请尽快的帮我翻译呢 请英语牛人团的天箫怡静 帮忙啦

作者&投稿:铎律 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
请英语牛人团队的天箫怡静 帮忙翻译了 急用啊~


我在美国工作近20年,自己写过求职信,也招过不少人、处理过无数的求职信。近来在网上看国内很多商业英语课程的视频、帖子中讲到的“求职信的写法”, 总觉得不得要领。所以把我所观察到的一些问题以及解决办法,与大家分享一下。
To whom it may concern:
I am applying for the position of Immunology Technician, which was advertised on the website of ABCD.com. The position seems to fit very well with my education, experience, and career interests.   
I have a (Country) "Diplom" degree in Molecular Biotechnology from xxx University, (Country). The courses that I took included Molecular Medicine and Bioanalysis. During my Diplom's thesis research I have acquired good experience in Elisa test.   
I possess good English skills: I had passed College English Test (band 6), when I studied in China. I have continued to study on my own and maintained my English skills at a high level. I can quickly retrieve and read professional literature and thereafter wrote my Diplom thesis in English.
I have worked in the xxx Products Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute for about X years, engaged in food laboratory testing and analysis. During this time I have experienced the Laboratory Accreditation.   
Please pay special attention to my good (Country) language skills and many years of life experience in (Country). As a company with (Country) background, you may prefer these skills and experience.   
I love laboratory research and development work and am confident of the development of the ICL (Independent Clinical Laboratory) in China. Your company aims to become China's largest Medical testing company. I wish I had the opportunity to help your company achieve this goal.   
I should be glad to have a personal interview and am looking forward to receiving your answer.   
Sincerely yours,

首先,负责招聘的人一般都很忙,求职信必须在他用3、5秒钟粗略扫一眼的时候,就给他一个不错的印象,他才有可能仔细读信。如今用人单位都强调要找 team player,即具有团队精神的人。但你粗略扫一眼这封信就会发现: 总共7段话中,6段都是以“我” I 开头的。 尽管求职信的目的是推销自己,但不能给人以“此人很自我、自大”的感觉 (This guy is so full of himself!)。所以要尽可能少用“I”,尤其是在段落开头。这话听起来可能有点儿极端,但是请别忘了:我们说的是招聘经理面对一大堆信件,在3、5秒钟内匆匆作出的“是仔细阅读此信还是把它扔掉”的决定,而不是花30、50分钟仔细考虑后作出的理性决定。
其次,推销自己的关键,并不在于大谈自己的教育背景、专长、本领、经历,而在于说明自己的专长等等如何能够在这个职位上发挥什么重要作用。一句话,“我”能为“你”这个老板作出什么重要贡献、带来什么实际效益。求职者,是“卖方”;老板,是“买方”。这个道理说来再浅显不过,但是绝大多数人写求职信时偏偏就忘了这一点,所以你常可看到有人写出 “this position fits me very well”这种话来! 正确的说法应该是类似这样的话: "...my education, advanced training, career interest, and above all, strong hands-on experience will be a tremendous asset in this position”。 整封信的重点,永远必须都放在招聘经理和这个职位上,强调“我”的经历、专长如何适合“你”这个经理和这个职位、如何能发挥重要作用,而且整封信的调子显得态度非常积极向上。
三、紧扣主题,用词力求简洁。公司的人一般都很忙,没功夫象衙门里的人那样搞“空对空”、“务虚”的东西。能用3个词说清楚的事情,不要用4、5个词。Keep it short and sweet – 简短、中听。
四、信中专门提到Molecular Medicine 和 Bioanalysis,那估计这2门课对这个工作比较重要。如果你这两门课学得不错的话,理当把自己的优秀成绩(或者有意义的实验报告等)专门提一下,以示能胜任这个工作。
六、信的抬头,最好不要说“致启者”,显得非常疏远、冷漠。能找到招聘经理的姓名最好。实在不行,那就用 Dear Sir/Madam,也比 To whom it may concern 强。
七、关于lab accreditation 那段话,与其说 I experienced the lab accreditation process, 不如说I helped in the lab accreditation process / I was in charge of documentation or database…. / I played a key / leading part in the lab's accreditation process。如果在 accreditation 过程中具体做了什么有意义的工作,就必须提一下。关键在于处处表现出:“我的态度非常积极向上,无论到哪里,我对工作都全力以赴,都积极作贡献!”而不仅仅是“哦,对,那个 XXX的时候我也在。” Help 是一个非常灵活的词,既可用来适当地“吹嘘”自己,又留有余地、不显得过份。属于“进可攻,退可守”型的。如果在 accreditation 的过程中你就是一个小小当差的,那说 I helped ……. 也不过分,我哪怕帮着打了几个电话,也是 help 了! 如果当时确实是独挡一面,对整个过程有比较重要的贡献,那就当仁不让,省去 help,而说 I played a key / leading part in ……
八、拿出一些自信心来! 不要说 I wish。。。 wish = 不太可能实现的愿望,“要是。。。就好了”,比白日梦略强些,但强得有限。 Seem to,appear to 这类词,在求职信中谈到自己的条件为什么符合对方要求的时候,也要避免,否则显得缺乏自信。如果连你都对自己都没有十分的信心,用人单位又凭什么就该对你有信心?
最后,也是最基本的一条:尽最大可能确保语法、拼写的准确,以给人留下一个专业人士/ professional 的印象。


