Ameirican Idol的发展史

作者&投稿:沈祝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
The history of Ameirican misc?~

America dominates the world in many areas, but the one area of American domination that the world accepts the most is its music. American popular music forms; Blues, Jazz, Country, Rock, R&B, RAP, and Hip-Hop, are loved, and studied world wide. When the British Invasion of the 1960's hit America, almost to a man each group or individual stated their love of American music as their primary influence. The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Tom Jones, Dave Clark 5, and many other British groups and individual performers, all claim American music as their source of inspiration. But the music they loved had its roots in the one true cultural melting pot of America, its music. Rock and Roll grew from the melding of Black Rhythm and Blues with Country and Western. This mixture was so volatile that several southern congressmen went on record stating that Rock and Roll was a plot to destroy American values by encouraging race micing. Originating in the Northern Urban centers in predominately black areas, Rock and Roll started out being labeled as rebellious, primative, black music. Some white artists like Buddy Holly and the Big Bopper introduced Rock and Roll to the "mainstream" youth in the early 1950's, and their influence along with others began the first true multi-racial and multi-cultural movement in America. It was legendary Elvis Presley bursting on the scene in the middle 1950's that signaled that Rock and Roll had began to become accepted as legitimate. Rhythm and Blues (now called R and B) can trace its roots directly from Jazz, Ragtime, and the old black Gospel and Spritual standards. The narrative form and rich beat of these forms also form the basis for today's RAP and Hip-Hop. It is this music which form the basis of the rhythms of modern American Popular Music. From New Orleans Jazz, to the Motown Sound, to Urban Hip-Hop and Rap, black music forms the core of comtemporary music in America. There is hardly a Rocker anywhere who can't trace their music's roots to the sound of black America. The emphasis on rhythm and storytelling has always been part of what made this music popular. Black music in America is argueably the most original and traceable music form in America. It reflect the sum of the Black experience in a way that is truly unique and American. Modern Country and Western music has its roots in the folk songs of the rural south and the cowboy music popularized by the singing cowboys of the 30's, 40's and 50's. It was also influenced by many songs born of the strife and conflict of the impoverished miners and farmers or the depresssion era. Moving from the rural areas and focusing on southern urban centers it found a home on the radio nationwide predominantly from Nashville on the Grand Ole Opray. Finding a broader audience in post-war years and Country Music began to move from "hillbilly music" to more sophisticated and polished form that exist today. Rock-a-Billy, Country, and Bluegrass,all came from the simple form of story telling by music. The 1980's and 1990's saw a rebirth of the influence of the Latin rhythms in American Music. The Miami Sound and the Mexican influence swept into American Music. Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Mexican artist in all forms added their music to the mix. Rap, Country, Rock, and R and B have all been touched by the Latin beat. The media explosion of the 1950's and 1960's was fueled by Rock and Roll on Radio, Television, and the movies. The beat of Rock and Roll became the dominant force of American music, and the lines between the forms began to blend. Music forms are no longer segregated by race today as the forms have merged across the lines of culture in America. Today the effect of this mixing of music and culture can be seen everywhere in the culture. Jose Felicano sings the Doors "Light My Fire". Whitney Houston soulfully sings a song written by Dolly Parton, Lionel Richey writes Country songs for Kenny Rogers. Ray Charles has had some of his greatest hits from Country and Western standards like "Your Cheatin' Heart". The movie "Back to the Future" has its hero, Marty McFly's a young white man who loves Rock music, have his life changed and in turn changes history by introducing Chuck Berry to the style of Music that made him (Berry) famous. Marshall Mathers, better known as Eminem, is a white Rap artist who crosses all lines. The Miami Sound Machine moves everyone to a big Salsa Party. The Sound of Motown becomes the turning point in American music history. Today America's Music does what it always has done, bring people together. In American Music every aspect of life, etnicity, and culture is merged, mixed, and highlighted. The rich diversity of American culture and life is reflected in its lively beat filled rhythms. American music is the story of the country, a reflection of a nation alive with change, filled with curiousity,and lead by hope and excitement. As it continues to grow and change, including more and more of all that America is, American Music continues to attract and entice the whole world, because it is truly the best of all that is America.

