
作者&投稿:帛柏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It's very kinf of you(having )(have)no children.
Peter said he(would come )(come)this morning.but it(is )(be)now half past twelve and he(has't come )(no come)yet.
Jack(has lived )(live)here for five years and(will go )(go)to xianghai recently.
Please(not watching )(not watch)TV.You(hav
'nt finish)(not finish)your homework.

Hurry up, or we'll be late.
( If )we(are not )hurry,we'llbe late.(改为复合句)

Someone says“Time is money",but I think time is even more importantthan money.(补全单词,就是e后面的)

He must be tired ,(must'nt ) (he )?(反意疑问句)

They came (to borrow some books。)
(Why)(did )they ( come)?.(就括号部分提问

2.?, without


1.We use the e(levator ) to go up and dowmn the buiding.
2.If you want to know the answer to the problem, you should look t( o) books in the library.
3.We're having a small t(eam ), join us please.
4.When the t( raffic) lights are red, you must stop and wait。
5.There is one child a( lone) in the room.
6.There are m(any ) of reasons for me to stay.
7.We were filled with g( ) when we heard of his death.
8.Yesterday Tom had a brithday party and I had many wines with a delicate f( ).
9.The old men should be spoken to p(eacefully ).

1.elevator 2. through 3. tea 4. traffic 5. awake 7.grief
9. politely

英语填空题:We always have ___ rice for ___ lunch.
We always have rice for lunch.首先, rice是不可数名词, 并且在这里是泛指,前面不用加冠词。这句话是一般现在时,表明通常的情况。我们在午餐时总是会吃米饭。所以lunch也是泛指,不是特指,不用加冠词 你可以说 have some rice 但是就 a, an, the 来说的话,这两个空格都不用填!

几个简单的英文填空题(there, their, or they're)
.Bentley, my neighbor's basset hound, has toenails that r so long that ___ curled like macaroni noodles at the ends of his paws.2.Warren hates cleaing the bathroom because his brothers always leave globs of toothpaste in the sink, and ___ dirty underwear hangs from the doorkn...

解析:74题,feel是系动词,那么接形容词,由句子意思可知,“我经常熬夜去完成作业”,那么肯定很累,故此空该填tired。解题技巧6:若两句(一个主谓关系算一个句子)之间没有连词,有逗号隔开,则考虑填转折连词;没分号,考虑填并列连词或从属连词。【例7】I spoke a little English. I wanted to ...

The poor have——;The rich need——;If you eat ——,you will die.(画线处填的是同一个单词)请问应该填什么?解析:Nothing is greater than God;Nothing is more evil than the Devil;The poor have nothing;The rich need nothing;If you eat nothing,you will die.有一个英文老师出了...

(1)hello (2)no (3)this (4)speking (5)how are (6)at home (7)sorry (10)i see 二、(1)what color do you like (2) how much is it ?(3)do you have blouse (5)how much are they

介词练习 ( )1.___ the afternoon of May, we visited the old man.A. On B. At C. In ( )2.Many people work ___ the day and sleep ___ night.A. on ; at B. in ; in C. in ; at ( )3.He speaks Japanese best ___ the boy students.A. between...

英文语法填空题 高手帮帮忙呀!久一点没关系 需要准确率
1. B. property 财产 2. C.merchant 商人 3. A. were carried away 被(洪水)带走 4.B. day after day 日复一日地; 连日 5. D.in pain (be in pain疼痛) (tracked down 追寻; 查获)6. B. measured 句意: 教育不应当单纯依靠考试结果来衡量.7. B. as; as (as....

近年来,中考完形填空的题材趋于多样化。人物、科普、史地、故事、政治、经济、风土人情,均为选材范围,这就要求考生知识广博、视野开阔、广泛涉猎。 【答案及简析】 1. sun. 地球围绕太阳运转是天文常识。 2. day. 地球面对太阳的半个球面是白天。 3. away. turn away from意为“背离”。地球上背对太阳的一...

for不表示直接原因,表明附加或推断的理由,因此for被看作等立连词,它所引导的分句只能放在句子后部(或单独成为一个句子),并且前后两个分句间的逻辑关系不一定是因果关系,其间用逗号隔开,且for不可置于句首,for的这一用法常用在书面语中,较正式。例如:(1)The days are short, for it is now...

三读短文,上下参照,验证答案。在短文的空白处分别填上一个词后,将完成的短文再 细读一遍,上下参照,连贯思考。可从上、下文内容是否协调一致、顺理成章,语法结构是 否正确无误等进行综合验证,凡有疑问必须重新推敲考虑。三、做短文填空题的注意之处 1.语义完整、适用是做好填词的前提,要从全文...

开平市18925955672: 简单的几个英语填空题! 急! -
寸吉吉祥: my brother and i ( ) like watching tv.A can't B don't C doesn't D aren'tShe ( B ) fishing near the riverA go B goes C went D /Would you like ( B ) sugar in your coffee?A any B some C a D the He can speak English , but he ( C)speak English well.A ...

开平市18925955672: 几个英语填空题
寸吉吉祥: does well in her the book don't stay at am happy to

开平市18925955672: 几个英语填空题> -
寸吉吉祥:[答案] 1 Nathan insist 和She prepare是同一个时间段,前面一个是过去完成,后面也用过去完成.而finish用一般现在时是因为这个insist存在,整个句子需要用虚拟语气,其实finish后面省略了个should.2.这道题目是本身存在的,还是...

开平市18925955672: 几个英语填空题,在线等解答 -
寸吉吉祥: 1. being polluted.2. four times the size.3. Whoever breaks the law4. the earthquake happening.5. that the meeting was put off6. had left the window open

开平市18925955672: 几道英语填空 -
寸吉吉祥: 1. there 2. at 3. at 4. great 5. basket

开平市18925955672: 几个英语填空题
寸吉吉祥: 1.excellent优秀的 2.unfriendly不友好的 3.fishing钓鱼

开平市18925955672: 英语的几个填空题
寸吉吉祥: 1. pay; for 2. doesn't like to 3.How does; sound 4.How sweet

开平市18925955672: 英语几个填空题 -
寸吉吉祥: 填空:1、尽管我有一个健康的饮食习惯,或许我还是有点不健康I have one【healthy】【diet】,---maybe I'm【not】【in】【fit】2、我的头发和Mary的不一样My hair【is】【different】【from】Mary's望采纳,多谢了!

开平市18925955672: 几个英语填空
寸吉吉祥: 您好,可填为:was drawing listened continued working How hard students study What clean rooms 满意速速采纳,谢谢!

开平市18925955672: 几个英语 填空题 . -
寸吉吉祥: 1.either,or2.?, without

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