
作者&投稿:法面 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Medical researchers are painfully aware that there are many problems _____(他们至今都没有找到答案)
一定是which thay haven't found answers to
能不能是and they haven't found answers yet.

这句的意思是这些 many problems 是他们至今都没有找到答案的 problems,所以说"他们至今都没有找到答案"是用来修饰 problems的, 那就要用定语从句修饰problems了,所以一定要用which thay haven't found answers to。and是并列结构,起不到修饰作用。

_______ (大多数父母所关心的) is providing the best education for their children
What most parents care about


Throught the project ,many people have received training and ___(决定自己创业)
decided to start their own business.
为什么不是they decided to start their own business.???and之后不就是另一句话了吗?

and 是并列结构,前后不一定都是句子做并列成分的,比如 I have an apple and a pear.前后都是名词结构。 I have read the book and finished my homework. 同样都不是完整的句子结构来做并列成分的。

The anti-virus agent was not known _____(直到一名医生偶然发现了它)
until it was accidentally found by a doctor
能不能是a doctor find it accidentally.

可以,但是find要改为 found,过去式。
until 作为连词,其后所跟的是一句完整的句子,其被动主动都不会被其前后句子所限制。
until 此外也能做介词,后跟名词作宾语。



1.Ten days 表示的是一段时间,时间是不可数名词,所以系动词用is,这跟days无关
2.根据句意--在理解句子的意思上你有什么困难吗? 来判断,困难是名词,所以要用 difficult 的名词形式
3.do something 表示做某事,现在题目要考的是它的否定形式,所以应是didn't do anything ,答案很明显的
4.这是个复合句,要慢慢分析,正确理解句意才行.在这里,that指代the only thing ,引导后面的定语从句

难做得很Ten days单数
difficulty in词组
only 不是要跟that的嘛,限定词要加的
3我怎么觉得的not do

2.have difficulty in doing sth做某事有困难 固定短语

一、1. Is he your father?2. Is Helen's mother a nurse?3. Are you free now?4. Can you see three birds in the tree?二、1. Who is the boy in the car?2. How old are you?3. What's his father?4. How many apples can you see in the box?三、1. What is this?2...

几道英语题 有答案求解释 有加分
4.B 这道难,首先要知道搭配the key to ……的关键,那么to 后面要是名词短语,于是用到了非谓语动词的动名词用法,CD排除。后面一空,你看到by就得明白是被动,但是这里填的不是平常的被动语态,而是表示被动的非谓语形式——过去分词,所以选B。家里有语法书好好看看非谓这章 我突然发现……...

这道题就是根据关键词写出问句和答句。前两题是对的,仿照着写就是了。3.How long is the street? It's five kilometres long.4.How big is the country? It has got twenty million people.5.How long is the city wall? It's six hundred metres long.6.How big is your home town...

同上道题一样,此空为speech的后置定语。而能做定语的有:过去分词,现在分词(AD项),动词不定式,故排除B和C。由started看出,整句话是过去时,而状语所表示的动作发生在谓语动词之前,所以状语应用完成时,故选D。52. It does not alter the fact that he was the man ___ for the death of ...

1,D 2,在过去,只有极少的人住在西部,但是现在加州的人口多于任何一个州。3,on ,in (具体的时间是用on的,不具体的时间用in,具体是指具体到某一天,像圣诞节就一定是在12月25日,所以要用on,后面的假期,没有一个固定的指定就要用in了)4,in 这一个是考在几天之内,像这种都要用in,...

为你解答。(A)The girl is good-looking but (a little bit ) thin.这个女孩长得很好看,就是瘦了点。解释:a little bit,表示有轻微的程度,一点点。(D)The man is not very tall. He is of medium (height).这人不太高。他是中等身材。解释:medium是形容词,修饰名词height(...

几道英语题- -帮忙呀
1 1This is the watch which Tom is looking for.2 This is the factory which we visited last week.1他就是你想见的人吗?Is he the person that you want to see ?2北京是我的出生地 Beijing is the place where Iwas born .3他父亲在他出生那年逝世了 His father died in...

2.(A)I don’t want to lend any more money to him; he’s already in debt ___ me.in debt (复债)可以说是个固定搭配,介词to是根据意思而选用的,此处的to表示“归属”,debt to me意思是“欠我的账”,其他例子如:the key to the office 办公室的钥匙,a private secretary...

