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电影《三傻大闹宝莱坞》的故事发生在印度。两个老朋友拉朱、法汉接到旧时同学查图尔的电话,称他们可以见到寻找多年未见的兄弟兰彻。旅途中,两个老朋友回忆起5年前在帝国理工大学和兰彻一起走过的岁月。而电影的主角兰彻,则是一个在每学期42场考试、竞争激烈乃至自杀率高居不下的“帝国理工”中出现的一个顶撞老师,质疑传统,完全不把成绩当回事,却年年考取第一的“怪才”。 兰彻去大学报到的第一天就做了个简易的导电装置,捉弄学长,让大家瞠目结舌,与众不同的他彻始终灵活学习,不拘小节,不会死记硬背、像完成任务般学习。
  其二,乐观的心态很重要。兰彻的口头禅是“Aal Izz Well”,英文中就是“all is well”——“一切都好”。这句话拯救了法汉和拉朱,还奇迹般地拯救了一个婴儿。“心很脆弱,你得学会去哄他,不管遇到多大困难,告诉你的心‘一切都好’。”
  其实,我们也能从中发现现代教育教育体制的弊端。这种教育,磨灭了人们对新事物的好奇心,还让学生承受了他们不该承受的压力。印度是这样,我想,人口最多的中国应该更是如此。每年总能听说有学生因为学习的压力、家长的责问、老师的打击而选择了死亡。片中的乔伊就是这样。“大家都认为这是一起自杀。尸检报告显示,死亡原因是窒息死亡,气管压力过大。大家都认为他死于颈动脉脉压过大,那四年来的心理压力呢?尸检报告中却没有提及。工程师是一群聪明的人,但是他们没有制造出能测量心理压力的机器。如果制造出来,大家就都知道这不是自杀而是谋杀。”“我们一入学,校长就告诉我们:杜鹃从来不自己筑巢,他只在别人的巢里下蛋,要孵蛋的时候他们会怎样?他们会把其他的蛋从巢里挤出去,竞 争结束了,他们的生命从谋杀开始,这就是大自然——要么竞争,要么死”。我们知道第一个登上月球的人,却不知道第二个。这是现代的教育体制教我们的。


  When did the last time you had the feeling while watching a Bollywood movie that you are watching the best film ever and then suddenly after the movie gets over you start to get mixed feelings about the movie you saw. Admit it; it has frequently been this way. And then what do you do, you go to watch the movie repeatedly to reinstate your earlier feeling about the movie. The hysteria and invincibility that Bollywood makers manage to create in their storytelling, is what makes it so special. '3 Idiots' is the latest of such hysterical movie with such aura around it.

  Rajkumar Hirani's latest offering is based on a popular cult novel '5 point someone' by Chetan Bhagat'. So, it's easy to have lot of expectations for this film right? Wrong! See, this is not Chetan Bhagat's first novel adaptation to the big screen, it's his second. The first one was a disaster called 'Hello' based on his book 'One night at a Call Center'. Hence, there were lots of apprehensions about his latest book to screen adaptation. But hopes were there for the creative team for the film production and the star of the film Aamir Khan. Both Rajkumar and Aamir have impeccable record and status in the industry. Hence, the opening they got for this film was not surprising, even with the steep Ticket prices. But, when the word of mouth began that this is the best bollywood movie ever made, the expectations crossed the limits. And the film about three engineering students in Imperial College of Engineering (a.k.a. a reference to Indian Institute of Technology) does not disappoint. The story is with difference, but the characters are clichéd and true stereotypes of their species. Even the several of the movie sequences that make us laugh in the movie are far beyond being original. But the story is new and relevant to today's youth. Engineering and medical fields of study has started to take a toll on today's youth and the more than half a dozen student suicides that you would witness and hear in the movie is not at all a overreaction. It is turning into an epidemic; hence this film is definitely important. The young India is lapping up the support this film provides to their cause with great hysteria and is enjoying the many jokes and potshots the movie takes on the countries rigid educational system and social norms. The quirky and over the top turns that the lives of these idiots take is bringing joy and happiness to the young India. I should mention the best written character and surprisingly the best actor of the film 'Chatur'. Chatur is the typical Indian student that one sees around the campuses of Indian Colleges. Played by newcomer Omi Vaidya, it is the character the audience loved to see fail. Though he does not, his sequences have brought cheers across college campuses in India. The hysteria of '3 Idiots' becomes easy to decipher for the Indian audience and hence they are flocking the theater with large numbers and are cheerfully encouraging the next person to go watch the film.

