“role of HR in developing talent at work ” 是什么意思?

作者&投稿:庞岭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
work in,work at,是什么意思~

work in,work at
一般说work in an office/factory
work at a bank/school

担任职位: work as a...
work as a manager 担任经理

我的爱好:my hobby

我家里有几个成员: There are several members in my family.




青山湖区19814651286: “人力资源部”的英文说法 -
成供本悦: 人力资源部:(英文)human resource department 人力资源部,是指对单位中各类人员形成的资源(即把人作为资源)进行管理的部门.人力资源部的概念是在上世纪末从美国引入的,在此之前,我国单位中的人事管理部门叫人事部.主要职...

青山湖区19814651286: 人力资源部的职责 有英文的吗? -
成供本悦: 人力资源部的职责 the responsibilities of the HR department HR = Human Resources 我知道人力资源部的职责: I am aware of the responsibilities of the HR department.或 翻成: I know the responsibilities of the HR department.

青山湖区19814651286: 扮演……角色用play the role of…,可以把the换成a吗? -
成供本悦: 可以, 主要看上下文 如果这个角色是唯一的,带有特指意味, 最好用定冠词.比如:play the role of the president 扮演总统这个角色 Not until the director persuaded him did he agree to play a role of the doctor. 直到导演说服了他,他才同意演医生.========如有疑问,马上追问!祝学习进步========

青山湖区19814651286: He - --a policeman in the film ?是play a role of还是play the role of -
成供本悦: 应该用the role of, 因为这是一个特指、限定的角色,后面有of做后置定语限定.

青山湖区19814651286: 蛋糕的来源 英语的 最好是特别简单的语句 篇幅要少 拜托~ -
成供本悦: 蛋糕的历史:Histroy of cake:Europe and places such as North America where European influence is strong have always been the center of cakes. One mi...

青山湖区19814651286: 学英语背景知识的作用~?用英文写出来~大约100字~谢谢各位 -
成供本悦: The role of background knowledge There is one question that I want to put forward before I answer this. Why do you learn English? Or what's the purpose for you to learn English?No matter what kind of reason do you have, I think there is one ...

青山湖区19814651286: play the role as和play the role of区别 快!!!!八点考试 -
成供本悦: 前一个,是发挥···的作用,后一个是,扮演···的角色

青山湖区19814651286: 一篇英语作文 -
成供本悦: In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. First, it is essential that the supervisory role of laws and regulations should be str...

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