
作者&投稿:郟顺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 《2007年中考英语最后测验模拟试题G》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。

of trees 99. ______

must be plant every year, "he said. "The more, the better. 100. _____

This year alone, we\'ve already planted ten thousand of trees. 101. _______

You see all that small trees over there on that hill? That 102. ______

was sand five years later. Now it\'s a young forest! In a few 103. _____

years\' time, those mountains will be covered with trees, 104. ______

too!"He pointed to the high mountains far. 105. _______


根据提示完成下面你(Li Ming)给澳大利亚的笔友Jim 的信。(信的开头已写好)第28届奥运会将于2008年在北京举行。全国人民都很高兴,中国是一个具有悠久历史的国家 而且正在变的越来越强大。北京是一个美丽的现代化城市。目前好多体育场馆(gymnasium)正在新建。很多人在忙着学英语。中国有志把它办成一届“绿色奥运,人文奥运,科技奥运”。欢迎他到中国,到北京。参考词汇: with long history, modern gymnasium, be busy, “Green, Humanity and Science”(绿色,人文,科技奥运)。

welcome P. O. B. x8398 West Town,

Beijing 10062 China

November, 5th, 2004

Dear Jim:

The 28th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008,


I.单项选择填空: 从下列各题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案。共20小题,计20分。

( )1. Tom is ______a little boy that he can’t carry _______ many things.

A, so…so B, so…such C, such…such D, such…so

( )2. Is reading in the sun _____ good _______ your eyes ?

A, too much …for B, much too…for C, too much …at D, much too…at

( )3. They are _____glad to see each other that they forget to take the bus.

A, too B, such C, so D, very

( )4. ______many flowers there are on the teacher’s desk !

A, What B, How C, How too D, What so

( )5. A: _____ is the way from your hometown ?

B: It’s about 20km from here.

A, How far B, How long C, How many D, How much

( )6.The singer is known ______people in the world.

A, to B, by C, of D, for

( )7. A: Can you tell me _______ with the watch ?

B: It’s broken.

A, what’s the matter B, what the matter is

C, what’s the wrong D, what the wrong is

( )8. He hasn’t heard from his friend ______ last month.

A, since B, by the end of C, for D, until

( )9.A: In the United States,_____ a car most people feel that they are poor.

B: Yes. Cars are the most important part of life to them .

A, with B, without C, by D, about

( )10.A: I want to play computer games ,Lucy. What about you ?

B: But mother told me _____. We ‘d better watch TV.

A, not to do B, not do it C, do not to D, not to

( )11. A: Have you decided ,Bob ?

B: I have no idea which is better, so I ‘ll take _____ of them.

A, any B, both C, none D, all

( )12. A: Tom said he knew everbody’s business better than they knew _______.

B: I don’ t think so. If true, why did he fail so many times?

A, himself B, itself C, themselves D, oneself

( )13. A: _________

B: That’s very kind of you .

A, Let me help you B, May I help you ?

C, Are you free this afternoon ? D, Can I trouble you ?

( )14. A: People now can know what is happening in the world quickly .

B: You are right. With the help of the computers ,news can _____ every corner of the world.

A, get B, arrive C, return D, reach

( )15. He _____be at home. I saw him in the bookstore a moment ago.

A, dare B, need C, can ‘t D, must

( )16. Jim has chosen Japanese _____ his second language ____ I have chosen Chinese.

A, as…as B, like…but C, as…while D, for…when

( )17. A: I saw Anny ______ a green dress at

the meeting.

B: I think she looks pretty _____ red.

A, dressed…in B, put on …wear C, wearing…in D, wear…put on

( )18. A: The computer must be looked after well when it ______.

B: I see. Neither too wet nor too hot, isn’t it ?

A, uses B, is using C, use D, is used

( )19. A: The rain is ____ to go out. And I can stay at home to have a rest.

B: Oh, no. You mustn’ t be free for there are so many clothes to be washed.

A, too big B, too large C, too heavy D, too great

( )20. A: What are you doing , Tom ?

B: I’ m watching TV programme. There ‘s a wonderful basketball match _____.

A, will be on B, be shown C, to show D, to be on


6. A. Yes, you can\'t. B.Sure.C. No, thank you. D. No, you needn\'t.

7. A. Yes, Miss Wu. B. No, I don\'t. C. Sorry, I don\'t know. D. No, I don\'t know.

8. A. Please go. B. See you later. C. Good idea. D. Bye-bye.

9. A. No, of course not. B. Yes, I\'d love to. C. Yes, please. D.No, I\'m not sure.

10. A. I went for my holiday in August.

B. I went to Hong Kong.

C. I went to play football.

D. I went to school at 6:30.


11. A. At the cinema. B. In a shop.C. In a library. D. In a school.

12. A. Sandy\'s aunt. B. Sandy\'s father. C. Sandy\'s uncle. D. Sandy\'s mother.

13. A. It\'s sunny. B. It\'s windy. C. It\'s wet. D. It\'s rainy.

14. A. Because it\'s too hot.

B. Because there is too much noise.

C. Because it\'s too wet.

D. Because there is too much rain.

15. A. He wants to be a doctor.

B. He wants to be a teacher.

C. He wants to be a policeman.

D. He wants to be a worker.


16. Mark Twain liked to play jokes on his friends.

17. Mark Twain went on the train with his friend.

18. Mark Twain only bought one ticket for himself.

19. Mark Twain\'s friend liked lying on the floor under the seat.

20. Mark Twain\'s friend was poor. He asked Mark Twain to pay for his ticket.


I. 选择填空。(共15小题,每题1分,计15分)


21. -________?

-It is quite cold.

A. What\'s the weather like today

B. How\'s the weather like today

C. What do you think the weather today

D. How about is today\'s weather

22. Of the two pencil-boxes, the boy chose________one.

A. less expensive

B. the least expensive

C. the less expensive

D. the most expensive

23. I can\'t decide which coat ________.

A. I buy B. to buy it

C. I bought D. I\'ll buy

24. ________ it takes ________to repair a car.

A. Sometimes; sometime

B. Sometime; some time

C. Sometimes; some time

D. Sometimes; some times

25. -Would you like to go swimming with me?


A. I would like B. I\'d love

C. I\'d like to do D. I\'d love to

26. There is going to________ a sports meeting next week.

A. have B. holds C. has D. be

27. Did anybody stop him from________ onto the train?

A. getting B. got C. to get D. get

28. He has________for two years. Two years ________a long time.

A. left home; are B. left home; is C. been away from home; is D. been away from home; are

29. I can\'t find the right size. The shoes in the shop are________ too big______too small.

A. neither; nor B. either; or C. both; and D. not; or

30. My glasses are broken. I will have to buy________.

A. a new one B. new ones

C. another one D. a new pair

31. If you like the trousers, please______.

A. try it on B. try on it

C. try on them D. try them on

32. That shop sells________shoes and clothes.

A. women\'s B. women\' C. womens\' D. womans\'

33. ________your help, we finished the work on time.

A. Thanks B. Thanks of

C. Thanks for D. Thanks to

34. -I missed the football match last night.


A. So I did. B. It doesn\'t matter. C. What a pity! D. Neither did I.

35. -Could you tell me ________?

-Yes. They ________to the library.

A. where are the twins; have been

B. where the twins a 《2007年中考英语最后测验模拟试题G》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/


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