【急】求 Styles of Beyond 的Nine Thou 中英文对照歌词!

作者&投稿:阳曲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Nine Thou的中文翻译~



  Craig David - Rise And Fall
  (feat. Sting)

  Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
  And it seems as though the writings on the wall,
  Superstar you finally made it,
  But once your picture becomes tainted,
  It's what they call,
  The rise and fall
  Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
  And it seems as though the writings on the wall,
  Superstar you finally made it,
  But once your picture becomes tainted,
  It's what they call,
  The rise and fall

  I always said that I was gonna make it,
  Now it's plain for everyone to see,
  But this game I'm in don't take no prisoners,
  Just casualties,
  I know that everything is gonna change,
  Even the friends I knew before me go,
  But this dream is the life I've been searching for,
  Started believing that I was the greatest,
  My life was never gonna be the same,
  Cause with the money came a different status,
  That's when things change,
  Now I'm too concerned with all the things I own,
  Blinded by all the pretty girls I see,
  I'm beginning to lose my integrity
  Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
  And it seems as though the writings on the wall,
  Superstar you finally made it,
  But once your picture becomes tainted,
  It's what they call,
  The rise and fall

  I never used to be a troublemaker,
  Now I don't even wanna please the fans,
  No autographs,
  No interviews,
  No pictures,
  And less demands,
  Given advice that was clearly wrong,
  The type that seems to make me feel so right,
  But some things you may find can take over your life,
  Burnt all my bridges now I've run out of places,
  And there's nowhere left for me to turn,
  Been caught in comprimising situations,
  I should have learnt,
  From all those times I didn't walk away,
  When I knew that it was best to go,
  Is it too late to show you the shape of my heart,
  Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
  And it seems as though the writings on the wall,
  Superstar you finally made it,
  But once your picture becomes tainted,
  It's what they call,
  The rise and fall

  Now I know,
  I made mistakes,
  Think I don't care,
  But you don't realise what this means to me,
  So let me have,
  Just one more chance,
  I'm not the man I used to be,
  Used to beeeeeeeeeee
  Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
  And it seems as though the writings on the wall,
  Superstar you finally made it,
  But once your picture becomes tainted,
  It's what they call,
  The rise and fall
  Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
  And it seems as though the writings on the wall,
  Superstar you finally made it,
  But once your picture becomes tainted,
  It's what they call,
  The rise and fall
  Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
  And it seems as though the writings on the wall,
  Superstar you finally made it,
  But once your picture becomes tainted,
  It's what they call,
  The rise and fall


  He deals the cards as a meditation 他出牌前沉思冥想
  And those he plays never suspect 对出的每一张牌都很有把握
  He doesn't play for the money he wins 他不是为了赢钱而玩牌
  He don't play for respect 也不是为了获得尊重

  He deals the cards to find the answer 他出牌是为了找寻答案
  The sacred geometry of chance 找寻幸运的神圣机率
  The hidden law of a probable outcome 在胜利后面隐藏着一种规则
  The numbers lead a dance 那些数字在领舞

  I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道黑桃是士兵的宝剑
  I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道草花是战争的武器
  I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我知道在这种游戏里方块就是钱
  But that's not the shape of my heart 但那不是我心的形状

  He may play the jack of diamonds 他可以出方块J
  He may lay the queen of spades 他可以出黑桃Q
  He may conceal a king in his hand 他可以使小花招藏起K
  While the memory of it fades 接着真的忘了自己有K

  I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道黑桃是士兵的宝剑
  I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道草花是战争的武器

  I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我知道在这种游戏里方块就是钱
  But that's not the shape of my heart 但那不是我心的形状

  And if I told you that I loved you 如果我告诉你我爱你
  You'd maybe think there's something wrong 你可能会觉得不妥
  I'm not a man of too many faces 我不是多面派
  The mask I wear is one 我只有一张面具

  Well, those who speak know nothin'好吧,那些发言的人其实什么也不知道
  And find out to their cost 他们最终会付出代价
  Like those who curse their luck in too many places 就像有些人到处说自己不幸
  And those who fear are lost还有那些退缩的人,他们都已迷失

