跪求otherview的kane me歌词!这歌太赞了!高悬赏!如果有电脑哥们帮忙酷狗找歌词吧!

作者&投稿:频甘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

片头曲 歌名:我还有点小糊涂(熊出没主题曲) 演唱刘晨 歌词:
鸟儿在头顶把森林叫醒 春天空气让我很舒服 天上太阳已红扑扑 看起来很模糊 远处山坡有几棵小树 去年冬眠前我没记住 青草香
喝着露水靠着树 抬起头垫脚尖
加快我长大的脚步 吹口哨哼着歌 摇摇晃晃找到路 晃脑袋揉眼睛
长大的我还有点小糊涂 片尾曲
白云朵朵天空很蓝 阳光晒得好温暖 有趣的旅程不应该平凡 我们加快步伐去冒险 茂密的森林路弯弯 都市霓虹闪啊闪
小镇上空烟花多绚烂 我们绕着地球转圈圈 奶油香年糕甜 肚皮撑得圆又圆 拍照片跷跷板 圣诞村里去野餐 滑雪橇荡秋千 想飞就抓住那魔毯 擦把汗不停留


Done - Michelle

Travel, travel
I tried to run but
I couldn't push my feet away from us
Stumble stumble
You throw----rumble
The boat was to heavy for me
Everything that was
Wasnt really what i thought because
U had ur game on luck
Holding hands and public scenes
Thinking i was exclusively
Yo, u can keep this rock
I call my own shots

Done, done, done
The damage is done
Fed up with playin
Boy i hope u had fun
And i must admit
U had me convinced
That u were different
But now the damage is done
Done done done
The damage is done
Fed up with playin
Boy i hope u had fun
And i must admit
U had me convinced
That u were different
But now the damage is done

Crumble crubmle
Now the dreams of
Me and u no longer a priority
Humble humble
Without u near me
I see the beauty inside
U didnt see
Should've been treated like a jewel
Instead i was ur fool
U just ---- my heart
I gave u all that i got
Funny how when ur in love
U just cant see the truth
Even when its right in ur face
---------to walk away

Done, done, done
The damage is done
Fed up with playin
Boy i hope u had fun
And i must admit
U had me convinced
That u were different
But now the damage is done
Done done done
The damage is done
Fed up with playin
Boy i hope u had fun
And i must admit
U had me convinced
That u were different
But now the damage is done



Κάνε με / Kane me ------- Otherview
让我 —— Otherview

Κάνε με για σένα να ξεχάσω τ' όνομά μου
Κάνε με να θέλω να σπάσει η καρδιά μου
Κάνε με απόψε να ξεφύγω απ' τα όρια μου
Κάνε με, ότι θέλεις κάνε με

Πες μου ένα λόγο που στέκεσαι εκεί
Με κοιτάς μα δεν έχεις τίποτα να πεις
Θα 'θελα να ήσουν λίγο πιο τολμηρός
Θα 'θελα να ήσουν λίγο πιο πονηρός

Κάνε μια κίνηση και έλα εδώ
Πες μου ότι σκέπτεσαι αυτό το λεπτό
Πάρε μ' αγκαλιά, κράτησε με σφιχτά
Κάνε αυτή τη νύχτα να πάρει φωτιά

Chorus x2

Μια ώρα σε κοιτάζω μα τίποτα εσύ
Αγάπη μου δεν είναι κατάσταση αυτή
Πες μου ότι θέλεις δίχως ντροπή
Κάνε αυτή τη νύχτα να εκραγεί

Chorus x2
Chorus x2

Kane me wia sena na xehaso t' onoma mu
Kane me na thelo na spasi i kardia mu
Kane me apopse na xefiwo ap' ta oria mu
Kane me, oti thelis kane me

Pes mu ena lowo pu stekese eki
Me kitas ma den ehis tipota na pis
Tha 'thela na isun liwo pio tolmiros
Tha 'thela na isun liwo pio poniros
Kane mia kinisi ke ela edo
Pes mu oti skeptese afto to lepto
Pare m' agalia, kratise me sfihta
Kane afti ti nihta na pari fotia

Chorus x2

Mia ora se kitazo ma tipota esi
Awapi mu den ine katastasi afti
Pes mu oti thelis dihos dropi
Kane afti ti nihta na ekrawi

Chorus x2
Chorus x2



Make me to forget my name because of you
Make me to want my heart to break
Make me to pass my limits tonight
Make me, do whatever you want to me

