
作者&投稿:左桂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


  1.comfortable adj. 轻松自在的,舒适的

  scare/frighten out of one's wits 胆都吓破了,吓呆了(to frighten a person so much that he does not know what he is doing)

  例句:I was hiding myself behind the door, and the deafening shots scared me out of my wits.


  2.knock vi./vt. 敲,打;碰撞

  knock oneself out on something 在...上花大功夫,下大力气

  例句:Gloria has been knocking herself out on that project.


  3.let out 放出,让…走

  例句:1.I couldn't listen to the president's television speech last night because my political science lecture let out too late.


  2.A:I assumed you'd be in class till three o'clock today.


  B:I usually am. Professor Smith let out early.


  3.Prof.Webster always lets us out late.


  4.put on 戴上,播放;穿上;上演

  例句:1.I think I'll put on some music now.


  2.A:Prof.Nelson, could you please turn up the temperature in here? I'm having trouble concentrating.


  B:Yeah, I understand. But I don't control the thermostat. Tell you what, I'll talk to maintenance about it after class. In the meantime, I suggest you put on a sweater if you've brought one.


  3.The drama club puts on a play once every other month.


  5.try on 试穿(a garment, shoes, etc.)

  例句:1.I wish I had tried these shoes on to see if they fit.


  2.The coat you tried on was really nice, and reasonably priced.



  1.cry v.1.哭,哭泣,流泪2.叫,喊 n.1.哭泣,哭声2.叫喊,喊声

  a far cry from 离...差得老远,有很大的差别

  例句:The published book is a far cry from the early manusc ript.


  2.known v. know的过去分词 adj.闻名的,已知的

  (be) known to 被…所知道(了解)(heard of by)

  例句:1.As is known to all, nobody can achieve success by simply waiting.


  2.For many years the ideas of Thoreau were known to scholars and to thinkers but not to the general public.


  I know.我理解你的意思(这个习语通常用来表达同意)

  A:Can you believe this great gift Sharon sent you?


  B:I know. She really has a heart of gold.


  3.memory n.纪念

  in memory of 为了纪念(as a way of remembering or being reminded of)

  例句:1.They are building a museum in memory of the distinguished writer.


  2.This solemn party was initiated in memory of the dead.


  4.way n.方式;方向;距离;道路 adv. 非正式用语,相当于very,a lot

  in no way 决不能

  例句:In no way do I blame you for what happened.


  have things in one's own way 以自己的方式做事情

  例句:Listen, Randy, you can't always have things in your own way.


  No way.不可能。

  A:Paula, will you be ready to leave at eight?


  B:No way.



  1.bar n.棍,横木;酒吧;法院 prep.除外

  snack bar 快餐店

  例句:1.Is the snack bar always this deserted?


  2.Louise and Neal just went over to the snack bar.


  2.nice adj.好的,可爱的,令人愉快的

  make a nice day (night)度过美好的一天(夜晚)(to enjoy a pleasant day; night)

  A:I used to go to the cinema a lot. It did make a nice night out, but not now.


  B:I don't either. There aren't any good adventurous stories like the movies they made when I was young.


  3.piece n. 块,碎片 v. 修复,修补

  in pieces 碎了,散了 (be broken into many parts due to an accident)

  例句:1.I fell down on the ice and my motorcar was in pieces.


  4.right 右边的;准确的 n. 右边;权利;正确;利益 adj. 正确地,适当地

  right away 立刻;马上(at once, immediately<同义习语有right now, right off>)

  l.A:Oh, oh , the seam in my coat sleeve is starting to come undone.


  B:You'd better do something about that right away.


  2.A:The coat you tried on was really nice, and reasonably priced.


  B:I'd have bought it right away if they had had it in my size.


  5.sleeve. n. 袖子;套筒 vt.给…装上袖子

  roll up one's sleeves 卷起袖子准备动手工作(to prepare for action)

  例句:1.Now, boys, roll up your sleeves and get on with your work. I'm afraid time is running out.


  2.We decide to roll up our sleeves and make a try at it.


