
作者&投稿:凤梦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


This is my room.It's big and clean.There is a big bed in my room.There is a schoolbag on the chair.There is a dictionary on the desk. And there is a pair of glasses on the TV.Look at the photo.It's on the wall. I like my room.

My favourite thing is my ipod touch. My aunt bought it for me last september from USA. It is a really cool music player.Except for listening music, it can also be used to watch videos, photos and even browse internet. It has WiFi connection service, so in any place where there is WiFi signal such as Starbucks and Pizzahut,I can freely use my ipod to check my emails or chat with my friends on line.Isn't this cool? And because of its function for watching videos, the time I have to spend on buses to school everyday become not that boring anymore.
I can enjoy some English movies during my trip in order to practise my English.

It's a quiet,clean room.There's a desk by the window.


A white ruler and a black pen is on the desk.


There's a blue quilt on bed in the middle of the room,and my green jacket is on the quilt.





1、绿色green在英语中可以表示嫉妒、眼红,如:green with envy,green as jealousy,green-eyed monster都是指“十分嫉妒”的意思。


例句:She is green-eyed with his success. 她对他的成功感到眼红。


例句:例句:I have to earn lots of green paper to buy a big car. 我只有赚很多钱才能买一辆大车。

the green stuff:美钞

green back:美钞(因为美元背面为绿色)


例句:Tom is a green hand in computer operation.


I have a small room. There is a black bed in it. Beside the bed, there is a brown desk and a white chair. There is a yellow bookshelf beteen the desk and the bed. There is a white and black football under the bed.

有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)

孟祥龙? 柳栋


There is a desk in my room.在我的房间里有一个书桌。There is my room.这是我的房间。

This is my room.It's big and clean.There is a big bed in my room.There is a schoolbag on the chair.There is a dictionary on the desk. And there is a pair of glasses on the TV.Look at the photo.It's on the wall. I like my room.译文:这是我的房间。它又大又干净...

1.As you enter my room there is a double bed on your right side. There is navy blue bedding on my bed. I have a dresser on the other side of the room. The dresser has five drawers in it. I also have a chest on the end of my bed. The chest is filled with pitchu...

This is my bedroom.There is a bed next to the window. There are some comic books on the bed. There are two balls under the bed. There is a desk next to the bed. There is a pencil case and a notebook on the desk. There is a chair in front of the desk. There is ...

卧室里有一张小床,一个书桌,一把椅子和一个小书架。书架靠近窗户,上面放的是我最爱看的书和一些古典音乐光盘。西面的墙上挂着一把小提琴,那是我的最爱,闲暇时我总是拉小提琴自娱自乐。 本回答由提问者推荐 举报| 答案纠错 | 评论 77 12 极道小姐 采纳率:14% 擅长: 动漫 游戏 ...

very tidy.【参考译文】我的卧室大约有10平方米。虽然它不大,但是它很温馨。我的床靠墙。在床上有许多布娃娃,它们都很可爱。墙上有一些卡通漫画和一张全家福。书柜立在床的旁边,在书柜里有许多的书,它们都是我最喜欢的。当我累的时候,我常常读书来放松自己。书桌在书柜的旁边,书桌上很整洁。

一 This is my room, I love my room because it has blue wall papers, my favirot color, just by standing in my room makes me feel good and that I also have some posters on my wall, all my favirot stars. I have a bed next to the window, it is a small bed. I've ...

介绍自己的房间英语作文句型here be 60词以上
There is a big bed in my room.有一个大床在我的房间.There are some shoes under the bed.有一些鞋子在床底下.There is a yellow desk in my room.有一个黄色的书桌在我的房间.There are some pens on the desk.有一些钢笔在书桌上.The bed ahd desk are near the window.床和书桌靠近...

翻译:这是谁的房间呢?这是我的房间。The bed is near the window.翻译:床在窗的附近。A quilt and a doll is on the bed.翻译:一张被子和一个洋娃娃在床的上面。What color is my bed?翻译:我的床是什么颜色呢?It's my favourite color—purple.翻译:是我最喜欢的颜色——紫色。It...

用英语介绍自己的房间:Look , I have a nice room . Come and have a look . It’s small and nice . There is a big bed , a small desk , a shelf and a closet . The bed is near the desk .There is a shelf near the closet too . Many good books are in the shelf . ...

达州市13371376593: 用英语介绍房间物品的颜色 -
错河因力: I have a small room. There is a black bed in it. Beside the bed, there is a brown desk and a white chair. There is a yellow bookshelf beteen the desk and the bed. There is a white and black football under the bed. 有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)

达州市13371376593: 初一英语书面表达,你的英国朋友tom来你家做客,英语介绍我的卧室物品的颜色,不少于三句话:一个书桌,一个电话,一个文具盒(文具盒里有一直钢... -
错河因力:[答案] 我来晚了

达州市13371376593: 初一文化写以英语写一篇描写自己卧室的什么物品的颜色20字左右急速度了!各位帮下了速度额. -
错河因力: My bedroom has a blue desk,It is very creativ.There is a pink bed ,The wall was covered with be riotous with colour cartoon poster And my photos . (其实我也需要呢,呵呵!)

达州市13371376593: ——优化与提升七年级上册英语 ——见下图,假设这是你的房间,请发挥想象,描述房间里各种物品的颜色. -
错河因力: what's this in English? It's a jacket. what's color is it? It's black.what's this in English? It's a pillow. what's color is it? It's green.其他的换个单词,换个颜色就好了.

达州市13371376593: 用英语 介绍房间里的东西.蓝色的钢笔 黑色的铅笔 红色的被子 夹克衫是绿色的 -
错河因力: In my room,there is red quilt,green jacket,blue pen and black pencil.

达州市13371376593: 英语介绍我的卧室的物品颜色 -
错河因力: There is a white ruler and a pen on the desk. Next to the desk is a bed. On the bed, there is a black quilt and some green clothes.

达州市13371376593: 描写房间的物品 英语作文 -
错河因力:[答案] My kitchen is small.我的厨房很小.There is a refrigerator in the kitchen.厨房里有个冰箱.The refrigerator is white.冰箱的颜色是白的.It is on the right.它位于房间右侧.There is an electric cooker in the k...

达州市13371376593: 如何用英语说出教室里物品颜色? -
错河因力: What color is it? it is __________ 这个句式基本能解决关于颜色的问题

达州市13371376593: 英文编写一段对话,来描述物品的颜色、拼写等 -
错河因力: ★周末,爱丽丝到海伦家做客.Weekends, Alice to the Helen home guest.★ 海伦的房间有许多物品. Helen's room has many things. ★爱丽丝指着一个黄色的东西问:“这是什么?”Alice pointed to something yellow and asked, "What is it?"...

达州市13371376593: 用英语介绍自己的房间内一些物品(包括其数量,颜色等),不少于5句. -
错河因力: 写作思路:要直接简化任务语言.在叙述中,我们要把直接叙述变成间接叙述,尽可能简化人物语言.这样,即使情节连贯,又使语句“简练”. This is my room.It's big and clean.There is a big bed in my room.There is a schoolbag on the ...

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