1.穿蓝色衣服的老师用英语怎么说 the teacher in blue clothes 2.你是汤姆的同伴同学吗用英语怎么说 are you the classmate of tom's?3.他的文具盒用英语怎么说 his pencil-box 4.穿白衣服的女还用英语怎么说 the girl in white clothes 5.我能吃一个吗?好请吧用英语怎么说 may i have ...

15,根据by the end of last month ( 到上个月底),可知 finish 的动作是在上个月底之前发生,所以我们应该用过去完成时态,即:had finished 16, likes 后面可以是to do,也可以是doing,at后面没有名词, 可知laugh 应该用被动形式。正确答案是:to be laughed ,也可以 being laughed. 整句汉...

江口县17042007028: 请大家帮我看几道英语语法题需要正确率A:The teacher says we - _____ - our assignment tomorrow if it's not ready today.B:Thank goodness!I need a little more... -
系窦盐酸:[答案] 按照你给的顺序,答案分别是: will turn in一般将来时 be able to assist would go过去经常 can't have been对过去情况进行否定推测判断 Would you rather 固定搭配用法 祝你开心如意!

江口县17042007028: 几道英语题,请各位帮我看一看1.lt's in Qingdao - __ - you are going to pay a visit to - __ - this kind of washing machine is producedA./,that B.where,which C./,... -
系窦盐酸:[答案] 1.A.这个明显考察强调句型,只不过套了一个定语从句.2.determined 已经转化为一个形容词了,所以形容词短语放在后面作状语是可以的.而且此词表达心理状态,没有必要用现在分词表达正在进行的含义.3.这里考察定语从句引...

江口县17042007028: 大家帮我看看几道英语题 -
系窦盐酸: 1 A如果用more than 整句话应该是the new model costs twice more than it did last year.这里有个more than的用法小结 可以参考一下http://www.pep.com.cn:82/200503/ca717382.htm C花费的钱是不可数的 所以不能用many D than前面应该有比较级 2 这个问题真是..按照语法来说是应该选c的 要不你再核实一下答案? 3 B如果是as good as 就应该是对的 well是副词 不能形容名词handwriting

江口县17042007028: 大家帮我看下下面几道题(英语)1:What's__at the cinema today?A:in B:on C:out D:away2:she does nothing but__A:crying B:cries C:to cry D:cry3:It's time we - ... -
系窦盐酸:[答案] B C A D D A1.今天电影院播放什么电影 固定搭配2.词组固定搭配 nothing but to do 3.固定句式 It's time/advice/suggestion等等 用虚拟语气 并且是should do 的虚拟 should可以省略4.虚拟语气 对过去的虚拟 表示过...

江口县17042007028: 大家帮我看几道英语选择题需要正确率谢谢The thief stole the TV,the DVD player,the computer,and the printer while we - ______.Nobody heard a thing!1.have ... -
系窦盐酸:[答案] 2,while we were sleeping 我们在睡觉的时候 2,Whenever I hear it,I think about my hometown,hear 和 think事态一致,意为当我.时,我. 2 Don't worry about a thing.I'll run all your errands for you until you can drive again.一般将来时 2 过去完成进行时,...

江口县17042007028: 大家帮忙看几道英语题目
系窦盐酸: 您好,1)something2)Is; anything; is; nothing3)anything4)they are5)Someone is

江口县17042007028: 帮我看几道英语语法题需要正确率A:Is it true - _____ - tear down the old schoolhouse?B:Well,I don't know.I hope it's not true.what they're going toare they ... -
系窦盐酸:[答案] that they're going to What you get what is the capital of Greenland Whether everyone likes him Whoever scores

江口县17042007028: 大家帮我看几道英语语法题需要正确率Harry and Mary are a retired couple.They - _____ - married for 42 years.arewerehave beenhad beenThey travel a lot.... -
系窦盐酸:[答案] Have been Have visited Have beeing traveling didn't have Had been saving

江口县17042007028: 下面几道英语题,大家帮忙看看,最好说一下翻译和理由.1.他们一直都在努力学习,所以他们将会得到高分. They work hard - __ - ___ - ___ - , so they will get ... -
系窦盐酸:[答案] 1.all the time 2.A 3.A

江口县17042007028: 大家帮我看几道英语选择题需要正确率谢谢The company president has just retired.She has already sold her house in the suburbs because she - _____ - to a ... -
系窦盐酸:[答案] 1 1 4 1 4

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