1,连词成句 (1)ask,I,is,may,who,calling (2)her,you,to,back,could,me,call,ask

作者&投稿:禾叛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Could you ask her to call me back?

could you tell her call me back?你能告诉她给我回电话

1) May I ask who is calling?意思是:请问是谁打来的电话?
2)Could you ask her to call me back? 意思是:你可以让她给我回电话吗?
3)We had a wonderful time during the science week. 科学周期间我们度过了一个美好时光。
4)We had a picnic and saw a lot of animals there. 我们在那野餐还看到了很多动物。

合作市13832473884: 1,连词成句 (1)ask,I,is,may,who,calling (2)her,you,to,back,could,me,call,ask -
施研智托: 1) May I ask who is calling?意思是:请问是谁打来的电话?2)Could you ask her to call me back? 意思是:你可以让她给我回电话吗?3)We had a wonderful time during the science week. 科学周期间我们度过了一个美好时光.4)We had a picnic and saw a lot of animals there. 我们在那野餐还看到了很多动物.

合作市13832473884: 连词成句. 1. I, on, Saturdays, do, homework, my (.) - ---------------------------------------... -
施研智托: 1. I do my homework on Saturdays. 2. What day is it today? 3. What do you do on Sundays? 4. I love Tuesdays. 5. We have Chinese class on Mondays.

合作市13832473884: 连词成句 1.my,thanks,exam,to ,English,I,passed,the,teacher 2.my,the,news,Jimmy,good,to,knew,surpr -
施研智托: 1、Thanks to my teacher, I passed the English exam. (多亏我的老师,我通过了英语考试.) 2、To my surprise, Jimmy knew the good news. (令我惊讶的是,吉米知道那个好消息.) 3、Lily is waiting for me at the train station. (丽丽正在火...

合作市13832473884: 连词成句. 1. am, I, sorry - -------------... -
施研智托: 1. I am sorry. 2. I am late. 3. That is all right.

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施研智托: 为你解答.一、连词成句:1 That isn't healthy, either.2.What did you have for luch yesterday?3.There is a lot of ham in the fridge.4..An apple a day keeps the doctor away.二、用适当的形式填空:1 Jim eats too (much) fruit. 2.I had a pizza, some (...

合作市13832473884: 帮忙,英语连词成句啊
施研智托: my father is strict with me in my study was there anybody born famous? i often ask my grandfather about the past

合作市13832473884: 连词成句加中文 1.Billy,clean,dishes,ask,to,the 2.weekend,free,you,this,are3.in,the,is,red,my,girl,friend4.to,I,the,beach,volleyball,want,on,play5.beautiful,is,how,... -
施研智托:[答案] 第一句有没有打错啊. (someone)ask Billy to clean the dishes (某人)让Billy洗碗 Are you free this weekend?这周末你有空吗? The girl in red is my friend 穿红色衣服的女孩是我的朋友 I want to play volleyball on the beach我想在沙滩上打排球 How ...

合作市13832473884: 八年级下英语连词成句1.will,I,the,class,what,ask,to,guess,happen,will2.the,is,strong,enough,force,to,the,water,hold -
施研智托:[答案] I will ask the class to guess what will happen.我要求全班同学来猜猜会发生什么事. 2The force is strong enough to hold the water.力量足够强不会让水漏出来.

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施研智托:[答案] ·1.I doesn't know if he will bring him a present. (1)without anything (2)what to do (3)be terrified of being (4)more than 3.ask the doctor for help

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