must hand in the exercises books before class.
7. She can do the job at once.
8. They will put on the American film tomorrow.
9. They / She /He / The tailor can make Mary's dress in two days.
10. He reads newspapper every day.

欢迎提问,乐意解答;愿你满意, 望你采纳。

he plants tree on the him leap

1.Is the noise made by Jim?
改:Does Jim make the noise?
2.He is given many presents by his uncle sometimes.
His uncle gives him many presents sometimes.
3.Flowers are watered by Mike every day.
Mike waters flowers every day.
4.They are often heard to sing songs by Tom next room.
Tom often hears them sing songs next room.
5.Students are taught grammar by teachers.
Teachers teach students grammar.
6.A beauitful sweater is chosen by Lingling.
Lingling chooses a beautiful sweater.

1.Jim made the noise
2.His uncle gives some presents for him sometimes .
3.Mike waters the flowers everyday .

主动和被动语态转换规律 要把主动语态转换成被动语态,通常是把及物动词写成“be+过去分词”形式,并把宾语变成主语,动作的执行者常省略。其中关键是动词形式的变化。然而,在有些句子中,谓语动词不作上述结构上的变化,也可以进行主动和被动的转换,这是特殊的语态转换形式,大体有以下几种情况。1.及...

1. I knew you would agree. 我知道你会同意的。2. I said I would arrange everything. 我说我将会安排一切。3. I didn't know if he would come. 我不知道他是否会来。4. She was sixty-six. In three years, she would be sixty-nine. 她当时66岁。三年后,她将会69岁。5. I ...


3.被动语态改为主动语态的方法: 被动语态中介词by后的宾语改为主动语态中的主语(或按题意要求确定主语),按照这个主语的人称和数以及原来的时态把谓语动词形式由被动语态改为主动语态.注意在主动语态中有的动词要求不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,此时要把被动语态中的to去掉.被动语态的主语用来作主动语态的宾语....

解析:这题考察被动语态。一些连系动词接省略to的不定式做宾语补足语时,变成被动语态需要将to补上去,hear sb sing需变为sb be heard to sing,选B。句子意思:那个女孩经常被别人听到在房间里开心地唱歌。5. Don’t worry. All the children by the nurses.A.are taken good care B. take ...

主动语态和被动语态 区别 问句改写方法
10) B为正确答案。这里的“穿起来舒服”是人穿起来舒服,那么鞋只能是被穿,但如果有上述系动词作谓语,英语习惯上用主动表示被动。11) C错。改为tastes。“良药苦口”的“药”是被人吃的,但英语在由taste做谓语时也用主动语态表示被动。12) B错。 改为lacks,因为lack没有被动语态。13) C错...

很明显主动句和被动句的主语不尽一样,所以先找出主动句的主语。比如第一句改为的主语可以换成parents;第二句换成government;第三句parents或者school;第四、五句可以是parents 再者,可以不转化主语。比如以上几个句子,可以转化为:青少年应该有权利每天晚上跟朋友出去;满十六岁的人就应该有权利驾驶;...

(把主动语态改为被动语态也就是把主动句中的宾语改为被动句的主语,这是最关键的着眼点,同时谓语动词作相应的变化.)被动语态的谓语构成:助动词be+动词过去分词 (根据句子的主语和时态,助动词be有am,is,are,was,were,been几个形式变化.)什么时候要用被动语态呢?在下列三种情况之一要用被动语态:①不...

主动语态和被动语 态句型转换例句10个
带有宾语和宾语补足语的主动句变为被动句时,把宾语变为主语,原来的宾语补足语保留不变,但在作用上为主语补足语。作主语补足语的可以是名词(短语)、形容词(短语)和非限定动词(短语),其中不定式都必须带to。主动句:The farmer made the horses work the whole day.被动句:The horses were ...