  For rest of the world this film is irrelevant and has nothing new to offer in terms of the movie flow and character development. But if they are able to put that aside, they would too probably enjoy the funny moments that this movie provides and would end up saying that this is the best Bollywood film they have ever seen


3 Idiots is a 2009 Indian comedy film directed by Rajkumar Hirani, with a screenplay by Abhijat Joshi, and produced by Vidhu Vinod Chopra. It was loosely adapted from the novel Five Point Someone by Chetan Bhagat. 3 Idiots stars Aamir Khan, Kareena Kapoor, R. Madhavan, Sharman Joshi, Omi Vaidya, Parikshit Sahni and Boman Irani.

Upon release, the film broke all opening box office records in India. It was the highest-grossing film in its opening weekend in India and has the highest opening day collections for a Bollywood film. It also has the record for highest net collections in the first week for a Bollywood film. Within 10 days of its release, the film crossed the 1 billion mark in India and became the first film of 2009 to do so. The film also created a new box office record for a release in the last quarter of a year (October to December), breaking the previous record set by Ghajini. It is also the highest-grossing film to be released in the second half of the year (July to December), breaking the previous record also held by Ghajini. This was broken later by the 2010 Tamil science fiction film Enthiran
3 Idiots has become the highest-grossing Bollywood film of all time in India breaking the previous record set by Ghajini which also starred Aamir Khan. The film set a box office record for the Indian film industry, grossing 358 crore worldwide It was expected to be the first Indian film to be officially released on YouTube, within 12 weeks of releasing in theaters on 25 March 2010, but never got released The film also went on to win many awards, winning six Filmfare Awards including best film and best director, ten Star Screen Awards and sixteen IIFA awards.

The film also uses real inventions by little known people in India's backyards. The brains behind the innovations were Remya Jose, a student from Kerala, who created the exercise-bicycle/washing-machine, Mohammad Idris, a barber from Meerut district in Uttar Pradesh, who invented a bicycle-powered horse clipper, and Jahangir Painter, a painter from Maharashtra, who made the scooter-powered flour mill. The film is scheduled to be remade as Nanban in Tamil cinema.
Farhan Qureshi , Raju Rastogi and Rancchoddas Shamaldas Chanchad "Rancho"are three engineering students who share a room in a hostel at the Imperial College of Engineering (ICE). Farhan is studying engineering to pursue his father's wishes over his own wish — to become a wildlife photographer. Raju is studying to raise his family's fortunes while Rancho, driven by his passion for machines and devices, studies for the joy of it. However, due to this different approach Rancho incurs the wrath of the dean of the college, Professor Viru "Virus" Shahastrabuddhe Virus labels Rancho and his friends as "idiots" and attempts to break up Rancho's friendship with Farhan and Raju. In contrast, Virus' favorite student, Chatur "Silencer" Ramalingam, believes in mindless memorizing over understanding, in order to reach his goals of corporate and social status. Meanwhile, Rancho falls in love with Virus' medical student daughter Pia when he, Raju and Farhan crash her sister's wedding banquet in order to get a free meal, in the process further infuriating Virus.

Things further escalate when the three friends, who are already drunk, break into Virus' house at night to allow Rancho to propose Pia, and then urinate on a door inside the compound before running away. The next day, Virus threatens to rusticate Raju unless he squeals on Rancho. Not wanting to betray his friend or let down his family, Raju attempts suicide, jumping out of the third floor window and ending up paralysed. Following his recovery, Raju discards his fear of the future and takes a frank approach in an interview for a corporate job, while Farhan decides to pursue his love of photography with a Dutch photographer. The two friends succeed in their goals, further infuriating Virus and causing him to come up with a plan that will jeopardize Raju's job. Pia is appalled a this and decides to help Rancho and Farhan by providing them with the keys to her father's office. However, Virus catches them and expels them on the spot. Pia angrily confronts him, revealing that his son, Pia's brother, committed suicide when he could not get into ICE, like Virus demanded, despite not even wanting to be an engineer. At the same time, Pia's pregnant older sister Mona (Mona Singh) goes into labour. A heavy storm cuts all power and floods the streets, making it impossible for the ambulance to reach Mona, and Pia is stuck at her hospital, where she had fleed. Over phone and webcam, she instructs Rancho to deliver the baby in the college common room via VOIP. After the baby is apparently stillborn, Rancho resuscitates the baby by leading the students in saying "All is well." Virus reconciles with Rancho and his friends, and allows the two to stay for their final exams.