  6.stick n. 棍,棒,手杖 v. 1.刺,戳,扎2.粘贴

  stick to 坚持,按...做(follow one's opinion, principle or a certain rule)

  1.On the other hand, you may be an only child because your parents planned for only one and stuck to their plan.


  2.You should stick to your principle to make the decision.


  stick around 逗留

  A:Leaving the party so soon? We're just getting ready to cut the cake.


  B:Sorry, I can't stick around.


  7.stuck n. 棒,排字架 adj. 可粘贴的

  be stuck 卡住了,动不了;被捆住了;被难住了

  例句:1.I can't get this window open,it's realy stuck.


  2.It never fails, it's raining hard outside and I'm stuck without an umbrella.


  8.way to …的方式

  on one's way to 在去…的路上

  例句:1.On my way downtown, I saw Canny.


  2.A:Tom, could I bother you for a moment? I need someone to return this book to the library for me.

  B:That's no bother at all. I'm on my way there now.



  9.what is more 更为甚者

  what is more 此外;更为…的是(besides, in addition, furthermore)

  例句:1.You'll have to pay 90 pounds for two nights. What's more, there is VAT.


  2.The continually increasing amount of noise is uncomfortable, and what is more important, can affect our health.


英语缩写“LE”常常代表“Lower Extremity”,中文对应为“下肢”。这个术语在医学和生理学领域广泛应用,其拼音为“xià zhī”,在英语中的流行度达到了63%。它主要应用于医学缩写词,特别是描述下肢的相关生理状况。具体来说,"LE"在文章中被用来讨论经皮斑块旋切术在治疗下肢动脉狭窄和闭塞性疾病的...

1 battle-战斗 2 bottle-瓶子 3 cattle-牛,牲口 4 cottle-套布 5 little-一点 6 Seattle-西雅图 7 settle-安排,安家 8 bettle-木槌,甲虫 9 mettle-勇气,志气 10 mottle-杂色,斑点 11 nettle-荨麻,惹怒,激怒; 烦扰 12 sattle-沉淀 13 tottle-油门 14 tattle-闲谈,泄密 15 dottle-残余烟草屑 ...

你的发音错了,倒过来才对;这是词尾发音,取决于le前是原音还是辅音,还有重音,次重音问题;最好结合具体单词确定,不能盲目概括总结;eg. little;英 [?l?tl];battle;英[?b?tl];capable英[?ke?p?bl].

英文名字 Le的含义。急求!!!有加分!
le是法语中的定冠词(阳性),相当于英语中的the 许多法国人的姓前,往往还有冠词Le, La。如La Fontaie 和Le Goff 等,译成中文时,也往往与姓连译,写成拉方丹和勒戈夫。 所以他姓Le Page 勒佩奇

英语发音 以le结尾的单词
释义:战役。例句:She has fought a constant battle with her weight 她一直在竭力控制体重。二、cattle 读音:英 [ˈkætl] 美 [ˈkætl]释义:牛。例句:The cattle had trodden a path to the pond. 牛群踏出了一条通往池塘的小径。三、kettle 读音:英 [ˈ...

第 一 的 英 文 缩 写 是: NO.1 ,单词:first first 读法 英 [fɜːst] 美 [fɜːrst]1、作形容词的意思是:第一的;最初的 2、作副词的意思是:首先;第一 3、作名词的意思是:最初;(序数词)第一 短语 1、first aid急救 2、first importance头等重要 3...

terrible,possible,able,comfortable comfortable 英 [ˈkʌmftəbl] 美 ['kʌmftəbl]adj. 舒适的,舒服的 n. 盖被 [ 比较级 more comfortable 最高级 most comfortable ]

形容词变副词的规则形容词变副词通常是加ly,其变化有规律可循,请记住以下口诀:一般直接加,“元e”去e加,“辅y”改i加,“le"结尾e改y。分别举例如下:quick-quickly; true-truly; happy-happily; pssible-possibly 具体规则如下:1、一般情况下直接加“ly”,如:quick-quickly; polite-politely;...

