请各位高手帮忙批改英文作文! 谢谢! 批改英文作文&缩减至300字

作者&投稿:武波 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My favourite character
My favourite character is Jared.
I like him because he was very brave. he charged into the forest to save his brother, whom he loved very much. when his brother was injured, he was worried about his life. Jared also loved his friends too, because when griffin was injured, he took care of her.

My favourite part of the story
my favourite part of the story is Chapter Five, where Jared and Mallory were on their way to save his brother Simon, met Hogsqueal. The story was very exciting and the character's personalities are fully developed here. i was mesmerized by the part where Hogsqueal took a handkerchief from his pocket and spat at Jared and Simon, so that they could see all the goblins. everything in the story is very foreign to me but at the same time attractive and entertaining.

综合一下第4楼,第3楼吧,3,4都说得太好了。赞一个先。但3楼中in the party是不对的。你用on at 都好,就是不能用in.in the party是已入党的意思。至于第2句,你可以改成An English party will be hold by our Students"Union on Mid-Autumn Festival from 7:30 to 9:30 on the playground in our school.
第4句,It will let us to be excited

Dear Paula,
hi , how about you ? Are you busy to be a horror story writer ?
My school is suitable to be a horror story sence.It is because when my school is turn off all the light at night,it is very scare and gloomy.
our school surrounding area have some tress. One of the tress has a rope that is hanging. It is said a girl had hanged in that tress, since she was crossed in love. Some children saw the girl let down with a rope at night and also usually hear the piercing sounds.

our school has happened a homicide case about a teacher who was Mr.Hai had mental disord. He killed students after school.
As we all know that , this was posted in the major newspapers. The classroom was reject using. I think this classroom is absolutely gloomy,empty and dusty. Some gossip said the wall had been seepage red liquid. And nobody know that what is it!

My school toilet is very scare , it is because the toilet is very wear and the light is very dim . I have
heard a terrible story from school toilet . It about a girl go to toilet during a lesson. During the girl
going toilet , she heard a sound was singing , but the toilet was no people. Then she screamed and ran away

my school has a lots of scary places and story but I think these two is the most horrible.I hope you can use my school for your story . hope this suggestion can help you .



Coclusion , my school has a lots of scary places and story but I think these two is the most horrible.I hope you can use my school for your story because my school is very suitable . hope this suggestion can help you .



请高手... 我列的提纲是这样的:第一段以学习雷锋好榜样的歌词开头,提起雷锋。第二段,回忆雷锋。第三段,写少先队员该怎样做(还是写在生活中我所做的好事?)。第四段,结尾,点明主题。请高手帮忙看看,改改。我要参加征文大赛的。务必在4月29日回答。谢谢! 展开  我来答 5个回答 #热议# 该不该让...

...想给语数英3科老师写一封信。求高手帮忙!! 不要太假,小学写作水平...
致老师的一封信 敬爱的粟老师:您好!光阴似箭,岁月如梭,2009年9月一开学,我就六年级了。转眼间,我们就长大了,不再是以前调皮无知的小孩子,这中间,掺杂着多少您的心血啊!要不是您每天辛苦地备课,给我们传授知识,为我们批改作业,我们也不会更聪明,学到更多的东西。老师,您如天上的启明星...


迁---迁徙、 迁就、 迁谪、 升迁、 迁都、 变迁、 左迁、 跃迁、 搬迁、 动迁 泰---安泰、康泰、 泰和、 荣泰、 泰华、 开泰、 泰陵、 运泰、 和泰 迫---迫害、 迫降、 胁迫、 压迫、 迫切、 紧迫、 迫近、 急迫、 迫使 批---批改、批阅、批评、 眉批、 批发、 批注、 批示、 审批、...

请教各位高手DJFEPPV 12*2*2.5这个电缆是什么结构。没搞清楚PP放到一...
DJFEPPV 12*2*2.5这个电缆:耐高温计算机屏蔽电缆,FE是氟塑料和聚烯烃阻燃材料,PP表示对绞铜线编织分屏蔽及总屏蔽,V12*2*2.5表示12对、2芯、2.5mm^2铜芯电缆。

最近在看英语杂志,感觉学习英语最重要的还是要培养英语思维,英语那些短文按中文的思路总翻译不了。怎样才能培养英语思维呢?各位英语高手,帮帮忙~不要小气,把好的经验说出来分享一下~我在这里万分感谢!有什么对英语有帮助的书或杂志,也请介绍一下 展开

2009\/6--2009\/11:家庭教师として この时间を积极的に、2009年の日本のテストとは、研究では、家庭教师の3つの试験を务めた予备の准备のための准备中。2008\/8--2009\/5:ティーチングアシスタントとして平成の日本语训练学校 スピーカーの教师は、このコースの授业を开発するため、ド...

