
作者&投稿:束供 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1. Tom is very speedy of get up, finish eating a breakfast post - to stand to by the roadside wait for traveling the connecting of car to send.Led a short while, the tour car came, Tom and the classmates together happy that the earth traveled.
Mary is reading in the library, side have two kids in the clamoring of horselaugh, hence Mary makes them don't want noise and lets them pipes down to read.
Other classmates at write operative of time, Tom after running to last leg-pull in the platform, being as a result seen by the teacher, scolding Tom, Tom doesn't dare pull a prank, but quiet writing industry.
The Tom school holds a volleyball game today.After game begins, the Tom very aggressive earth bounces ball and carelessly hits a prinipal as a result, hence the game stopped.

we had plenty of dreams when were very young.But as oue ages' growing,we fall into lots of trouble.It is hard to achieve our dreams.We lost confidence when we fail.But we can't give up!!!

we has a lot of dreams when were very young But with the growth of the age, we encounter many difficulties, dream constantly hampered, until the burst. After repeated failures, contused our confidence. But we can not give up.

When we are very young, has many dreams。But along with age growth, wencounter many difficulties, the dream realization receives the hindrance unceasingly, until is disillusioned. Repeated failure, dampened our confidence。 But we cannot give up actually

We had lots of dreams when we were young.
However, as we grow up, we encounter many difficulties. The realization of dreams constantly gets hindered until the dreams are shattered.
Failure after failure erodes our confidence. But we can't give up.

英语翻译短语 向...求助
向某人求助:ask sb for help;turn to sb for help。举例:He turned to me for hel.(他向我求助)To ask him for help was like asking a tiger for its skin.(向他求助无异于与虎谋皮)希望有帮到你,望采纳,谢谢!

一、印尼语翻译求助 1,恭喜中奖    Selamat atas kemenangan Anda!2,姓名           Nama 3,邮政编码    Kodepos 4,省市自治区 Negara 不对,正确provinsi 5,县市    ...

英语口语翻译 求助
中文翻译:Today, our group prepared an animated dubbing performance, this animated cartoon is very familiar with ice and snow. I hope you like it.词汇释义 今天today; now; present 小组group 准备prepare; get ready; intend; plan; ready; provision; readiness; set up 动画animation; car...

1 There is some confusion about what we should do next.我们下一步应该做什么让我们有点困惑 2. The little boy turned to me for help.这个小男孩向我寻求帮助。3. The scores gap between the two teams has narrowed to just 12 points now.两支球队分数差距缩小到只有已经12分了。

假如生活欺骗了你,Не печалься,не сердись!不要悲伤,不要生气!В день уныния смирись:烦恼时要保持静:День веселья,верь,настанет.请相信,快乐的日子会来临。Сердце в будущем живёт;...

君を爱してる! ki mi wo ai xi te ru!不知道 知らないxi la na yi 分からないwa ka la na yi 没什么 どういたしましてdou yi ta xi ma xi te とんでもない ton de mo na yi なんでもない nan de mo na yi 别にbe ci ni 真好吃!美味しいね!o yi xi i ne!う...


网页韩语翻译中文 求助!
http:\/\/translate.google.com\/translate_t 韩语翻为英文 英文翻为中文即可

sắp chết : 快死了(字面意思如此,根据不同情况可能是只糟糕的意思) ;nem chua rán , ngon lắm 酸肉粽,很美味 (酸肉粽,以捣碎的生猪肉拌熟猪皮丝,加特定的香料,用石榴叶及蕉叶裹成圆柱形粽子,经过约一周时间发酵即可食)。希望可以帮到你的忙。

1.我们应该买哪个?我喜欢红色那个 2.我们早些时候看的那件红色短裙怎么样?我真的喜欢那件。3.我从前觉得它太短了。(用think的过去时thought。所以要翻译成过去认为)4.它不够时尚。5.我已经买了这两件T恤衫。这件是我的,那件是你的。6.这件套头外衣是谁的?奥,那是她的。7.那边那辆是...

木垒哈萨克自治县13692277645: 求助用英语翻译
祢彭博清:seek help for help look to

木垒哈萨克自治县13692277645: 英语翻译,求助... -
祢彭博清: at my mouth不是一个短语或固定词组,但是有look at my mouth 是“看我的口型”的意思此句翻译为:他应该告诉我我口型上的缺点. 此处mouth也可能表示“嘴”“口音”等其他意思,请根据上下文判断.希望可以帮到你哦~~~ 来自翻译强团

木垒哈萨克自治县13692277645: 英语翻译求助
祢彭博清: 1. More and more people come to realize how important the environmental problem is. 2. No matter how late he came back home, his wife is always there waiting for him. 3. This old man is so wise that he local people like to consult him. 4. Whatever difficulties he may meet, we are willing / ready to meet him.

木垒哈萨克自治县13692277645: 英语翻译求助,急!!!!!! -
祢彭博清: 1、注意(或留恋)+(词性)(提示:pay attention,名词、动词等) pay attentionto sth(n./pron.) 2、惊奇地,吃惊地(提示:与surprise有关,两个单词的短语,需要2种形式) be surprised / surprisingly 3、对某事感到骄傲(提示:pride,需2种形式) take pride in/be proud of 4、对某事感到吃惊 be surprised at sth.VS天才翻译家

木垒哈萨克自治县13692277645: 英文翻译求助 -
祢彭博清: (1) the United States, many millionaires have at least two houses and a private jet. (2) unwritten rules than the provisions of the statute more effective regulation of our lives and behavior. (3) We live in a system of laws, unwritten rules, customs and ...

木垒哈萨克自治县13692277645: 求助英语翻译
祢彭博清: 您好! 翻译为:I am a friendly people,I want to make friends with everyone !望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

木垒哈萨克自治县13692277645: 英语求助.求翻译 -
祢彭博清: 一般现在时:I am a student一般过去时:Yesterday was Monday现在进行时:I am watching a video过去进行时:He was working when I opened the door现在完成时:I have bought the skirt过去完成时:He had finished his home work when i phoned him将来时:He is going to watch a concert过去将来时:He was going to the bank when i saw him

木垒哈萨克自治县13692277645: 英语翻译求助!!!! -
祢彭博清: Advantages and disadvantages of convenient bicycle (convenient ), economic ( economical ), is beneficial to health is slow, cannot be used for long-distance travel. Train fast, time-saving, ride comfort is not convenient, no railway lines can not go. ...

木垒哈萨克自治县13692277645: 英文翻译求助
祢彭博清: I must have every confidence in my future,never satisfied with the present situation and making long-term plans. My future will be bright,it will come ture finally!(仅供参考,如果还有问题一定尽力解答.)

木垒哈萨克自治县13692277645: 英语翻译中文 求助 -
祢彭博清: Dear Sir, We will take the full responsibility for the bulk of the products . I am very satisfied with your results. I appreciated it very much. I guarantee that it will not...

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