高中英语 以le结尾的形容词 变成副词时 是不是去e再加上ly
大多数是的 但是有特例

No problem的中文谐音
2 学习英语的最好方法:背诵课文。因为英语是我们的后天语言,所以必须将人家现成的东西反复在脑海里形成神经反射,不用关心为什么这样说(同第一点)。推荐《新概念英语3,4册》。可以说,几乎没有任何一种教材的经典程度超过《新概念英语》。它的语法是最规范的,结构是最严谨的,流传了好几代人,依然...

乐至县19117428955: 新概念三第13课的摘要
謇逄磷酸: Mrs. Richards had dressed up as a ghost and was just going into the dining room when there was a knock on the door. Thinking it was the baker, she hid in the storeroom under the stairs. She heard footsteps in the hall and then the man from the ...

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謇逄磷酸: Thejournalist immediately set out to get the facts after receiving instructions from his editor, but he did not send them at once. The editor was getting impatient, so he sent three faxes and threatened that the journalist would be fired if he did not reply ...

乐至县19117428955: 新概念第三册十三课视频最后一句话
謇逄磷酸: 呵呵!最后一句是说Do not like Mrs. Richards.(不要像文中的Mrs. Richards一样)

乐至县19117428955: 新概念英语第三册第13课选择题 -
謇逄磷酸: 我认为是选A 恰恰在那个时刻,/在这非常时刻,Mrs.Richards 正进入餐厅.而B 意为 只要(多用于否定句)C 只有当,除非D.在......期间,一般后面不会用(过去)进行时.

乐至县19117428955: 新概念3课文原文第十三课打错了 是第三课 -
謇逄磷酸:[答案] Lesson 3:An unknown goddess 无名女神Some time ago,and interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea.An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on...

乐至县19117428955: 请教新概念英语第三册13课中一个发音现象She intended todress as a ghost and as she had made her costume the night before.本句中的 and as she 录音中的... -
謇逄磷酸:[答案] 我的猜想是:ænə 应该是 and 的发音/ ənd / ,你再仔细听听. / ənd ə ʃi / d和n的发音部位是一样的,发音含糊时听起来差不多 as的s和she的sh,只读后边的sh as的,弱读ə,但这儿我听的倒像æ,也就是你听起来像ai

乐至县19117428955: 请教新概念英语第三册13课中一个发音现象 -
謇逄磷酸: 我的猜想是:ænə 应该是 and 的发音/ ənd / ,你再仔细听听.../ ənd ə ʃi /d和n的发音部位是一样的,发音含糊时听起来差不多as的s和she的sh,只读后边的shas的,弱读ə,但这儿我听的倒像æ,也就是你听起来像ai

乐至县19117428955: 新概念英语第三册课文详解 -
謇逄磷酸: 我这儿有新概念英语1-4册PDF TXT 课文英音美音MP3(包括第一册偶数课录音) 练习详解 自学导读 名师精讲笔记等材料 都是对自学很有用的 需要的话留个QQ邮箱 我发给你 其他的邮箱附件下载容易出异常 语言学习的秘诀就是要多听录音 多...

乐至县19117428955: 新概念英语第三册13课6题和19课7题如何分析呢?
謇逄磷酸: 6题应该是个省略句吧 把主语Mrs Richards 和Be动词 省略了 翻译应该是, 查理夫人不想吓到那个人,就快速的藏起来了. 这里Anxious修饰的是Mrs Richards 做的应该是表语 顺便提一下,(副词修饰动词时 叫状语 形容词修饰名词时 叫定语) 如果选C 意思就变成 “即使吓到人,Mrs Richards 也不会不安”, 与原文不符 这个与上一题一样 也是省略主语 和 Be 动词 应该是 But_she is_afraid of _never seeing Rastus again,she changed her mind. 这样分析起来应该没问题了吧? 两个句子,but 连接词

乐至县19117428955: 新概念英语第三册lesson3摘要写作答案 在线等!
謇逄磷酸: Archaeologists found clay fragments in an ancient temple. These represented the fifteen statues of goddesses which had once been painted. The body of one statue was found among remains from the fifteenth century B.C. while its head was found ...

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