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宝鸡市15541269812: 写了篇英语作文,请高手帮忙修改,谢谢! -
塔奖八味: My name is Siyuan Cao. I am an engineer. I have graduated from Hunan University for two years. When I was a student, I thought campus life was rather dull, and I didn't like my specialty, too. But now I miss my university life and my classmates very ...

宝鸡市15541269812: 麻烦各位英语高手帮忙修改篇英语作文、谢谢、作文题目是:What's your problems in your life?How do you deal with it?我是这样写的,麻烦大家帮忙看看有... -
塔奖八味:[答案] 1.你的语法还是不错的.就是要注意时态的前后一致.你在阐述生活中的事情.既然用了一般现在时,后面就都用这个时代,不要出现过去式.2.你用了first of all 和finally 但是我没见到secondly.所以要么去除,换别的词,要么中...

宝鸡市15541269812: 求高手批改英语作文,谢谢...
塔奖八味: Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether people should keep pets at home in cities. Most people are in favour of keeping pets. Firstly, it is fantastic for old people. It can make them happy. As teenagers need to work, more and more ...

宝鸡市15541269812: 帮我修改一篇英语作文我现在高一,写了一篇英语作文,请英语高手帮我修改一下,谢谢!首先请看中文意思:今天,我从我的语文老师那里听到了一篇文章... -
塔奖八味:[答案] 我给你改了一下,发现一些问题,并作出相应的修改,仅供参考.我只想说你的作文有点中国式的英语,而且一些词虽然意思对了但是用的场景不合适.还有时态的问题等,不过才高一写出这样的作文就不错了! I heard a story from my Chinese ...

宝鸡市15541269812: 请英语高手帮我点评一下我的这篇四级英语作文,非常感谢(语法和用词)1:越来越多的人从事志愿者工作2:志愿者工作的社会意义3:大学生应该怎么做... -
塔奖八味:[答案] 第二段的第三行的时态用过去比较好,志愿者组织应该是过去就被建立起来的,所以把are改成were更好,后面的主语是they 所以starts的s去掉或用过去时started. 最后一段倒数第三行的disable是动词,要用disabled形容词.估计你是笔误.

宝鸡市15541269812: 我写了一篇英语作文, 下个星期二要交, 交之前想请英语高手帮忙改一下! 谢谢! -
塔奖八味: 其实从中国的观点上看写的还是不错的.问题在于里面有不少是中国独有的表达方式.infinite dark hole 无底洞, 中文解释的英文 ,个人认为改成endless pit 更好.mental and physical healthy-mental and physical health.Above all, many health ...

宝鸡市15541269812: 求批改英语作文
塔奖八味: . . . I`m a boy . . .and I live in China . . . because its very interesting . . . his name is Bob , and he live in England(the USA) . . . we study in the same school .

宝鸡市15541269812: 求帮忙批改英语作文(1) 凡事均应有信心;(2) 缺乏信心的原因;(3) 建立信心是有可能的. The important of confidence We should build confidence for ... -
塔奖八味:[答案] the things what you do will be finished more smoothly这句话有点冗长,不如:we would do things more successfully and the problems would be solved quickly. What's the reason that people lack of confidence改为:why people would lack confidence?...

宝鸡市15541269812: 请高手帮改改英语作文,谢谢! -
塔奖八味: Dear friends Here are my points. We students of today have to pay much attention to our lessons so that we know little about society though it is not all our fault. So a holiday could be the best time for us to make up for that. As we know,taking a part-...

宝鸡市15541269812: 请老师们帮我批改英语作文 谢谢 -
塔奖八味: 大致批改如下,仅供参考 There is a clothing wholesale market next to my work unit.It may be one of the China's biggest low-end clothing wholesale markets, and may be one of the areas which are the most traffic chaos in Guangzhou. There are ...

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