  I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道黑桃是士兵的宝剑
  I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道草花是战争的武器
  I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我知道在这种游戏里方块就是钱
  But that's not the shape of my heart 但那不是我心的形状
  That's not the shape, the shape of my heart 那不是我心的形状。。心的形状
  That's not the shape, the shape of my heart 那不是我心的形状。。心的形状
  My Happy Ending-Avril Lavigne(艾薇尔.拉维妮)
  So much for my happy ending
  Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...
  Let's talk this over
  It's not like we're dead
  Was it something I did?
  Was it something You said?
  Don't leave me hanging
  In a city so dead
  Held up so high
  On such a breakable thread
  You were all the things I thought I knew
  我曾经以为 我非常了解你
  And I thought we could be
  You were everything, everything that I wanted
  曾经 你是我梦寐以求的一切,一切
  We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
  And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away
  All this time you were pretending
  So much for my happy ending
  Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...
  You've got your dumb friends
  I know what they say
  They tell you I'm difficult
  But so are they
  But they don't know me
  Do they even know you?
  All the things you hide from me
  All the shit that you do
  You were all the things I thought I knew
  我曾经以为 我非常了解你
  And I thought we could be
  以为 我们可以一直这样下去
  It's nice to know that you were there
  Thanks for acting like you cared
  谢谢你 假装真的很在乎我
  And making me feel like I was the only one
  让我傻傻觉得 我是你的唯一
  It's nice to know we had it all
  Thanks for watching as I fall
  谢谢你 在我要跌倒的时候 袖手旁观
  And letting me know we were done
  让我了解 我们就要结束了
  [Chorus x2]
  Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...
  So much for my happy ending

