
作者&投稿:桐剂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语作文 速度啊! 假设你是李明,上周你收到了来自美国的笔友Tom的一封信,信中他向你~

Dear Tom:
Long time no see.How are you?
How fast the time goes!The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming.It's a very important festival in China.It falls on August 15th in Chinese lunar calendar, that is in September or October in solar calendar.

To Tom
Hello, Tom. How are you doing recently. According to your needs, I have collected the real examples of my assisting disabled people in their normal day-to-day lives. Considering I need to word very hard in weekdays to support my family, I can only do voluntary work in the International volunteer association. As usual, I take those sitting in wheelchairs to park for walking, breathing fresh air and helping them to do some exercises. Also, for those mentally disabled, we can assist them in recovering their intelligence by speaking to them and play some games with them. Annually, we usually financially help those disabled people by a charitable meeting. I normally donate 10% of my total income per year to the charity. In general, we would like to do more to help those disable people and we hope more wealthy and free people can help them as well.好了

Dear Tom:
My parents and i went to the seaside on weekend . We had a series activities after getting to the hotel . We played the volleyball in the besch at first and had a good time . Then we went out for a pinic and we really enjoyed it . In the evening we went for a walk and we felt very relax . That was the best place i have ever been. So i have to leave you a meesage about we are going to getting back probably on Sunday afternoon .

Dear Tom:
I go to the seaside with my parents this weekend,it's very fun.
First,I play volleyball after go to hotel.Next,I go and have a picnic in a park.Then,I go out for a walk.
I come home on Sunday aftenoon,it's so intersting.
This is my weekend,tell me about you!

爸爸微笑着,把文具盒送给我说:“这是爸爸送给你的生日礼物,希望你上课认真听讲,好好学习,天天向上,打好基础知识,长大了做一个对国家、对社会有用的人才。” 这个文具盒带着爸爸对我的期望,我一定要好好学习,用优异的成绩来报答爸爸妈妈。 5. 《给某人写一封信》作文400字以上 亲爱的父母大人:你们好!你们...

安门洁洁同学,以上是我写作文、学数学的一点体会,但愿对你有帮助;如果你有好的 学习 经验 ,也可以写信交流。 祝你:学习进步。身体健康! 你的朋友:__ 20__年__月__日 给__的一封信作文500字6 李柏辰同学,你好 我是广东的陈文轩同学。今年四年级,我很喜欢看书,是班上的 故事 大王,现在我来给你介绍介...

相信许多人会觉得书信很难写吧,下面是我给大家带来的 作文 给自己的一封信大全8篇,以供大家参考! 作文给自己的一封信大全1 亲爱的自己: 你好! 如今又长大了一岁,将在不久迎来十八岁生日的你此刻肯定激动无比吧。是啊,那将是你这一生中最不平凡的一天,因为那天过后你将挥手告别你的未成年,真正的成为一个...

老师,是教导我们的人,对于老师,我们有许多心里话却难以说出口,不如给老师写一封信, 说说 心里话。下面是我整理的给老师的写一封信400字10篇,欢迎阅读分享,希望对大家有所帮助。 给老师的写一封信1 敬爱的张老师: 在将要告别母校之前,我特别想感谢您。 自从我来到这个校园后,您就跟着我们这个大集体一直到六年级...

给妈妈的一封信四年级作文亲爱的妈妈 您好 第一次给您写信 有很多心里话要对您说 但是又不知该说些什么 我现在已经上四年级了 已经渐渐地长大 已经慢慢地懂事 已经知道你们辛辛苦苦地把我养大 付出了很多心血 当我躺在摇篮里的时候 是您日日夜夜地陪我一点点的长大...


一篇英语作文 写一封信给你朋友如何学习英语
范文:Dear Lucy.I am so glad to hear from you and I am so sorry that I have been too busy to reply you these days. I've heard that you are having trouble learning English, which makes you upset. Don't worry and never be upset.Here are some tips to learn English that...

老师,您向一个辛勤的园丁,我们像一棵棵树苗,您每天都给我们浇水、施肥,让我们一天天在成长,让我们一天天在变化,你却一天天在变老,您用您的汗水给了我们知识,谢谢您,老师。 祝您:身体健康 您的学生 给老师的写一封信四年级作文4 敬爱的张老师: 您好! 大家都说老师像一支蜡烛照亮我们前进的道路,让我们茁壮...

