造句用be sure about

作者&投稿:水翟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
be sure about造句~

I'm sure about that.

I am sure about the news of this competetion我对关于这次比赛的消息很确定

1、However, you need to be sure about no reuse. 


2、You can be sure about their interest in it. 


3、Neither of us can be sure about her. 


4、Know your objectives, and be sure about what you're hoping to achieve. 


5、If there is anything I can be sure about my world, it is my own heart. 


1、However, you need to be sure about no reuse. 


2、You can be sure about their interest in it. 


3、Neither of us can be sure about her. 


4、Know your objectives, and be sure about what you're hoping to achieve. 


5、If there is anything I can be sure about my world, it is my own heart. 


6、No one can be sure about the future but it definitely is a bright possibility. 


1、I'm sorry, but I can't be sure about that.


2、Be sure about the purpose of writing the feature story.


3、That is scary, and we cannot be sure about changes in the future.


4、There were many I didn't know, and others I couldn't be sure about because they were so covered in green parasites.


5、Rewrite has its advantages however, in most situations it is a riskier option and the teams can never be sure about the outcome. As Joel on Software suggested


1、However, you need to be sure about no reuse. 


2、You can be sure about their interest in it. 


3、Neither of us can be sure about her. 


4、Know your objectives, and be sure about what you're hoping to achieve. 


5、If there is anything I can be sure about my world, it is my own heart. 


6、How can we be sure about the Bible accounts? 


You can be sure about their interest in it.

富裕县15344325696: be sure about sth 造句 -
暨施帕利: You had to be sure about something in your life

富裕县15344325696: be sure about sth造句 -
暨施帕利: I will not besure about that.

富裕县15344325696: be sure about 造句+翻译 -
暨施帕利: 1. Surely you locked the door?想必你一定锁上门了吧? We are sure to benefit from the new timetable. 我们肯定会得益于新的作息时间表.

富裕县15344325696: be sure about sth 造句 -
暨施帕利:[答案] You had to be sure about something in your life

富裕县15344325696: 初三上册英语短语造句!用以下短语各造一个句子:1.be sure about sth 2.be sure to do sth 3.the rest of(加可数名词造一个,加不可数名词的造一个) 4.what... -
暨施帕利:[答案] 1.I am sure about that you are hungry now. 2 He is sure to finish his homework this afternoon. 3 Some of my books were put away,while rest of them were sold to my neighbour. Some water is evaporated by sunlight whilst the rest of water is used to irrigate...

富裕县15344325696: be sure about到底怎么用, -
暨施帕利:[答案] be sure about sth. It is impossible to be sure about the value of land. 土地的价值是无法确定的. 来自柯林斯例句

富裕县15344325696: “Grow up、be sure about、make sure”各造一个句子 -
暨施帕利:[答案] 1.The little fellow will grow up. 那小不点儿会成长起来的 2. That is scary,and we cannot be sure about changes in the future. 这是可怕的,因为我们无法确定未来会发生什么变化. 3. Make sure your relationship has room for give and take. 请确信你们的关...

富裕县15344325696: 亲,很急用请用下面的这些短语造句,用be careful about ,be certain about,be anxious about,be sure about,be worried about,be sorry about,be surprised at,be ... -
暨施帕利:[答案] You must be careful about driving.Nothing is certain about future.I am anxious about her health.She is sure about it.Don't be worried about me.The shop is sorry about the delayed delivery.We are surprised at the news.He is good at swimming.She is ...

富裕县15344325696: be sure about的用法 -
暨施帕利: be sure about sth /doing sth 确定某事或者干某事 例如:You can be sure about their interest in it. 你可以肯定他们对这个很感兴趣.

富裕县15344325696: 分别用be sure, be sure that 造句 -
暨施帕利: be sure 1.How can we be sureabout the bible accounts? 我们怎样确信圣经的记录? 2.Then one each up close, just to be sure. 然后靠近再一人一枪只为了保险 3.You can be sure our service will no doubt help you expand your market. 你可以确信我...

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