
作者&投稿:原柱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

you can go the by No.22 bus

1 Which season in New York does Ben like best?
2 Do you often swim in summer?
3 I usually go fishing and climbing on Sundays.
4 What's the weather like in autumn?
5 The weather in Nanjing is as hot as in summer.


1. can you turn left at the second traffic light?
2.walk straight to the park for three minutes
3,can the boys run fast in the playgroud?
4.the library is in the front of the traffic lights
5,thank you for coming to my birthday party


1. can you turn left at the second traffic light?
2.walk straight to the park for three minutes
3,can the boys run fast in the playgroud?
4.the library is in the front of the traffic lights
5,thank you for coming to my birthday party

Can you turn left at the second traffic light?
Walk straight to the park for three minutes.
Can the boys run fast in the playground?
In the front of the library is the traffic lights.
Thank you for coming to my birthday party.

五年级上册英语连词成句有:1、what do you have on thursdays?你周四有什么课?2、we have english, math and science on thursdays.我们星期四有英语、数学和科学课。3、what do you have for lunch on mondays?你们星期一午饭吃什么?4、we have tomatoes, tofu and fish.我们吃西红柿、豆腐和...

mouse is afraid angry and怎么连词成句?
将这几个单词连词成句是:Mouse is afraid and angry.(老鼠又害怕又生气。)英语的连词成句方法:小学英语从三年级到四年级,出现了一种新的题型——连词成句,这种题型很好的测试了学生对语言运用的掌握,这跟小学语文中的连词成句有着异曲同工之妙。下面是本人收集整理的一些英语的连词成句方法,...

1.can you turn left at the second traffic light?2.walk straight to the park for three minutes 3,can the boys run fast in the playgroud?4.the library is in the front of the traffic lights 5,thank you for coming to my birthday party 如还有疑问,欢迎可以进入乐知各级别英语外...

students take turns to clean up the the classroom.学生轮流打扫教室 two teaspoons of milk is enough to make a banana shake。两勺牛奶足够制作一份香蕉饮料了。

四年级英语上册much,You,so,can't 连词成句
So much you can't !

3 There is a hospital next to the hotel .4 There are 90 teachers in my mothe's school.5 There are a lot of trees in front of the house.May you be happy every day and make greatprogress !本题不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请及时采纳,谢谢!

My mother asked me to look after my little brother at home(我妈妈让我在家照顾弟弟= =)

1.here ride bicycle your don't (Don‘t ride your bike here.)2.book a in this photo picture is there (There is a photo in this picture book.)3.want to in stand I line (I want to stand in line.)4.got have they postcard some (They have got some postcards.)...

I like spring best because i can fly kites ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!

小学英语人教版四年级上册第三单元考试题型,连词成句,有诀窍吗_百度知 ...

宾阳县15014149282: 六年级英语单词连词成句1.seeds,put,where,did,you,the?2.shoots,the,out,when,did,come?3.water,didn't,he,flowers,yesterday,moraning,the.4.the,time,pick,is,... -
标变复方:[答案] 1.Where did you put the seeds? 2.When did the shoots come out? 3.He didn't water the flows yesterday morning. 4.It is time to pick the fruit? 【手册上的额.偶刚做完铪~】

宾阳县15014149282: 六年级英语连词成句有哪些? -
标变复方:[答案] 题目1.be,fun,that,will2.going,at,o'clock,three,I'm,there3.brother,going,by,si,his,train4.give,what,her,to,are,going,you5.walk,future,the,to,want,on,the,I,moon,in答案That will be fun.I'm going there at...

宾阳县15014149282: 六年级上册英语连词成句can,turn,you,at,second,the,left,traffic,light for,walk ,three ,minutes ,straight ,park ,to ,thethe,fast,boys,the,run,playground,in,canlibrary,in,... -
标变复方:[答案] 1. can you turn left at the second traffic light? 2.walk straight to the park for three minutes 3,can the boys run fast in the ... 4.the library is in the front of the traffic lights 5,thank you for coming to my birthday party 如还有疑问,欢迎可以进入乐知各级别英语外...

宾阳县15014149282: 小学英语六年级的连词成句,1、 is 、 this 、 whose 、desk2、 the、 chair、mine、is、over、these、3、trousers、 blue、the、whose、are、4、think 、i、 ... -
标变复方:[答案] 我也是六年级的,这个是我自己想的,我也不知道对不对.如有错误,请多指教,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~1.Whose desk is this ?2.The chair over these is mine.3.Whose trouserers are blue?4.I think the brown shoes are the twin...

宾阳县15014149282: 六年级的英语连词成句1.going plant to garden our in flowers is he .2.he cartoons watches TV on .3.from come where rain does the.4.they same like the thing. -
标变复方:[答案] 1.He is going to plant flowers in our garden. 2.He watches cartoons onTV 3.Where does the rain come from? 4.They like the same thing.

宾阳县15014149282: 六年级上册英语连词成句 -
标变复方: 1. can you turn left at the second traffic light? 2.walk straight to the park for three minutes 3,can the boys run fast in the playgroud? 4.the library is in the front of the traffic lights 5,thank you for coming to my birthday party 如还有疑问,欢迎可以进入乐知各级别英语外教课免费旁听. 希望能帮到您

宾阳县15014149282: 小学六年级英语连词成句? -
标变复方: 1:My name is linda ,i am from london. 2:what a fantastic present! 3:Thank you!You are welcome 4:There are flags from aii around the world. 5:Sometimes she rides her bike to school. 6:DO you want to visit the zoo? NO,i don't. 7:Those bears are what...

宾阳县15014149282: 六年级上册英语连词成句(注意句后标点) -
标变复方: 1.The traffic lights are the same in every country.2.Go straight,then turn left at the cineam.3.I water my flowers twice a day.

宾阳县15014149282: 六年级英语连词成句1.the,lessons,it,on,first,is,Monday2.we,a,lessons,in,we,more,Maths,hope,have,week -
标变复方:[答案] 您好! 1.It is the first lesson on Monday. 这是星期一的第一节课. 2.We hope we have more Maths lessons in a week. 我们希望我们可以在一星期内上更多的数学课.

宾阳县15014149282: 六年级上册的连词成句····都给他连一下吧on the left,inengland,drivers,road,the,of,drive,side.to,the,next,it,is,shoe,store.the,on,left,the,is,bookstore.is,a,... -
标变复方:[答案] Drivers drive on the left side of the road in england. It is to the next shoe store The bookstore is on the left There is a cinema near here? He likes to listening music We look the same tjings but w...

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