The respect your company leadership:

Hello!!!!! First of all, to your hard work with deeply respect!!!!! At the same time really thank you in your busy schedule to read the application materials vertical. Today, I'm from college recruitment information column that your company hiring the driller, because is eager to join your company's oil fields in the technical services team, so to apply the posts.

University, in the strict teacher educational and individual effort, I have a solid basis of professional knowledge, excellent academic performance, won consecutive national scholarship and excellent students honor. According to the cooperation in running schools' specialty features, I study English specialty knowledge, have good English listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation. And the smooth through the national college students' English four levels of tests. Do my best to meet the company in the face the international market development of new employees in requirements. At the same time, I use after school to study computer software for office knowledge, can be engaged in the Word, Excel operation.

I also actively take part in all kinds of social activities, to seize every opportunity to exercise. Through professional training and skills to participate in competition, I deepened to the theoretical knowledge understanding, also mastered the related drilling equipment operation. I as oil workers from father learned a lot, not only should have long endured hard environment of perseverance, and treat work to bold carefully, seeking truth from facts, careless, abide by the management system. The experience of working in summer and winter vacations have further experience. Successively served as assistant and learning committee member, the teacher in charge from which I feel the importance of responsibility and to strengthen the communication can effectively achieve the organization and management ability, so as to serve the students. In addition, I also often exercise body, have a healthy body.

I believe I have the ability and perseverance competent for your company's position. If I am lucky enough to add to your company's team, I will aid this big stage, the full cast my talent and ability for the company to contribute my strength. Please believe me, believe that your choice.

I wish your esteemed company prosperity! I wish you good health, success in work! Eagerly waiting for your reply!!!! Thank you!