不错的乐队 这是专辑三张专辑

歌手姓名: 美国立体声(American Hi Fi) 英文名: American Hi Fi
唱片公司: Maverick
生 日: 0001-1-1 星 座: 血 型: 型 身 高: 0 体 重: 0
国 籍: 美国 语 言: 英语
兴 趣:
个人经历: 在介绍American hi-fi之前,先来给大家讲一下什么是Post-Grunge。 Post-grunge出现在上世纪九十年代初,早期的Grunge乐队带有明显的地下色彩和独立摇滚的魄力,相比之下,Post-Grunge虽然继承了前辈的焦躁情绪和沉重的音色,但大部分乐队与大厂牌唱盘公司签约,他们的音乐更加干净而且不够凶猛,创作主题开始通俗化,喜欢用励志的歌词,并带有明显的商业化倾向。 American hi-fi是一个幕后乐队,跟SUM41一样同属Island公司。刚才介绍过什么是Post-grunge,而AHF就是同属于这个风格的乐队。Stacey Jones在成立AHF前,曾在90年代非常着名的两芝乐队里担任鼓手,即Letters To Cleo和Veruca Salt,在这些乐队里的生活最后让他决定自己成立一个乐队。在为Veruca Salt主唱NinaGordon的个人专辑Tonight And The Rest Of My Life最后一次担任鼓手后,他同吉他手Jaime Arentzen, 贝司手Drew Parsons, 鼓手Brian Nolan在他的家乡波士顿成立AHF,签至Island旗下。2001年,他们出版了首张同名专辑。其中,Flavour Of The Week,和笔者现在介绍这首Another Perfect Day都成为热门单曲。 别人对他们的定位是流行摇滚或是流行朋克,又或是新金属,但无论怎么样这张同名专辑还是和传统意义上的那些听上去略有不同,有抒情的Safer On The Outside,Don't Wait For The Sun表现都很不错。2003年,American Hi-Fi发行了第二张专辑《The Art Of Losing》。如果是上张专辑中‘Flavour of the week’的忠实听众,那你会很容易发现这张新专辑中有很多继承它的东西,标题曲‘The art of losing’带有浓烈朋克节奏和曲调的感觉,而‘The break-up song’则同Blink-182的‘First date’有相呼应般的趣味,强烈的吉他和尖锐的唱腔很像那种典型的为电台所精心准备的能一呼即应的曲子。其他像Save Me,This is the sound又有向Jackson Browne和Undertones致意的感觉。专辑比上张更显出一种年轻的态度,整体保持一种快节奏,高噪音,在很多人看来,AHF真的成了Flavour of the week。 2005年,在加盟新东家Maverick后,公司为他们请来的王牌制作人Butch Walker,而这张最近推出的新专辑《Hearts On Parade》。尽管BW在音乐上给乐队注入了一些新鲜的元素,但笔者认为AHF的新专辑,却是大不如上两张专辑那么让人耳目一新。音乐无法突现他们自己的风格,而在歌词上,他们几乎所有的作品都和女孩脱不了关系,当然,这也是如今Punk-Pop乐队的一大特点,Pop元素永远多于Punk。

美国偶像》(American Idol)是福斯广播公司从2002年起主办的美国大众歌手选秀赛,英国电视节目《流行偶像》(Pop Idol)的美国版。人气非常高,近年的收视率牢牢占据着美国黄金时间段电视节目榜首。《美国偶像》的制作方是FremantleMedia,隶属于德国的贝塔斯曼公司;经纪方是19 Entertainment。《美国偶像》是发掘新一代美国歌手的比赛,同是亦是歌手迅速成名的好机会。
要从《美国偶像》的鼻祖-《流行偶像》(Pop Idol)介绍起,2001年英国电视台推出了选秀节目《流行偶像》,首届落幕便挖掘出了三名歌坛优质偶像:威尔-扬(Will Young)、葛瑞-盖斯(Gareth Gates)和达拉斯(Darius Danesh),一时间偶像旋风席卷全球。2002年,福克斯电视台独具慧眼以7000多万美元买下节目版权改编成《美国偶像》,并起用《流行偶像》创始人之一的西蒙-考威尔(Simon Cowell)担任广受争议的“毒舌评委”,《美偶》就此一炮而红,连续六年高踞收视率榜首,成为ABC、NBC等其他电视台唯恐避之而不及的收视大鳄,除了CBS电视台还能凭借两部经典罪案剧《海军罪案调查处》(NCIS)和《犯罪心理》(Criminal Minds)与之抗衡外,其他电视台纷纷调整节目时段躲开《美国偶像》的播出时间,《美国偶像》的王者风范就此可见一斑。

历届获胜冠军:第一届:Kelly Clarkson(凯莉·克莱森) 第二届:Ruben Studdard(鲁本·史坦德) 第三届:Fantasia(范塔西雅) 第四届:Carrie Underwood(卡丽·安德伍德) 第五届:Taylor Hicks(泰勒.希克斯)精彩视频地址:

南陵县17230031264: idol(关于idol的基本详情介绍)
诸葛贷抗病: 1、《Idol》是由韩国流行男团防弹少年团录唱的一首歌曲,歌词、曲谱由Pdogg、Supreme Boi、方时赫、阿里·坦波西、罗马·坎波洛、金南俊合作编写,被收录在防弹少年团正规三辑的改版唱片《Love Yourself 结 Answer》.2、2018年8月,该歌曲获得韩国KBS音乐节目《音乐银行》一位奖.