Their story is framed as intermittent flashbacks from the present day, ten years after Chatur bet to become more successful than Rancho. Having lost contact with Rancho, who disappeared during the graduation party and went into seclusion, after five years, Raju and Farhan begin a journey to find him. They are joined by Chatur, now a wealthy and successful businessman, who joins them, brazenly confident that he has surpassed Rancho and also looking to seal a deal with a famous scientist and prospective business associate named Phunsukh Wangdu. When they find Rancho's house in Shimla, they find a completely different Rancho From him they come to know that their friend was a destitute servant boy "Chhote" who loved learning, while he, the real Rancho, disliked study. After seeing the boy's intelligence, the family agreed to let the servant boy study in Rancho's place instead of labouring. In return, the real Rancho would pocket the qualifications and after graduating, the servant boy will cease all contact. The real Rancho reveals that Chhote is now a school-teacher in Ladakh. At the same time, they find out that without Rancho, Pia decided to marry the same price-obsessed banker that Rancho initially talked her into dumping, and they go to rescue her from the wedding.

Raju and Farhan find Pia and arrive in Rancho’s school. Pia and the fake Rancho rekindle their love, while Chatur mocks Rancho for becoming a school teacher. He asks Rancho to sign on a "Declaration of Defeat" document. When Rancho's friends ask for his real name is, he reveals that he is actually Phunsukh Wangdu himself. Chatur finds out about this and is horrified; he accepts his defeat and pleads his case with Phunsukh to establish the business relationship he was after.

2、基兰·拉奥(Kiran Rao)1973年11月7日出生于一个Konkani家庭,她在Calcutta长大,在那里她进入了 Loreto House 和 La Martiniere Calcutta。3、马德哈万,Madhavan Ranganathan,1970年6月1日出生于印度贾姆谢德布尔,演员、编剧、制片人、导演、电视主持人。因出演《三傻大闹宝莱坞》《德里摩天楼...


现在他们过着幸福美满的生活,甚至常常被印度政府和印度政党拿来当作印度教和穆斯林和睦相处的典范。但于2002年,与前妻离婚,并于2005年与现任妻子低调结婚。作品年表 Three Idiots --- (2009) 未知死亡\/凶心人在宝莱坞(港) Ghajini --- (2008) 地球上的星星 Taare Zameen Par (2007) ...Ram...

本片根据印度畅销书作家奇坦·巴哈特(Chetan Bhagat)的处女作小说《五点人》(Five Point Someone)改编而成。法兰(马德哈万 R Madhavan 饰)、拉杜(沙曼·乔希 Sharman Joshi 饰)与兰乔(阿米尔·汗 Aamir Khan 饰)是皇家工程学院的学生,三人共居一室,结为好友。在以严格著称的学院里,兰乔是...



韦鲁院长的大女儿,皮娅的姐姐,怀胎临盆时由兰彻接生,起初大家认为胎儿是死胎,最后兰彻与同学们齐喊"Aal izz well"令宝宝“死而复生”,母子平安 10、桑杰·拉丰 饰演 苏哈斯 皮娅的前未婚夫,视物质的价值多于感情,而被兰彻三人称为“标价条”11、拉胡尔·库马尔 饰演 曼·莫罕 被称之为“毫米...

三傻大闹宝莱坞 的主要情节是什么?
他用所学的物理知识来教训野蛮的学长,他用智慧打破了学院墨守成规的传统观念。最后他用智慧征服了印度科学界(一位具有400项专利,日本人求之不得的天才科学家),他实现了自己的梦想,也做回了真正的自己——法撒克 望杜。 《三傻大闹宝莱坞》剧照 “三人帮”中兰彻和莱俱梦想成为工程师,法汉...

”这是《三傻大闹宝莱坞》里的主人工兰彻(rancho)对他的好兄弟法翰(farhran)说过的一句话。整句话的意思其实就是说,兴趣是最好的老师。 《三傻大闹宝莱坞》又名《三个白痴》,没看时我以为是纯脆搞笑的美国影片,看了才知道这是一部引度的影片(恕我当时把“宝莱坞”看成了“好莱坞”)。此片导演拉库马·...