Hey yo first things first,嘿哥们,事先声明,It's time to shake ground in the eighth round,跑到八圈也别松开油门,Bax better & break down,不成功,便成仁,From the beat & the wild tone, jump in the cyclone,节奏律动,狂野尖叫,跃入飓风中央,STYLES, yes I know,风格,老子自成一派,We're the ... team, maxime....我们足够狂拽,Maxime,傲视全球,Put 'em up, what the ****,举起双拳,致命一击,Stuff they can't breathe,对准那些苟延残喘的弱鸡,Off the wall spitting, N***a we're in the tag-team,看那满墙的吐泻,哦哥们,这可是职业摔角,What's up now? Jump down, stuff they can't breathe,所以现在?跳下卧铺,瞅瞅那些上吐下泻的菜鸟,Yo! you know the routine, the demon effect,么!你懂规则,要的就是惨绝人寰的效果,Please, don't step, you wanna be one of my pet peeve's,请别手下留情,你定想成为我成功的小磕绊,The more beef the better, sound strange but you all wanna creep together,勾心斗角越多越好,小样,听着别扭,但你们一起肯定只会臭气相投,Ok? In the club what a cheesy sweater,我怕谁?穿着低劣毛衣,也敢在舞厅大摇大摆,Why not, we got so much street credit, the rookie police let us,理所当然,攒着的威严足以吓跑那些警官菜鸟,Now that's foo-ish, cuz we don't act sweet,现在倒很无奈,总觉得不太自在,Cuz I can run 10 laps in a track meet,绕场十周,对我而言小菜一碟,Keep it moving it's on now,此时此刻,再度起跑,Making it punk rile,引爆Punk火焰,Shaking the funk rile,撼动Funk领域,Rip it apart style,撕碎陈词滥调,Fakin' the funk pal,哥来开创Funk王朝,Dunk watch the punk,认命吧,Punk卷土归来,What now, watch your battleship get sunk down,至于现在?我就静候你折戟沉沙,Click, Pow, Nine Thou, What?计时开始,枪林弹雨,我独战九人,什么?Just what I thought, what's up now?切,不过是意料之中,现在局势如何?Click, Pow, Nine Thou, What?计时开始,枪林弹雨,我独战九人,什么?Just what I thought, what's up now?切,不过是意料之中,现在局势如何?LRC by Johnny,Hold it down, never give in,不痛不痒,却仍不曾放弃,STYLES having your limbs,风格,决定着你的能耐,Or whether you want it to end,还劝你尽早退出,渣渣,Dirty m'again, I burn him again,你玷污了我,我又惹毛了他,05 Serving them sins,05年给他们点教训,Or 30 your friends get knocked out, turbuline wind,要么就等着被瓦解,要么仰视我们掀起骚动狂潮,Punk'd out, what you want, take a look at my grin,顽童,瞅瞅你自己的理想,I'm a fish you can tell by the flippers & fin's,说我是鱼?可笑,别让我把你们抬举为鱼鳞和鱼鳍,C'mon, Yo! I got a wack style,有种就来!见见你口中的那个怪人,... the offspring & joke with 'em,他让你的子孙后代,也只能望尘莫及,The distort ... stream,只配和空气交谈的杂种们,Who am I? ... relate who & I,说说哥是谁?哥就是我自己,Cruising your bed, how to live .... in July,而你衣不蔽体,入不敷出,还在清点七月的储蓄,Area 51 Stereo, vibe, gun live,Area 51的立体声,感应装置,枪火生活,Here we go, west soldiers, we drop some,整装待发,西部勇士,别顾着那些掉队的人,We're the kids in the hall, with the new lactate,舞台上的奶油小生,或许在指我们,Blast from both angles, a boondock saint,那就等着我们让天使和处刑人踏上舞池,So, Get up get up & let the sound hit ya,所以,这次举起双手,节奏律动,Snap the ... style picture uh!面对相机,我行我素,哦耶!Keep it moving it's on now,此时此刻,再度起跑,Making it punk rile,引爆Punk火焰,Shaking the funk rile,撼动Funk领域,Rip it apart style,撕碎陈词滥调,Fakin' the funk pal,哥来开创Funk王朝,Dunk watch the punk,认命吧,Punk卷土归来,What now, watch your battleship get sunk down,至于现在?我就静候你折戟沉沙,Click, Pow, Nine Thou, What?计时开始,枪林弹雨,我独战九人,什么?Just what I thought, what's up now?切,不过是意料之中,现在局势如何?Click, Pow, Nine Thou, What?计时开始,枪林弹雨,我独战九人,什么?Just what I thought, what's up now?切,不过是意料之中,现在局势如何?),Who the **** .... upon a shellfish,是谁裹着层铜墙铁壁,In any your style playing the ... blitz,搞了半天只是来场突袭,Drilling your brain, like rap & video-games,操练大脑,好比说唱和电玩,But it's a **** the styles get any of your fame,但对你奢求的名利,这又有何益,Yo! What kind of stuff is he on,瞧!又是哪来的弱鸡,Really its styles, c'mon punk shove off,败絮其中的风格,背弃了Punk的本质,You really gotta be gone, ripped out of your brain,真该去死,碾碎你无用的大脑,Script over your lip to dispossess your ... game,先给你作好讲稿再剥夺完你的权利,What's with this ... me Kibbles n Bits,记住这些名字,我,Kibbles和Bits,We're in the street ... the globe i can't fix,就在街头等你,只有天际哥无法触及,Get it? I'm sick with it, when i spit the venom,功成名就?哥不在乎,当我吐出毒液,And it drip's up in 'em & it get's the women in a quick dilemma,缓缓滴入,便会让女人陷入迷茫,We can settle it now, and I don't know who did it but they said it was styles,我们可以解决,而每当追溯元凶,他们却总说这就是风格,Click, Pow, Nine Thou, What?计时开始,枪林弹雨,我独战九人,什么?Just what I thought what's up now,切,不过是意料之中,现在局势如何?Click, Pow, Nine Thou, What?计时开始,枪林弹雨,我独战九人,什么?Just what I thought what's up now,切,不过是意料之中,现在局势如何?Click, Pow, Nine Thou, What?计时开始,枪林弹雨,我独战九人,什么?Just what I thought what's up now,切,不过是意料之中,现在局势如何!

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