南陵县17230031264: 职业偶像是什么 -
诸葛贷抗病: 职业偶像分为两种,第一种对象是某个职业,第二种是喜欢的某个职业所代表的某个人物. 偶像(アイドル,Idol),是一种职业或身份,也是对艺人的一种称呼.是指从事演艺方面事业,通过展现个人魅力而受到年轻人崇拜与追捧的对象.同时,偶像也是ACGN次文化中的萌属性之一. 发展变化 20世纪七八十年代,以制造“爱豆”(即“偶像”英文idol的谐音)为目标的偶像工业率先始于日本. 21世纪前后,日韩偶像在中国被粉丝大肆追捧,中国娱乐产业开始炮制日韩偶像制造模式,借助互联网新媒体发展契机,偶像、粉丝文化和粉丝经济渐成规模,“饭圈”形成.

南陵县17230031264: 英语翻译 -
诸葛贷抗病: 在1977年,美国科学家走进一家宠物商店在美国,买了一只鹦鹉她名叫鹦鹉亚历山德罗.她教阿历克斯和研...

南陵县17230031264: 谁能提供崇拜偶像利大于弊的论据?
诸葛贷抗病: 主席,评委,对方辩友,大家好! 经过了一番激烈的唇枪舌剑,还是让我们冷静下来... 具体的说,青少年时期是由儿童向成人过渡的发展阶段,我们需要通过对不同偶像的...

南陵县17230031264: 入江菱纱 - 关于入江纱绫大家把知道入江纱绫的一切资料都放进来,尽量不要在网上
诸葛贷抗病: 本名:入江?绫(IRIESAAYA) 生日:1993年11月15日 血型:A型 出... 当idol不是踢球,年龄上应该没有虚报的问题.据悉?绫在拍这套写真时是去年的12...

南陵县17230031264: 偶像来了综艺(关于偶像来了综艺的基本详情介绍)
诸葛贷抗病: 1、《偶像来了》是湖南卫视出品的女神生活体验秀节目.2、节目共12期,节目主持人是何炅、汪涵,十位固定嘉宾是林青霞、杨钰莹、朱茵、宁静、蔡少芬、谢娜、赵丽颖、张含韵、古力娜扎、欧阳娜娜.3、节目有10位女嘉宾及2名主持人兼队长.4、以分组对抗的模式进行,两组各有一名队长及5名队员,共同进行2天1夜的对抗任务,并在每站投票产生一位女神,获得定制皇冠.5、《偶像来了》于2015年7月25日22:00播出先导篇,2015年8月1日起每周六晚22:00在湖南卫视播出,24点芒果TV全网独播,于2015年10月24日收官.

南陵县17230031264: EXO有前景吗? -
诸葛贷抗病: 当然有啊,EXO2013年发行了正规一辑xoxo(KISS& HUG) 销量已突破100万张, 成为自2000年韩国唱片销量第一.并凭借一首《Growl》横扫韩国各个音乐节目的一位,迅速成为街知巷闻的一线大势idol团体,更...

南陵县17230031264: 成濑理沙番号(关于成濑理沙番号的基本详情介绍)
诸葛贷抗病: 1、成瀬理沙(假名:なるせ りさ罗马音标:Naruse Risa),1993年8月13日出生于... 10、作品有《Go Ahead Live Idol/Live Idol Photo Book.》等.

南陵县17230031264: hit5段黄巍(关于hit5段黄巍的基本详情介绍)
诸葛贷抗病: 1、HIT-5,偶像组合,于2008年10月20日出道,全称为“5 Handsome Idol Teenagers”,寓意为五位引领时尚的魅力男孩.2、该组合由郭子渝、杨帆、段黄巍、董玉峰和高瀚宇组成.3、2013年7月,经纪公司天浩盛世发表声明,郭子渝将发展重心转向影视,HIT-5将以其余四人的名义继续发展.

南陵县17230031264: 介绍历届的美国偶像 -
诸葛贷抗病: 第一季(Season 1)2002年冠军:Kelly Clarkson首张专辑 Thankful 推出时间 2003年4月15日 全美销量 2,740,000 全球销量 4,000,000第二张专辑 Breakaway 推出时间 2004年11月30日 全美销量 6,130,000 全球销量 13,000,000第三张专辑 ...

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