给朋友写一封信,学习英语的最佳方法给他提一些建议 以这个写一篇英语作...
第三,用于说英语。对于很多中国人来说,英语就是“哑巴英语”,因为他们能听,读,写却不能说。许多人基于面子的问题不说英语。错误会使他们感到尴尬。Last but not the least, practice. Practice makes perfect. Adhering to practice listening, speaking, reading and writing to cultivate a good ...

篇四:第一次写信 唉!从小到大我从来没写过一封信呀!可是,在前几天的时候,我们老师上我们写信,寄信。我一听就愣了,我不会写。老师给我们讲了怎样写信,写信的格式是怎样写的后。可是,写到了第二段时,下面就不会写了,什么都忘了。我倾瞟了一下了同桌班长的作文后,就有了思路。就撕...

大田县13775876694: 《急》求一篇英语作文!假如你叫李华,请用英语给你的笔友Tom写一封信.信中必须包括以下内容:1.从上封信中得知Tom所在的足球队获胜的消息非常高... -
戊蓝消癥:[答案] Dear Tom: I'm glad to receive the letter you wrote to me.Knowing the news of victory the football team that you are belong to,I feel exceedingly happy.What's more,I wish that you can work hardrer and harder.Only by this way can you win the greater ...

大田县13775876694: 求一篇英语作文,假如你是李华请你给美国的笔友TOM写一封信,告诉她你近期的状况包括学习生活并告诉他今年请各路高人帮帮忙,语法要正确哦!小生在... -
戊蓝消癥:[答案] Dear Tom I am very happy to receive your letter. I am fine these days but a bit busy. I am always busy with my study and there are lots of homework to do every day. I work hard and I am interested in all the subjects so I can alwasy get good grades. I often ...

大田县13775876694: 写一个英语作文(给你的笔友TOM写封信,提示如下)1.Name:Li Lin 2.Age:14 3.School:Apple tree school 4.Like and dislike:like playing the guiter and football... -
戊蓝消癥:[答案] Dear Tom,I'm glad to write a letter to you.And it's my pleasure to have a new friend like you.At first,let me introduce myself to you.My name is Li Lin.I'm 14 years old.I study at Apple Tree School.I ...

大田县13775876694: 写一个英语作文(给你的笔友TOM写封信,提示如下) -
戊蓝消癥: Dear Tom,I'm glad to write a letter to you. And it's my pleasure to have a new friend like you.At first, let me introduce myself to you. My name is Li Lin. I'm 14 years old. I study at Apple Tree School. I like playing the guitar and playing football, but I ...

大田县13775876694: 英语作文 写给美国笔友汤姆的信
戊蓝消癥: Dear Tom I am very happy to receive your letter.Now let me tell you something about my English teacher Mr Gao. He is forty years old. He has a happy family. He is outgoing and he can always get on well with others. He neither smokes nor drinks. He ...

大田县13775876694: 求一篇英语作文!是给美国的笔友Tom写一封信,告诉他自己的高中新生活及自己的计划! -
戊蓝消癥:[答案] 同学 自己的作文要自己写

大田县13775876694: 给美国笔友汤姆的一封信.告诉他你在英语学习方面有困难,想提高成绩,却又不知道如何去做,证求意见 字数80 -
戊蓝消癥:[答案] Dear Tom, We are good friends, so I have something to say to you. I have some problems in study English. First, I don't like English at all because it 's very boring and difficult. Second, I can't ...

大田县13775876694: 英语作文:假如你是迈克,你将要去美国读书,请写一封信给你的美国笔友TOM.提示:①介绍自己,②什么时候去美国,③礼貌的问美国的情况,(宾语从... -
戊蓝消癥:[答案] dear mikei'd like to say something about my life in high school .I am very busy this term.I get up very early every day.After having breakfast,I go to school by bus.Class begins at half past seven.We ...

大田县13775876694: 给你的笔友Tom写一封信,告诉他你的一天是怎样度过的.要求语句连贯,不少于5句话. -
戊蓝消癥:[答案] Dear Tom It is Friday,August 8th.I get up at 6 o'ciock.I eat breakfast at 7 o'clock.At 8 o'clock,I go to school.Today I hava math calass,Chinese class and English class .Then at 16 o'clock .I go home. Yours, xxxxxx(名字)

大田县13775876694: 请根据所给信息给你的笔友Tom写一封信,向他了解如何学好英语 -
戊蓝消癥:[答案] A答案:Dear Tom:How are you? I hope you are fine. Can you help me? I think my english is not very good. Need your help. Hope you will do that. A big thank to you! ...

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