
作者&投稿:叔袁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

军,相信第一眼的感觉吗? Military, I believe the feeling at first glance it? 我想一直照顾你 I want to have to take care of you

1. Consciously line up comity
2. Take good care of public measures, have the responsibility to do everything I should do
3. Consciously clean up leftovers after a meal, please
Four. Grain of rice, a drop of sweat, sweat capsules for food
5. Faculty 11.00-13.00 noon meal, evening 16.30-18.30
6. Five Points Food Safety
7. Beware of lentils poisoning
8. A reasonable diet of food structure
9. Fanka of Use
10. Ice Milk Tea
11. Iced Coffee
12. Hot drinks
13. Computer room
14. Charge card time 6.30-13.00 16.30-19.00
15. Please see the top-up denominations and left, leaving the checkout cash please confirm departure, if the amount of errors, at your peril
16. Buffet Restaurant
17. Hydrant
18. Toilet
19. South dining hall
20. Residual water station
21. Exit
22. Changping a bar in the canteen Information
23. Recipes
24.'ll Ask someone to dinner, it will put cannibalism sets tableware, thank you
25. Please, on the second floor dining
26. Pearl milk tea
27. Chocolate flavor
28. Coffee
29. Taro
30. Big Mac
31. Blueberry, strawberry, peach, lemon, Ichii, mango, vanilla
32. Pineapple juice, micro s, strawberry juice, apple juice, sour plum, peach juice
33. Juicer has been bad, suspended watermelon juice
34. One dollar items
35. Red bean paste, jujube white fungus soup
36. Lemon tea
37. Crystal Juice

我不能说我翻译的多好,但是比网上翻译的强多了。 那个说的是人话么。
很多地方,我只能意译, 因为本来语法就有问题。
My name is Lihua. Monday morning, on my way to school, a things occured. I waited for Bus 60 at the bus stop. Not long after I got on the bus, I heard a big noise. It seemed that the engine stopped working. I knew the bus was broken down, so I asked passengers to push the bus. We repaired the bus at last. With smiles on face, every one arrived at the destination successfully.

We high-school students should obey the following rules:

everyone should be patriotic, love the family, love the school,love and care about everything besides deeply.

People should love family members, respect teacher, get along well with classmates.

People should keep promises and help each others.

To nature, people should make reasonable use of resources, protect the ecological environment, the change animals and plants, treasure homeland which is the home for all humans.

Finally, I believed high-school students should do all the above, so that the life will be better.


My name is Lihua.Monday morning I go when the school goes to school, has come across a matter, I wait for 60 groups buses in the motor station.How long did I board do not have, only listens to a vehicle sound, the entire vehicle vibrated. The automobile engine resembled stopped the revolution.The automobile engine resembled stopped the revolution. I knew the vehicle has gone bad, mobilized all passengers to alight pushes this vehicle. Finally everybody worked as one the vehicle to repair. On everybody face all the bringing smiling face, everybody all smoothly arrived the destination!

Our middle-school student should do following several.

The human and between the human society, must be patriotic, loves the family, loves the school, deeply loves cares about the side each same thing.

Between the human and the human, between the family member must fill the dear ones, must fill the respect to teacher, must unite meanly to the schoolmate.

Between the human and the human wants the good faith cooperation.

Between human and nature, the people must reasonably use the resources, protects the ecological environment, the change zoology and botany, treasures homeland which the humanity altogether has.

Finally I believed above that, the middle-school students all must achieve each spot, because our life only then returns to happier ~ like this!

My name am Li Hua, Monday morning I go when the school goes to school, has come across a matter, I wait for 60 groups buses in the motor station. How long did I board do not have, only listens to a vehicle sound, the entire vehicle vibrated. The automobile engine resembled stopped the revolution. I knew the vehicle has gone bad, mobilized all passengers to alight pushes this vehicle. Finally everybody worked as one the vehicle to repair. On everybody face all the bringing smiling face, everybody all smoothly arrived the destination!
Thesis 02
Our middle-school student should do following several.

The human and between the human society, must be patriotic, loves the family, loves the school, deeply loves cares about the side each same thing.

Between the human and the human, between the family member must fill the dear ones, must fill the respect to teacher, must unite meanly to the schoolmate.

Between the human and the human wants the good faith cooperation.

Between human and nature, the people must reasonably use the resources, protects the ecological environment, the change zoology and botany, treasures homeland which the humanity altogether has.

Finally I believed above that, the middle-school students all must achieve each spot, because our life only then returns to happier ~ like this!





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漳州市18977938185: 烦劳哪位西班牙语大虾帮个忙啊 帮忙翻译个句子啊 -
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漳州市18977938185: 各位大虾帮个忙~~~!~~!帮我把卜算子·送鲍浩然之浙东翻译成现代文....~~~!! 谢谢啦~~~ -
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漳州市18977938185: 请大虾帮忙翻译一句话"我最擅长的原来是自暴自弃." OK,就这一句,望哪位大虾帮个忙,要准确点的,谢谢!汉语中的有些词不直接翻译出来,不知道有... -
辉董荷叶:[答案] Ironically is that at last,I found I was actually best at abandoning myself.^^

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辉董荷叶: 朋友.你这分给得也太少了.才20分...这么多的内容啊!参加人员: ******** 日期 : 2011.4.6 Participant: * * * * * * * * date: 2011.4.6 记录人员: ****** Record personnel: * * * * * * 页数 : 2 Page: 2 主题: 工厂内部稽查 Theme: the factory internal ...

漳州市18977938185: 希望将中文翻译成英文,那个大虾帮下忙啊!不要电脑翻译的!...
辉董荷叶:On the defect and perfection of environmental protection law as angle of view, from the environment protection law of the basic overview, environmental protection law and the law of environmental protection of the main problems of development ...

漳州市18977938185: 哪位大虾帮忙翻译以下法文……感激不尽! -
辉董荷叶: 大小写混这写,真有个性.只能看出是un bon ? passe dans cette agreable a? et dans cette belle ville o? e? p? pour nous une nouvelle facette de la chine. merci pour...

漳州市18977938185: 大虾们帮个忙.人工翻译下.谢谢 -
辉董荷叶: In contrast, the home of the United States relative abundance of the content of education and science, and our country home education narrow, not enough science. Families s...

漳州市18977938185: 英文翻译 急!!!各位大虾帮个忙
辉董荷叶: 感谢您照顾我在前进Island.Athough,我短时间知道您.not每月,但我知道您值得交朋友.我是非常高兴做朋友与您, 在MXD,我学会了有些事为您,我学会了如何应付友谊 wath, s重要,做人等等. 现在我留下那个世界,但我仍然错过MXD,当我认为那场比赛时,我将考虑 您,我将不知道记住您,召回我们的事,认为您给我帮助,我将被移动向泪花.. 我是非常不愿意的您,我永远将记住您. 我在MXD喜欢您.loving月亮猪. 我希望您能愉快每天,来真实您的梦想,让您的世界改变更加五颜六色,我 永远将支持您. 最佳的坚韧的枝条

漳州市18977938185: 哪位大虾帮忙用韩语把上面的话翻译过来.谢谢..
辉董荷叶: 天泰奥园を韩国の爱、责任感を持って、手渡す息苦しい、安心、子どもうれしかったです우리의 사랑과 테오 공원 일, 책임, 부모 걱정, 걱정, 자녀가 행복하게

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