另外,“把/被”句表示否定意义时,否定词应在“把/被”前。例如:困难没把他们吓倒。(*把他们吓不倒/把他们没吓倒)小树没被大风刮倒。(*被大风刮不倒/被大风没刮倒)练习:把下列句子改写成把字句和被字句 1、 他叫醒了睡得正香的张蕾。他把睡得正香的张蕾叫醒了。睡得正香的张蕾被...

芷江侗族自治县17317915964: 把下列句子由被动语态转变为主动语态 -
洪索鼻渊: We usually deliver our letters in the morning However, we only deliver one letter this morning Up till now, we have only delivered this letter We are sorting the other letters We will delivered them next morning 这五个句子都是被动语态的句子 每个句子...

芷江侗族自治县17317915964: 将下列句子改为主动语态1.The window wasn't broken by Li Lei.________________________________________2.The bridge will be built next year.(we)____... -
洪索鼻渊:[答案] 1.The window wasn't broken by Li Lei. ___Li lei didn't break the window_____________________________________ 2.The bridge will be built next year.(we) _We will build the bridge next year______________________________________ 3.How ...

芷江侗族自治县17317915964: 英语练习题!v急把下列句子变成主动语态1.Spanish is spoken in South America.2.The plans will have to be revised.3.All the words must be looked up in a ... -
洪索鼻渊:[答案] South American speak Spainish. They will revise the plan. You should look up all the words in the dictionary. Docotors have cured Jonn's heart illness. We should not open the door all the night. We afraid that they would attact us at night. They are teaching...

芷江侗族自治县17317915964: 把下列句子从被动语态转换成主动语态 -
洪索鼻渊: You should sent the complaints to the head office.I will finish my examinations next week.The shop hasn't sold the car yet.The driver are driving children to the park at this moment.You must keep shut this door.The thieies stole two bikes from school yesterday.Policemen arrest three teenagers near metro disco.

芷江侗族自治县17317915964: 求解决英语速求!急!把以下句子转成主动语态Books of this kind sell well.Great changes have taken place in our hometown in recent years.To make our city ... -
洪索鼻渊:[答案] 很高兴为您解答!Books of this kind sell well.无被动Great changes have taken place in our hometown in recent years.无被动To make our city cleaner and more beautiful,rubbish musten not be thrown about in...

芷江侗族自治县17317915964: 谁帮我把以下的英语句子改为主动语态的~谢咯~1.Today chinese is spoken by more and more people around the world2.tom wasn't invited to the party by jack3... -
洪索鼻渊:[答案] Today more and more people around the world speak Chinese.Jack did not invite Tom to the party.Bell invented the telephone in 1876.We took this photo ten years ago.

芷江侗族自治县17317915964: 将下列句子变成被动语态或变为主动语态 1、My brother opens the window -
洪索鼻渊: 1、the windows are opened by my brother every morning.2、the room havent been cleaned by her this morning.3、is English spoke by them in America?4、the young people love the actor.5、she doesn't wash the clothes.

芷江侗族自治县17317915964: 将下列句子变为主动语态Ken is often heard to apologize to the teacher by us.________________________________________________________Was ... -
洪索鼻渊:[答案] 1.We often hear Ken apologize to the teacher. 2.Did they set up another man-made satellite into space last week? 3.We should water young trees everyday. 4.They made him work 14 hours a day. 5.Someone had taken the boxes away yesterday. 6.We ...

芷江侗族自治县17317915964: 怎样把句子改为主动语态(先回答我的问题)列如:1.The flowers are watered by him every day 2.This song is enjoyed by us 3.Supper is often cooked by jim ... -
洪索鼻渊:[答案] 主动语态通俗的说就是句子不包含"be+动词的过去分词",把被动转变为主动,通常是调换一下主语的位置,使动作的实施者提前1.He waters the flowers every day.2.We enjoy this song.3.Jim often cooks supper.4.这句子看...

芷江侗族自治县17317915964: 把这几个句子改成主动语态The meeting was held in AugustWe will not be invitedThe problem has been discussed for two days -
洪索鼻渊:[答案] We held the meeting in August . He/She will not invite us. We have discussed the problem for two days.

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