潼关县17621816610: 一篇《三傻大闹宝莱坞》的观后感 150字左右 -
陈没马丽芝: 读后感是指读了一本书,一篇文章,一段话,几句名言,一段音乐,或一段视频后,把具体感受和得到的启示写成的文章,读后感也可以叫做读书笔记,是一种常用的应用文体,也是应用写作研究的文体之一.简单说就是看完书后的感触.要点...

潼关县17621816610: 3傻大闹宝莱坞观后感,急急急,600字以上,求好心人搭救!
陈没马丽芝: 《三傻大闹宝莱坞》,起初刚听到这部电影的名字的时候,我感觉这无非就是一部搞笑的电影.但看完影片后,它给我留下更多的是感动与激励,让我明白了该如何对待朋友,在面对未来的时候该用什么态度,在面对迷茫的时候应该如何应对....

潼关县17621816610: 三傻大闹宝莱坞观后感900字,初中生水平的. -
陈没马丽芝: 《三傻大闹宝莱坞》观后感看过《三傻大闹宝莱坞》,的确很震憾!它带给生命不仅仅是启示和思考,而且带着强有力的指引!整个影片核心直指:追求人类心灵的自由!这是个永恒的话题,但在现实中又有多少人做到?所以每次在人类进...

潼关县17621816610: 急术一篇三傻大闹宝莱坞影评,1500字左右,最好是自己写的,谢谢! -
陈没马丽芝: 什么样的人生才是真正的成功?这个问题应该是《三傻大闹宝莱坞》希望带给观众的思考,这是一部来自印度的电影,用轻松幽默的喜剧手法讨论了一个严肃而又沉重不堪的现实话题:教育的本质到底应该是什么? 没有惊心动魄的宏大场景,没...

潼关县17621816610: 求一篇三傻大闹宝莱坞的300字观后感,尽快!!!!! -
陈没马丽芝: 《三傻大闹宝莱坞》有感在老师课堂上,观看了这部印度大学教育喜剧片,看完之后思绪万千,竟然久久未能入睡,仍然沉浸在影片动人的情节中,被影片里三个年轻人真挚而热烈的友情感动着!这是我第一次对电影做一个发自内心的观后...

潼关县17621816610: 三傻大闹宝莱坞观后感500字以上 -
陈没马丽芝: :电影名字让我以为只是单纯的喜剧片,没想到有那么多的内涵 人以很珍贵的勇气,让你去选择的勇气.剧情诙谐幽默,不乏感动.趁现在年轻去实现自己的理想,让自己在临终时没有遗憾.追求自己的理想,成功就会出其不意的找上门.我很...

潼关县17621816610: 帮我写一篇《三傻大闹宝莱坞》的影评... -
陈没马丽芝: 前几天,看了这部电影,使我深有感触!!! 文中的“兰彻”,····哦,不,是“望杜”!他被迫假冒“兰彻”去读书,但他脑袋瓜很好用,想法新奇,做法特殊!问的许多问题,老师都答不出来! 这虽然很棒棒!,但这尴尬的局面,让很...

潼关县17621816610: 看过电影(三傻大闹宝莱坞)的谈谈感受.
陈没马丽芝: 感动,终是坚持了梦想,即使困难重重,仍有坚持在就不再恐惧;兄弟之间的情谊在,当他不能被退学,又不能让兄弟退学时跳楼的刹那,内心被重重的撞击;还有爱情,都很感动!

潼关县17621816610: 《三傻大闹宝莱坞》的观后感 300 - 400字
陈没马丽芝: 其实每个人的感受是不一样的,阿米尔汗的电影都是很深入人心的.例如《为爱毁灭》还有《未知死亡》虽然有点长但是都很好看. 如果是三傻这部的话,观后感应该是多层次的. 具体写的话我现在不方便写.你只要300-400,应该是初中作文吧. 我给你列一些启示,你自己推敲吧.如果还是不行再找我. 1.就是我们应该做自己喜欢做的事,让心去做决定,而不是盲目跟从他人 2.做所有的都需要勇气,不能老是害怕 3.从一切顺利中得到,我们始终都应该让心安心 懂了吗

潼关县17621816610: 三傻大闹宝莱坞的读后感 -
陈没马丽芝: 三傻大闹宝莱坞》是一部颇受好评的电影,这这部电影引发了我的很多思考. 故事发生在印度.两个老朋友拉朱、法汉接到旧时同学查图尔的电话,称他们可以见到寻找多年未见的兄弟兰彻.旅途中,两个老朋友回忆起5年前在帝国理工大学和...

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