one finger cannot lift a small stone

作者&投稿:邢徐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
One finger cannot lift a small stone的译文~

One finger cannot lift a small stone. 一根手指举不起一块小石头。 这是个英语谚语,比如在日本时代也有类似的故事。 毛利氏与《三矢之誓》 传说毛利元就曾以箭为例,训诫他的三位儿子毛利隆元、吉川元春、小早川隆景:“一支很易折断,但三支箭合起来便很难折断”,示意要他们三兄弟要同心合力,就像三箭合起来,变得坚强。此故事称为“三矢之训”。毛利隆元死后将家督传给毛利辉元,于是毛利元就再命毛利辉元、吉川元春、小早川隆景三人在面前发誓遵守之前的三矢之训,是为“三矢之誓”。 意思就是单独的力量很脆弱,要团结才是力量。举石头要考五个指头,甚至是整个手臂哦,呵呵

一木不成林 finger cannotlift a small stone.(一人计短.两人计长)即三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮.
2.when an ant says"ocean"he's talking about a small poor.坐井观天,即(井底之蛙)
3It is less of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest.(以诚为本) carful of the person who does not talk,and the dog that does not bark.(会叫的狗不咬人,咬人的狗不叫!) can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.(以假乱真)
6.tell me and i'll me,and i may not remember.let me tey,and i'll understand.(授人以鱼,不如授人以渔)
7.don't let yesterday use up too much of today.(时不待人)即,少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲!
8.he who would do geat things should not attempt them all alone.(如果我看得远,那是因为我站在巨人的肩上)

1. One finger cannot lift a small stone.
意思是:We must unite to do things.
2. When an ant says “ocean”, he’s talking about a small pool.
意思是:Different people have different views on things.
3. It is less of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest.
意思是:We should be honest even if we are poor.
4. Be careful of the person who does not talk, and the dog that does not bark.
意思是:People or animals who are silent might be thinking about hurting others.
5. You can’t wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.
意思是:If others don’t need help, it’s useless to offer them some.
6. Tell me and I’ll forget. Show me and I may not remember. Let me try, and I’ll understand.
意思是:The best way of learning is to practice doing something.
7. Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.
意思是:Don’t let past things worry you anymore.
8. He who would do great things should not attempt them all alone.
意思是:If you want to do something great, do not be shy to ask for help.

我只能做到这样了。。。请投给我票票吧!o(∩_∩)o 哈哈谢谢咯!!!!!!!!!!!!!



人多力量大/ 团结就是力量/ 众人拾柴火焰高。

1.One finger cannot lift a small stone.团结就是力量
2.When an ant says “ocean",he's talking about a small pool.坐井观天
3.It is less of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest .我们可以贫穷,但不能失去真实的本性。
4.Be careful of the person who does not talk and the dog that does not bark.会叫的狗不咬人 can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.如果他不想干,你怎麼说都没用。
6.Tell me and I'll forget .show me and I may not remember .Let me try and I'll understand.实践出真知
7.Don't let yesterday use up too much of today.过去的就让它过去吧。
8.He who would do great things should not attempt all alone.一个好汉三个帮。

安徽省13650765608: one finger cannot lift a small stone这个谚语是什么意思 -
孛世奇吉:[答案] One finger cannot lift a small stone. 人多力量大/ 团结就是力量/ 众人拾柴火焰高.

安徽省13650765608: 英语谚语及中文翻译
孛世奇吉: 1. One finger cannot life a small stone.爱尔兰谚语:独木难支.或:团结就是力量.(Meaning: Great things are achieved collectively) 来源: 2、When an ant says“ocean”,he is talking about a small pool.井...

安徽省13650765608: 英语翻译1.One finger cannot lift a small stone.2.When an ant says "ocean",he is talking about a small pool.3.It isless of a problem to be poor than to be ... -
孛世奇吉:[答案] 1人多力量大 2井底之蛙 3不诚实比贫穷更是问题. 4对那些不说话的人和不叫的狗要小心. 5你是无法叫醒那些假装睡觉的人的. 6告诉我我会忘记,演示给我我也许不能记牢.让我试试,我会理解的. 7不要让昨天占据过多今天的时间. 8想做大事的人不是...

安徽省13650765608: 英语翻译1.One finger cannot lift a small stone 2.When an ant says"ocean",he's talking about a small poor 3.It is less of a problem to be poor than to be ... -
孛世奇吉:[答案] 1.一个手指不能抬起一个小石头.2.当一个蚂蚁说“海洋”的时候,他是在说一个小池塘.3.这是一个简单的问题去做一个不诚实的穷人4.小心一个人他会在你后面叫5.你不应该相信一个人他在假装睡觉6.你告诉了我我会忘记.给我...

安徽省13650765608: 男友给女友说One finger cannot lift a small stone.
孛世奇吉: 1. One finger cannot lift a small stone. 一只手指无法举起一块小石头. 意思是:We must unite to do things. 众人拾柴火焰高. 2. When an ant says “ocean”, he's talking about a small pool. 当一只蚂蚁说海洋时,它说的实际上是一个小水池. ...

安徽省13650765608: 英语翻译One finger cannot lift a small stone.When an ant says "ocean",he"s talking about a small pool.It is less of a problem to be poor than to be ... -
孛世奇吉:[答案] finger cannot lift a small stone 爱尔兰谚语:独木难支.或:团结就是力量2.when an ant says"ocean",he is talking about a small pool 坐井观天 is less of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest...

安徽省13650765608: 英语翻译1,one finger cannotlift a small stone2.when an ant says"ocean"he's talking about a small poor3it is less of a problem to be poorthan to be dishonest... -
孛世奇吉:[答案] 经典的英语谚语,我的翻译 finger cannotlift a small stone.(一人计短.两人计长)即三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮.2.when an ant says"ocean"he's talking about a small poor.坐井观天,即(井底之蛙)3It is less of a ...

安徽省13650765608: One finger cannot lift a small stone 的意思(它是谚语)
孛世奇吉: 势单力薄

安徽省13650765608: 翻译英语谚语!!!
孛世奇吉: 1.势单力薄./团结就是力量. 2.一孔之见./坐井观天 3.我们可以贫穷,但不能失去真实的本性. 4.会叫的狗不咬人./明枪易挡,暗箭难防. 5.装睡的人叫不醒./天要下雨,娘要嫁人,随事情去吧. 6.视听易忘,实践出真知. 7.今日事今日毕 8.一个好汉三个帮

安徽省13650765608: 众人拾柴火焰高用英语怎么说
孛世奇吉: 众人拾火柴焰高.When everybody adds fuel ,the flames rise high.众人拾柴焰火高One finger cannot lift a samll stone.众人拾柴焰火高The fire burns high when everybody adds wood to it; Great things may be done by mass effort祝你开心如意!

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