2)只要熬夜就会对除此之外身体健康良好的孩子造成加剧的学习困难以及造成精神不能集中等问题,gaha fallon,该研究的主作者说

Distinguished leadership of your company:
Hello! First of all, to your hard work to express deep respect! At the same time, thank you in his busy schedule to read my job hanging material. Today, I from college recruitment information bar was informed that your company's recruitment of drilling engineering, because is eager to join your company oilfield technical services team, so to apply.
During the period of University, teachers and strict personal effort, I have a solid foundation of professional knowledge, and achieved excellent academic performance, continuous access to national scholarships and outstanding student award. According to the cooperation education of professional setting characteristics, I seriously study and professional knowledge of English, have good English listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation ability. And successfully passed the National College English test band four. Try my best to meet the company in the international market development of new employee requirements. At the same time, I used the spare time to learn computer office software knowledge, can be engaged in Word, Excel operation.
I also actively participate in various social activities, to seize every opportunity to exercise their own. By participating in the professional training and skills contest, I deepened the understanding of theoretical knowledge, but also master the associated drilling equipment operation. As the oil workers from my father learned a lot, not only have to endure the tough environment perseverance, work should be treated carefully and bold, seek truth from facts, the overall situation, abide by the management system. In the winter and summer vacations working experience with further experience. He served as the assistant and a member of the study, from which I feel the importance of responsibility and strengthen the communication can be effectively achieved the organization and management capacity, so as to serve the students. In addition, I also regular exercise, good health.
I believe I have the ability and the will for your company the job. If I have the honor to join your team, I will use this big stage, fully display my talent and ability to contribute my strength. Please believe me, believe your choice.
I wish the cause of your company be on the upgrade! I wish you good health, work smoothly! Eagerly look forward to hearing from you, thank you!
Sincerely yours

海城市15819751194: 请尽快帮我翻译,英文. -
秦侨龙威: They are wrapped in original delicated packs with new labels. Thanks

海城市15819751194: 英语翻译请尽快帮我翻译. -
秦侨龙威:[答案] 应该是:属于

海城市15819751194: 英语牛人请翻译,以下求助 ,感谢WHAT I HAVE ;What I have, they will not take away from me anymore;what I do not have, I'll surely never need;what I have, ... -
秦侨龙威:[答案] 我所拥有的:属于我的,任何人也拿不走;不属于我的,我也从不奢求;我所拥有的,别人给不了我;不属于我的,我也可能也用不上.标点咋都是分号.你这都是分号我没法理解后面那部分应该是怎样断句的.

海城市15819751194: 请英语牛人帮我翻译一段话..!!
秦侨龙威: good evening everyone/greetings, us five members of the band "Blue" came from Manchester, England. We gladly accepted Ms. Lee's invitations to come here to perform for everyone. I hope our songs would send love to everyone...now allow me to introduce the five members to the band:XXXXXXXXX Ok! Let's get started! music

海城市15819751194: 向英语牛人团求助!请翻译:1.Because people came to drink there while they were waiting for train .2.At two o'clock one morning -
秦侨龙威:[答案] 1、因为人们在等火车的期间里就去那儿喝酒. 2、在某天早上两点钟.

海城市15819751194: 请英语牛人团的大神们帮我英译一下短句:挑战自我,勇攀命运险峰! -
秦侨龙威: 你可以说:Challenge oneself, Fight for one's fate like overcoming a steepy montain.希望帮到你

海城市15819751194: 请牛人帮忙翻译一个英文句子吧.急用,不甚感激! -
秦侨龙威: As industrialization gradually goes deep, and the number of female staff rising: in 1841 to 164 in 1861, 274, 1891 to 17859 people in 1911, ll7057, all st...

海城市15819751194: 英语牛人!请进来帮忙!急 -
秦侨龙威: 朋友你好:下面是我翻译的,请看一下. I'm very glad to hear from you.I think it's a good way to use FedEx,please give me your account and the address.I'll send the works to you as soon as possible.Specially,could you please send a certificate of ...

海城市15819751194: 英语翻译知道的亲,你们在哪啊!请尽快帮我翻译下,句一:谢谢你会喜欢.句二:谢谢你喜欢我的相片(照片),你太赞美我了. -
秦侨龙威:[答案] 句一:谢谢你会喜欢.Thank you.Really thank you.Thank you for you like it.句二:谢谢你喜欢我的相片(照片),你太赞美我了.Thank you very much for you like / enjoy my photo.You over praised me.Many thanks ...

海城市15819751194: “英语牛人团”请帮帮忙,中译英,急急急!!! -
秦侨龙威: 1,Discussion about the announcement & usage of the archives and the protection of the intellectual property rights when basing on the internet condition.2, In recent years, for using the computer network technology, the infomationization speed of ...

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