
作者&投稿:不瑶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. confirm
2. describe
3. offend
4. particularly
5. experiment
6. instance
7. vegetables
8. enormous
9. unbeknown (unheard, uncharted, undiscovered)


choose calm stop cool approve yet


我对他的诚实表示怀疑。3. I remain dubious about her motives.我对她的动机仍存疑念。4. The results of this policy will remain dubious for some time.这项政策的效果短期内难以确定.5. He shares the same rotten tastes with some dubious characters.他和一些不三不四的人臭味相投。

小题2:此题考查基数词,8+7=15.故用fifteen。小题3:此题考查名词。Right。小题4:此题考查名词,mother’s sister应是姨妈,aunt。小题5:此题考查形容词,the color of a blackboard表示和黑板一样的颜色就是黑色,故选black。小题6:此题考查副词,仅仅only。小题7:此题考查不定词some和any...

根据首字母提示和英文解释写出单词c make something different?
make something different,使什么不一样的。可以是单词change,改变。

A) 根据首字母及所给中文提示或英文解释,写出句中所缺单词。1. All...
1.volunteers2.indeed3.knowledge4.spirit5.homeless6.research7.training8.attention9.affects10.medical11.operations12.development13.be held14.lost15.further 1.考查句意理解及单词拼写.ORBIS plane奥比斯号飞机,一架飞行的眼科医院,在奥比斯号飞机上的医务人员是志愿者,又因为是复数,所以填volun...

根据首字母、释义及所给的英文句子或汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写_百 ...
1.as soon as possible 2.hotel\/house

八年级上册英语题 根据首字母提示及英文解释写出单词: 1.a___:tendi...
1. aggravate 恶化\/加重 2. traditional 传统的 3. instructions 指示\/命令 八年级的英语题这么难了?OMG!参考资料:英语牛人团

1. chat 2. afford 3. waste

单词拼写,根据英文首字母提示完成单词。(共10小题,计10分) 小题1:My...
小题1:languages小题2:south小题3:improve,小题4:snows小题5: dirty小题6:rules小题7:leaves小题8:friendly小题9:surprised小题10:took 试题分析:小题1:根据English and French可知,本句的意思是“我的笔友会说两种语言,英语和法语。”“语言”是language,因为有two,所以应该用复数,故填...

...3、听起来很棒的英文 4、根据首字母提示,补充句子:
您好,答案分别是:weekends,moved,neighbors,busy,information,packet,Maybe,sorry thousands of people,how often,It sounds very great.满意速速采纳,谢谢!

change 改变 menu 菜单 produce 生产

嘉峪关市17047005791: 根据英文释义和首字母提示 写出对应的单词 -
隗狄利肝:[答案] 答案是:1model .2.spare 3.society 4.planet 5.recycle 尊重劳动,欢迎提问,

嘉峪关市17047005791: 根据首字母及英文单词释义写出这个单词(每条横线写一个字母) 1.h__ - __ - __ - small、low mountain2.c_ - __ - _ - _ - not exepensive、 not dear3.f_ - __ -- ... -
隗狄利肝:[答案] 1.hill 小山丘 2.cheap 便宜的 3.forty 四十 4.Sunday 星期天 5.morning 早上 6.love 喜爱 7.classroom 教室 8.busy 忙碌的

嘉峪关市17047005791: 根据首字母提示和英文释义拼写单词1.c - (to make somebody feel certain)2.d - (to say what somebody/something is like)3.o - (to cause somebody to feel upset or ... -
隗狄利肝:[答案] 1.confirm 2.describe 3.offend 4.particularly 5.experiment 6.instance 7.vegetables 8.enormous 9.unbeknown (unheard,uncharted,undiscovered)

嘉峪关市17047005791: 根据首字母提示和英文解释写出单词1.t______the highest part of something. -
隗狄利肝:[答案] top

嘉峪关市17047005791: 根据首字母及所给英文释义写出词语.1.a____; by oneself; whit no other people.2.s____; easy to do or understand.3.f____; come or go after someone or ... -
隗狄利肝:[答案] 保证准确! 1.alone 单独/独自 2.simple 简单的 3.follow 跟随 4.chance 机会

嘉峪关市17047005791: 根据英文释义及首字母拼写单词1、b____:to get something by giving money2、s____:to give something to somebody for money3、d____:not easy -
隗狄利肝:[答案] 1.buy 买 2.sell 卖.出售 3.difficult 困难的

嘉峪关市17047005791: 英语部分难题 急..1 根据单词释义及所给首字母提示写出正确的单词.1、a______the sister of your father2\ w_______the colour of snow3\ r_______not to forget... -
隗狄利肝:[答案] 1 auntwhiterememberparentsgivedifferenthourSundayhospitalfree2 takecenturyeagerfriendplayeraddressyourselfbehindpotatoes3 a / the a / / a the a a the /

嘉峪关市17047005791: 根据句意及首字母提示拼写单词1.---How long has he been a___ - from here?---Two years.He'll return in a week.2.There is p___ - of rain in North China in ... -
隗狄利肝:[答案] 1.---How long has he been away____ from here?---Two years.He'll return in a week.2.There is plenty____ of rain in North China in summer.3.More food must be produced to satisfy____ the incresing popula...

嘉峪关市17047005791: 根据英文释义及首字母提示拼写单词 i - plan/opinion s - use or have something with others -
隗狄利肝:[答案] 1 .intention 2.share

嘉峪关市17047005791: 根据英文释义及首字母提示写出正确的单词the thing that people put money in:(w ) -
隗狄利肝:[答案] wallet 钱包(人们放钱的东西)

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