高二英语 求帮忙分析一下这两个句子的语法结构及重点短语 万分感谢!

作者&投稿:博保 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.Last year(时间状语)the Alliance for Childhood(主语)called for (谓语)a stop(宾语) to the further introduction to computers for young students(介词短语做定语修饰宾语stop)。

2.It(形式主语,代替that引导的主语从句) was once considered(主句谓语动词) that(主语从句的连词)pregnant women(从句主语) working at computer terminals(pregnant women的定语) were at risk of suffering miscarriage(从句谓语--系表结构做谓语).

the way是主语
in which是带介词的关系代词 引导定语从句 并在定从中 作方式状语
take care of是定从中的谓语
these needs是定从中的宾语
depends on是主句的谓语
the culture是宾语
in which是带介词的关系代词 引导定语从句 并在定从中 作地点状语
grow up是定从中的谓语.
2、we 是主语
in our hearts是状语
后面是 宾语从句
the way是宾从中的主语
that是关系副词=in which 引导定语从句 并作定从中的方式状语
is是宾从中的 系动词
the only right way是宾从中的表语
to do them是不定式作定语 修饰the only right way.

38. On hearing the girl struck by a truck has been sent to hospital by ambulance, many people volunteered to donate blood and left the message that the driver should be arrested as soon as possible.
1)on + 动名词词组 = 引导时间状语(从句),表示(几乎同时间)发生,是时间状语从句中的一种;
2)struck by a truck 是(过去分词短语)充当(后置定语)修饰主语 the girl;这里的句子的主干应该是 the girl ... has been sent
3)to hospital 是英式英语的用法,不用定冠词 the 的以为是(送到医院医治),有定冠词的 to the hopsital 在英式英语表示(送到医院),但不强调是生病需要医治;美式英语没有 to hospital 的用法,to the hospital 既可以是(送到医院医治)也可以是(送到医院),需要看句意才能够确定。
4)that 引导(同位语从句),补充说明 message 的内容,其中使用了表建议的 should be done 用法;
5)使用了被动语态 has been sent(现在完成时被动语态),和 should be arrested(情态动词被动语态)
6)固定短语用法:volunteer to do something 译为【自发地作……】;as soon as possible 译为【尽快】

39. The footteam got there ahead of schedule so as to get familiar with the awful weather and food as soon as possible.

1)ahead of schedule 可以看作是(介词短语)充当(时间状语)
2)so as to 引导(目的状语),其中(动词不定式短语)to get familiar with the awful weather and food as soon as possible 为其目的;译为(以便于……)
3)固定短语用法:be familiar with something 译为(使熟悉……);as soon as possible 译为(尽快)

第一句,相关短语 volunteer to do sth 自愿做某事;as soon as possible 尽快,尽可能快
第二句,as to 至于,关于;familiar with sth 熟悉,通晓;

托克逊县19887337520: 请帮我分析一下这两句英语句子的句子成分He was elected monitor.He was advised to teach the lazy boy a lesson. -
危的托恩:[答案] 都是被动语态 他被选举为 他被建议去给那个懒孩子一个教训 被动语态的构成是be done 结构 这个部分做谓语 人称代词做主语

托克逊县19887337520: 帮忙分析一下这两个句子,把成分都找出来1.Soon I was back on my feet again and following him to collect a hovering carriage driven by computer.2.These ... -
危的托恩:[答案] 1.Soon I was back on my feet again and following him to collect a hovering carriage driven by computer. 主系表结构:主语I,...by bending or pressing down in your seat,you can more swiftly. 并列句:and连的两个简单句 These carriage float above the ...

托克逊县19887337520: 请帮我分析一下这两个英语从句我是高中生,对英语从句很不熟悉,这两个句子希望能帮我分析一下是什么类型的从句,什么是主语谓语宾语,而这两个句子... -
危的托恩:[答案] We know that the levels of carbon dioxide have increased greatly over the last 100 to 150 years. 这个句子是由两部分组成,前面的We know 是整个句子的主句,而后面的that the levels of carbon dioxide have increased greatly over the last 100 to 150 ...

托克逊县19887337520: 请英语大神帮忙分析一下这两个句子的语法结构吧!句子:1. I asked her why she smiled at me that day.2. It is where we do interviews with the big sports stars.... -
危的托恩:[答案] 1 宾语从句 2 定语从句 宾语从句是V+疑问词+一个句子.如 I asked her why she smiled at me that day.I asked her是主句,后面的是从句. 定语从句是名词后+连词(conj.)+一个句子.如It is where we do interviews with the big sports stars.where是地点we ...

托克逊县19887337520: 请帮忙分析一下这两个句子,(1) The six people were injured in the crash,with only two surviving(2)Of the six people injured in the crash,with only two survived... -
危的托恩:[答案] 是错句.把with去掉,句子就对了.这样看更好: only two (主语) of the 6 people injured in the crash(定语) survived(谓语). -------- 再简单化 :only two (主语) survived(谓语

托克逊县19887337520: 请大师帮忙分析一下这两个句子的语法和特点,句子成分第一句是,one graphic illustration to which chirdren might readily relate is estimate that rainforests are... -
危的托恩:[答案] one graphic illustration(to which chirdren might readily relate) is estimated that (rainforests are being destroyed at a rate ... 我原来写了个essay给老外改,老外没找出错,就把我的几个长句子全部改短了,根本不是人话. 这些句子不难,但就是影响沟通. ...

托克逊县19887337520: 高二英语一个句子语法分析All you need to do is ask yourself.帮忙分析下、为什么ask用原型不用不定式还有什么情况下用这种原型代替不定式的结构, -
危的托恩:[答案] 在作主语以all,what ,the only thing等开头的包含行为动词do的句子中,作为主语补足语的不定式常可省略to

托克逊县19887337520: 帮忙分析一下这两个英语句子,1.We live in a world that is changing fast one where changes come at what seems to be an ever - increasing pace .2.Such poets ... -
危的托恩:[答案] 1.正如楼上所言,“where changes………………pace.都是定语从句,形容“one”,其中:主语——changes谓语——come状语——at what seems………………pace.这是很大的一个介词短语,介词 at,名词从句“what………pace”...

托克逊县19887337520: 哪位英语大师能帮忙分析一下这两个句子啊,要语法分析出句子成分的,By doing so they can put into circulation the savings of individuals and institutions,... -
危的托恩:[答案] 第一句: By doing so状语 They 主语 put into circulation 理解成谓语好了 宾语是一大串the savings (of individuals and ... 第二句: 从句是:if they are to serve us properly,requring.alone 主句:all these.new development 从句分析:they是主语,are to ...

托克逊县19887337520: 高二英语句型分析是高二上课文里的一个句子She said she chose to be a journilist because it is important that people grasp what is going on around them.这个... -
危的托恩:[答案] 上面回答的确实很好,那我就回答你又提的问题吧嗯,chose to be 是谓语grasp 是动词,后边一般跟宾语,所以what引导的是宾从and 连接的是两个并列句子,大概的翻译是:我问她她是怎样获得成功的,她告诉我好奇心、勤奋和坚...

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