请帮忙写300字的英语文章 介绍一下一次印象深刻的处境旅游领队经验

作者&投稿:歧钢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The situation in ensuring the team tourism travel outside the quality of service, guarantee the lawful rights and interests in tourists, assist to handle emergency, plays a main role. To become a qualified tourist team captains should situation do the following:
1, develop the good thought personal character, love the motherland, love society, is the essential travel the leader in moral accomplishment
2, to have respect-work spirit, it is required to have a high sense of responsibility, love his own work.
3, improve their foreign language level, is also the leader of the outbound tourism language basic requirements
4, learning each country's geographical situation, history, culture, and the political economy, customs and local law
5, develop their organization ability and the ability to deal with emergencies


If you want to be a good student, three attributes can help you in your studies.

First, a sense of responsibility is important for building a sound character. If you aren't responsible, you'll postpone your assignments or devote too little time to your schoolwork.

Second, in school life, relationships between people are valuable. Friends can bring you happiness and laughter. In addition, you can discuss problems and pursue knowledge with them.

Last, it is important to have a constructive philosophy of life. If you are defeated, don't be disappointed. Try to face your life and your studies with courage and determination.

If you can work toward these goals, you'll become a well-rounded and versatile student instead of being a bookworm.

To travel happy, must be in schedule fluctuation kongfu. For me, the journey is not a along with the gender thing: when, where, what to do... Consciously, I will spend time to arrange the specific tourism travel, because I believe that the world of wonderful, need we at the right time and the right place to catch.

Lonely Planet and poor in leaf through them after, I put the tourist destination choices to phuket, PP, Chiang mai, Bangkok, mainly because it is the first time go to Thailand, and is a self-help, so choose some representative place, and in these places you are familiar with it, have the magnitude of the strategy and information, can arrange it well. A time strangers, two time friends, the next time again go to Thailand time can choose some depth for the place or project; In addition, I give it control in 10 days, because generally in one place for more than 10 days, it's easy to create aesthetic fatigue. The time at 2 the final week of the month, so you can avoid the Spring Festival of Chinese people's army to travel abroad, also can hold the most suitable for tourism in Thailand tail.

Choose good place later, will be listed in the four places to do, or want to see things:

1, phuket: Fantasea, Simon show, Gay pride festival

2, PP island: snorkeling, bamboo island, coral park, kayak watch the sunset, and a bird's eye view of the PP island

3, Chiang mai, vegetarian meat stick stick mountain temple, the jungle flight, city trekking, ride elephants, night market

4, Bangkok: city trekking, add is added weekend market, depends on the mountain roads, national museum, nightlife, Siam Shopping

Actually every place has a lot of fun project, I listed is according to my personal preferences and my vacation time to make choice, because for example some weekend market only until this weekend, like Gay pride festival of phuket in I booked is accidentally introduced after the ticket in phuket's web site found that, just as I of the two days in phuket.

First trip abroad was to go to Japan, to a completely unfamiliar environment, language barrier, even with some timidity, before departure, I do a lot of homework, understand the point of it to go past the basic situation, read on the network many of the travel Guide, and then in the car, opened the line with the guests before the briefings, first off the basic OK, my guests in the car's performance more convincing, is the most feared pass the time, because for the first time brought Japan, While the former has been to Hong Kong, the basic operation is similar to the process, but still inexplicable tension, the fear, the success over the pass, into the territory, during the Japanese tour, visitors also get along better, time off soon, 5 days will return, at least I thought I could successfully got on a plane to return to Shanghai Pudong airport, Narita Airport in Japan, the guests actually lost passport, more urgent is the Japanese airport staff English is not flattered, I simple words and their exchanges, actually there are difficulties, thousands of hard to extremely difficult, and finally to a can speak English, help her find a missing guest at the duty-free shops in the passport, finally scare through the trip to Japan!

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