Tell me a reason that you're standing there
You're staring at me but you have nothing to say
I wish you were a little more gutsy
I wish you were a little more shifty
Make a move and come here
Tell me what you're thinking this minute
Embrace me, hold me tight
Make this night to catch fire

Chorus x2 【副歌部分】 x2

I'm staring at you for an hour but you do nothing
My love, this isn't a normal behavior
Tell me what you want without any shame
Make this night to explode

Chorus x2 【副歌部分】 x2
Chorus x2 【副歌部分】 x2



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通城县13494863816: 跪求歌名!这是什么歌曲?
荀钩乳增: 第一首是希腊歌曲:Otherview - Kane Me 第二首:Gregorian & Sarah Brightman - Moment Of Peace 第三首:Rascal Flatts - Stand

通城县13494863816: Otherview - Kane Me空间链接
荀钩乳增: 链接地址: http://f3.xiami.net/88484/435079/03%201770141811_2178822.mp3

通城县13494863816: 求WWE的Kane现状. -
荀钩乳增: 目前Kane(凯恩)剧情里依然是Triple H(HHH)的The Authority(权利方/领导帮)的一员,依然是执法大队长,不过近期渐渐开始和WWE世界重量级冠军Seth Rollins(赛斯·罗林斯)有点不合,Seth Rollins(赛斯·罗林斯)将和Randy Orton(兰迪·奥顿)在即将来临的Extreme Rules 2015(极限规则)上打一场钢铁牢笼赛,争夺WWE世界重量级冠军头衔,而Kane(凯恩)已经确定会是这场比赛的铁笼门守护者,也就是负责开门的,估计这样下去他有可能转为正派~

通城县13494863816: WWE,跪求凯恩打的一场棺材赛,打开棺材,里面是送葬者的那一场? -
荀钩乳增: 今年8月份的PPV大赛SummerSlam 2010(夏日狂潮)上,Kane(卡恩)和Rey Mysterio(雷尔)打了一场世界重量级冠军赛,Kane(卡恩)最终击败Rey(雷尔)保住了腰带,赛后他本想继续将Rey(雷尔)扔入棺材中,Undertaker(送葬者)却躺在里面,他也在那时正式回归~一开始就是Kane(卡恩)和Rey(雷尔)的世界重量级冠军赛了,大概20分钟的时候,Undertaker(送葬者)就出现了~

通城县13494863816: 最近流传现在的Kane不是当时戴面具的Kane,这是真的吗? -
荀钩乳增: 和RVD在擂台上打的时候摘掉的 真正的原因是因为HHH(DX5人组)一直对毁灭兄弟不爽,特别是知道KANE被大火毁过容以后,就特别想知道KANE的真实容貌,所以利用自己的权利,安排了一场毁灭兄弟和DX的比赛,如果KANE赢了,便则可...

通城县13494863816: WWE里的KANE的扮演者是谁 -
荀钩乳增: Kane(凯恩)的扮演者,原名Glenn Thomas Jacobs(格伦·汤玛斯·雅各斯),从1997年开始正式扮演Kane(凯恩)这个人物形象,戴着面具,后来在03年正式摘掉面具,然后在去年又重新戴回面具,剧情中是Undertaker(送葬者)同母异父的弟弟~

通城县13494863816: 谁有KANE用双手掰开笼子的视频 -
荀钩乳增: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_ce00XMTc3MzIxODQ=.html 看吧 我最爱的kane 有人提问了解答啊 看下去就有了

通城县13494863816: WWE怎么有两个KANE? -
荀钩乳增: 就是一个真假Kane(卡恩)的剧情,当时那个面具Kane(卡恩)被称为是Kane(卡恩)的心魔,剧情而已呗,WWE总爱好弄这种剧情~而且那个面具Kane(卡恩)的扮演者,就是前WWE选手Luke Gallows(卢克加勒斯)~ 假面具Kane(卡恩)没有摘下过面具,只是后来新闻上有提到过是Luke Gallows(卢克加勒斯)扮演的~提之前假面具Kane(卡恩)有几次出场干扰Kane(卡恩)的比赛,最终就是这个Kane(卡恩)被心魔面具Kane(卡恩)击败了~

通城县13494863816: wwe送葬者、卡恩介绍.不要复制的. -
荀钩乳增: 选手名:Undertaker送葬者近照中文翻译:送葬者 身高:208cm 6英尺10英寸 体重:136kg 300磅 来自:美国德州休斯顿 出生:1965年3月24日 加入WWE:1990 绰号:死神(De...

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